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Life skills for the new age – 2020s and beyond




We all live through three distinct phases in our life: (a) education phase (b) work phase and (c) retirement phase. The phases are very different, one from the other, though there may be some overlaps in terms of certain activities. We spontaneously pick up, as it were, certain skills in each of the phases, but it is advisable that we put in conscious efforts towards acquiring the right skills, which could assure us a higher degree of success.

In these few pages, I am sharing largely my personal experiences, but I have also included insights gained from my friends and colleagues whom I regard highly for their maturity and professional competence.

Education phase
Without exception, all parents strive to provide the best possible education to their children according to their means. However, the quality of education the child receives is heavily dependent on the nature and the standing of the school where the child could finally secure admission. Most parents opt to get their children admitted to a school close to their residence or in one which assures transport arrangements.

A few parents may decide to send their children, generally their grownup children, to a boarding school. A boarding school is certainly very conducive to the overall development of the child, but everyone knows boarding schools cost a lot. Only those parents, who can afford to foot the bill and who do not mind their children living away from them, exercise this option. Once through with the school, college education comes next. Choice of the field of study is the most critical issue at this stage. Very many factors influence this decision, the most important being the score card, the actual marks obtained in the school finals. Given the intense competition for the few seats available for a particular specialisation in any reputed college, the child?? performance in the school will be the most decisive factor. In addition, parents??preferences and the counsel of vocational guides and well-wishers, will also play a part.

Life at college, free of the school uniform, ushers in a period of freedom. Opportunities for abuse are very high. Bunking classes is always a major temptation to the students. It seems to give them a sense of power. However, during this period, the idea of what one wants to achieve in life begins to take shape, especially among the more devoted of the student community. While at college, one needs to concentrate on classroom learning. This must be supplemented by study at home and regular visits to the library. No one can broaden one?? horizon or do well academically without the study of the recommended books and journals.

At the same time, one needs also to develop an interest in extra-curricular activities such as sports, drama, elocution, debating, music, dance, and singing. Academic excellence alone will not suffice for all-round development. Participation in sports and games can contribute immensely to preparing oneself for the next phase in life, the Work Phase. Be that as it may, academic learning should be the prime focus at this stage. In college, students in particular course will be of varying economic backgrounds. Accordingly, their ambitions and dreams, and their focus and their lifestyles are likely to be different. Difficult as it may be children need to be helped to integrate this truth into their life. We do not choose our parents and there is no reason to feel apologetic if one happens to come from a poorer section of the society, economically speaking. College students should be made aware of the laws of the land with regard to the consumption of drugs. They must be forewarned by teachers and parents about the dangers and pernicious effects of drug abuse. Health is ruined. Concentration is lost. Career is endangered. Most of all a drug addict finds himself on the wrong side of the law with its attendant consequences. While at college, students should be singularly focused on achieving the goals they have set for themselves. College education is the first step in obtaining a Diploma or a Degree. It also spells the start of acquiring domain knowledge in a particular field. Development of social skills also occurs during this period.

Domain knowledge must be amply supported with knowledge of networking and technology as these are regarded as essential for success in the future. All these skills should ideally lead to developing a high level of self-confidence, feeling certain about what one wants to do in life, and the ability to stay competitive in this ??an-eats-dog world?? Successful completion of a Diploma or a Degree course paves the way for the student either to pursue higher education or to seek gainful employment of some kind and, in some cases, even to be self-employed.

By way of summary, we can say that after college education, the skill-sets required of the New Age personnel will revolve around the following areas:

a) Ease of using digital tools.

b) Focus, a high level of goal-orientation.

c) Self-confidence coupled with the realisation that organisations are hierarchical, and one will have to work under a boss.

d) While at college competing with fellow students was acceptable, but in the workplace collaboration and teamwork are more desirable. They are also important for one?? overall success.

e) Organisations function based on rules and regulations, and therefore strict adherence to the rules is expected of the new entrants to the corporate life.

Gradually all the life skills are becoming gender neutral. Hence, everyone, regardless of the gender, must acquire household-related skills as well such as cooking and housekeeping. These skills are better developed at a young age and so the role of parents in ensuring that their wards are on track in acquiring these skills cannot be over-emphasised.

Work phase
Presently there is a serious slowdown in the economy of the country owing primarily to the outbreak of Covid -19 pandemic. This is a global phenomenon. It would take a while to return to the pre-Covid19 situation. The job market in India is at present under unprecedented stress, more so for the fresh graduates in any field other than medicine and information technology (IT). Limited jobs are available to the new entrants in the job market.

Let us not forget that a high tide always follows a low tide. We have to keep our hopes alive as jobseekers. This will also apply to the enterprises in the country. Enterprises that had earlier faced global competition are seeing a big shift. The recent protectionist policies increasingly adopted by countries across the world, including India, are bound to aid the local enterprises to some extent. Increased use of electronic media by businesses in different spheres has also come as a boon. As a result, enterprises related to Information Technology (IT) and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) have benefitted immensely during this pandemic.

Job prospects have considerably improved in these sectors. Also, lectures and classes, both at schools and colleges, are being held in a virtual fashion. This is likely to become the new normal, especially when it comes to imparting distance education. An academic qualification, even just a Diploma or a Degree, may serve as a passport for entry into the world of work. However, it does not guarantee a steady growth in career thereafter. Continuous learning and upgradation of skills are a must for any meaningful growth in one?? career. Money is not to be made as the be-all and the end-all of life or the sole purpose of our work.

There are so many other good reasons why we perform at our best: service to the world, sense of personal satisfaction, and growth in competence, to mention a few. Let us bear in mind that nobody ever has died of hard work, but several have perished because of laziness. In the world of work, it is essential that one keeps oneself physically fit, mentally alert, and emotionally stable, despite the pressures at the workplace and in one?? personal life. While in the world of work, it is essential that one maintains cordial relationships with one?? spouse and children, one?? parents and siblings, in-laws and relatives, friends, and associates, as they are said to serve as the emotional anchors to our lives. They do help an individual to navigate through turbulent times successfully. One?? school and college batchmates can also contribute in a big way to one?? emotional wellbeing even though they will have their individual paths to follow and their own personal destinies to fulfil.

For the next several years, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, many persons will face a difficult situation in finding jobs and in retaining them. Hence, individuals must consciously maintain a positive and optimistic attitude as this alone can help deal with the current challenges in life. Some young people, disappointed at not being promoted or not being rewarded adequately, quit their jobs in haste without another job or any other alternative in hand. This is imprudent, to say the least. A candid assessment of one?? capabilities and performance levels and careful scrutiny of one?? shortcomings and weaknesses would throw up useful data for charting out a required improvement path, which should eventually lead to the desired levels of success. We do not expect the workplace to be some sort of a paradise. There are bound to be problems and challenges of all kinds, some of which may be very undesirable. Stress and strain in a job are also inevitable.

The remedy lies in getting engaged in absorbing hobbies and pursuing other interests such as social work or games. This will help to destress oneself and to find meaning in some other areas of life. The satisfaction derived this way can compensate for the unhappiness being felt at the work front. Another important suggestion would be about developing a love for and pride in the organisation we work for. There is more than adequate evidence to show that a positive attitude towards one?? organisation has contributed in a significant way to a person?? career growth and overall success in life. As far as the work phase is concerned, there are five areas to focus on: home, self, work, profession, and community. This will call for apportioning the available time appropriately for all the five aspects of one?? life. Success in this regard results in enhancing the ability of the person to make a real difference in the world. For achieving success in the world of work, the following are necessary:

a) A clear vision, knowing what one desires to achieve in life.

b) Discipline of completing tasks in time, with quality and excellence, sparing no effort in doing one is very best.

c) An iron will, determined to achieve the desired goal.

d) Building acceptability with one?? boss, peers, and subordinates, which is the outcome of having built adequate trust in the relationships.

e) Keeping abreast of the changes in technology and the new developments in one?? field of work.

f) Lastly, one?? share of luck. After all, the goddess of luck does play a big part in our fortunes in life.

Here is a list of skills required of a person in the World of Work in the 2020s and beyond:

1. Passion for one?? work

2. High work ethics

3. Entrepreneurial spirit

4. Critical thinking

5. Creativity

6. Interpersonal skills

7. Empathy

8. Ability to work with diverse people

9. Time Management – keeping promises and honouring commitments

10. Ability to deal with uncertainty

11. Adaptability ??bility to navigate in turbulent waters

12. Willingness to share resources and work as a team

13. Continuous learning

14. Managing change

15. Knowledge of the use of digital tools.

Retirement phase
After the work phase, an individual retires from the organisation and moves into the retirement phase. The superannuation age in most enterprises Is 58 or 60 years. Some retire prematurely before the age of superannuation either to pursue some other interests of their own or just to rest. Only those who are financially sound can choose to retire early. Unless one is employed with the government, job security is no more a reality in today?? world. Enterprises keep restructuring, merging, and downsizing all the time so much so that one is made to feel permanently as a temporary hand till one retires. Self-employed persons have the luxury of prolonging their work-life well into their 70??. When they finally decide to hang their boots, they move into the retirement phase of their life. The job market in India is not all that rosy at present and those employed have to face innumerable challenges to stay afloat in the corporate waters. It is undoubtedly a case of the ??urvival of the fittest?? Therefore, those employed should be making a saving regularly for the rainy days ahead. Getting trapped in the EMI (Equated Monthly Instalment) culture, which is all too popular today, is very undesirable except for purposes such as purchase of a house.

While in the world of work, one also needs to develop alternative sources of income, should one be unfortunate enough to lose the job for some reason or other. Sudden terminations are not uncommon in today?? organisations. One must be prepared for any such eventuality by consciously developing an alternative source of livelihood. All this would serve one well during the retirement phase. For leading a meaningful and peaceful life during the retirement phase, one has to attend to the following matters:

a) Own dwelling place.

b) Maintaining good health and remaining fit physically, mentally, and emotionally, by regular exercises including yoga.

c) Healthy and nutritious diet.

d) A healthy bank account. Adequate funds for oneself and for one?? spouse. Whoever survives should also be able to live on comfortably without having to depend on children or anyone else.

e) Meaningful occupations. Professional pursuits and Hobbies of some kind. Both will do wonders to a person?? life.

In life we all go through the three phases we have talked about, though our experiences may vary owing to various factors, such as family status, educational levels, nature of the profession, and the personality of the individual.

We have highlighted some of the essential skills needed to be effective and successful in each phase ??during the 2020s and beyond. This is not an exhaustive list but does cover the critical aspects to focus on to ensure a person?? smooth passage through the three phases of life. It is important to nurture affection and love for one?? school and college and develop feelings of gratitude and respect for the teachers, but for whom we could not have moved through the education phase successfully. We also need to be grateful to all the organisations we have worked for and should never speak ill of any of our past employers. Our work phase is largely what our life is made of. If this is how we carry ourselves during the first two phases of our life, the retirement phase will certainly prove to be a period of great joy and peace, as we will be able to look back at the years gone by and our various accomplishments with great satisfaction. Our life will certainly go down as a meaningful life.

Dr Rajen Mehrotra is Past President of Industrial Relations Institute of India (IRII, Former Senior Employers??Specialist for South Asian Region with International Labor Organization (ILO) and Former Corporate Head of HR with ACC and Former Corporate Head of Manufacturing and HR with Novartis India. E-Mail:

The article is based on a talk delivered by the author in a Webinar on ??ssential Skills For Tomorrow – 2020+??organised by Mind Power on September 26, 2020 for students, executives and retired professionals. Published in October 2020 issue of Current Labour Reports.

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Smart-Tech in Cement!





An invigorating discussion amongst industry experts, on digital transformation, sustainability and cybersecurity, threw interesting insights.

The cement industry is at a crucial juncture, with digital transformation, sustainability, and automation shaping its future. The panel discussion explored key points on digitalisation, sustainability and automation, emphasising the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to modern cement manufacturing.
The webinar was moderated by Dr SB Hegde, Professor, Jain College of Engineering & Technology, Hubli; and Visiting Professor, Pennsylvania State University, USA.

Speakers included:

  • Dr Hemantkumar Aiyer, VP & Head R&D, Nuvoco Vistas Corp
  • Dr Raju Goyal, Executive President, Chief Technical and Sustainability Officer,

UltraTech Cement

  • Dr Rizwan Sabjan, Head – Global Sales and Proposals, Process Control and Optimisation, FLSmidth Cement
  • Prosenjit Dutta, Director Operations, PS Digitech-HR India
  • Raghu Vokuda, Chief Digital Officer,

JSW Cement

  • Sachin Vaidya, Regional GM – Digital, Process Industries, ABB

Role of digital transformation
Dr Hegde emphasised the need for integrating emerging technologies with a multidisciplinary approach to enhance cement plant efficiency. He highlighted that “understanding of systems and how to integrate them” is essential for maximising the benefits of digital tools.
Sabjan echoed this sentiment, stressing that cement plants need to embrace a cultural and mindset shift to fully leverage digital technologies. He pointed out, “Software can do wonders for the plant, but only if the workforce understands and implements it effectively.” He warned against isolated implementations, advocating for a holistic approach where departments like OT, quality control and automation work together.

Sustainability: The road ahead
With sustainability becoming a global priority, cement manufacturers must adapt to new environmental regulations and carbon reduction goals. Dr Hegde posed a critical question: “How is the cement industry moving towards sustainability, and how can plants prepare for these changes?”
Sabjan responded by highlighting the importance of long-term planning and commitment. “Often, discussions happen, but after two months, we forget about them and restart from scratch. This approach will not work. We need a structured, goal-oriented plan with defined KPIs,” he said. Sabjan emphasised the need for a systematic approach, focusing on tangible metrics such as energy savings. “If a plant aims to improve energy efficiency by five percent, it must set this as a goal and track progress,” he suggested.
The discussion also underscored the need for strong leadership to drive digital adoption. “A motivated team and a dynamic leader can make all the difference,” Dr Hegde noted.

Enhancing durability with digital tools
Strength and durability remain critical concerns in cement production. Goyal explained, “Machine learning-based lab technologies enable predictive analysis, allowing manufacturers to forecast 28-day, 7-day, and 1-day strengths before the material leaves the mill.” He also emphasised the importance of soft sensors, which “help predict strength and optimise mix design before production.”
He elaborated on the role of XRF/XRD analysis: “These tools provide elemental and mineralogical insights, allowing for quick adjustments to raw materials and ensuring consistent quality.” Furthermore, digital twins are revolutionising cement quality optimisation. “They allow us to simulate and test mix designs before implementation, reducing errors and optimising durability.”

Cybersecurity risks in IT-OT integration
As cement plants become increasingly digitalised, cybersecurity threats pose significant risks. Vaidya expressed concern that many manufacturers underestimate cybersecurity risks. “As a technology provider, I often struggle to convince cement manufacturers of the importance of cybersecurity. Some benefits are intangible but essential for plant security.”
He outlined major threats, including malware attacks, unauthorised network access, and operational disruptions. “Preventive measures include secure data transactions, network monitoring, and regular cybersecurity training for staff to minimise insider threats,” he said.
He urged cement companies to take cybersecurity seriously: “As digital transformation advances, cybersecurity is not an option—it is a necessity. Without proper security protocols, cement plants risk cyberattacks that could halt production.”
Dr Hegde agreed, adding, “People often ignore cybersecurity until they experience financial loss. Awareness must be proactive, not reactive.”
Dutta stated, “Advanced process control (APC) is a game-changer for cement manufacturing, allowing us to stabilise operations, optimise fuel efficiency, and reduce energy consumption through real-time data insights.”
He emphasised the transformative impact of real-time data analytics and advanced process control (APC) in cement manufacturing. He highlighted that APC enables manufacturers to optimise raw mix design, fuel efficiency and kiln operations through data-driven decision-making. By continuously monitoring critical parameters, APC minimises process variations, improves stability, and reduces energy consumption, leading to cost savings and enhanced productivity. Additionally, he stressed the role of predictive maintenance in preventing equipment failures, extending machinery lifespan and minimising downtime, ultimately ensuring consistent quality and operational efficiency in cement production.

Will Indian plants become fully autonomous?
With AI, robotics and digital twins transforming global cement production, the question arises: Can Indian cement plants become fully autonomous within the next 5–10 years?
Vokuda was skeptical about complete automation in the near future. “Indian cement plants will see significant automation, but full autonomy remains unlikely within a decade. A hybrid model, combining AI-powered decision-making with human oversight, is more practical.”
He highlighted key challenges: “Unlike developed nations, India’s low labour costs may make full automation less attractive. Additionally, digital twin technology in India is still in its early stages, focusing more on process twins than asset twins.”
Another challenge is data management. “AI-ML models require vast amounts of data, which necessitates ultra-low latency networks like 5G and edge computing. We are not yet at that level of technological maturity,” he explained.
Despite these hurdles, he remains optimistic: “While full automation may take longer, the industry will continue to evolve with advancements in digital twins, real-time analytics, and AI-driven insights.”

Experts agree that while technology holds immense potential, its successful implementation depends on cultural shifts, strong leadership, and structured execution.
Key takeaways from the discussion include:

  • Integration of digital tools: Multidisciplinary collaboration is essential for successful implementation.
  • Sustainability goals: Defined KPIs and a long-term approach are crucial.
  • Quality optimisation: Machine learning, real-time analysis, and digital twins are improving cement strength and durability.
  • Cybersecurity: As digital transformation progresses, cement plants must prioritise cybersecurity.
  • Automation: While full autonomy is unlikely soon, AI and digital tools will play a growing role in decision-making.
    As the industry moves forward, cement manufacturers must embrace technological advancements while ensuring resilience against cybersecurity threats and operational challenges. With the right strategies, India’s cement sector can achieve greater efficiency, sustainability, and innovation in the years to come.

ICR’s virtual panel discussion was supported by FLSmidth Cement as the Presenting Partner and ABB as the Gold Partner.

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The Science and Application of Grinding Aids





Dr SB Hegde discusses the importance of grinding aids as essential chemical additives that enhance cement grinding efficiency, reduce energy consumption and improve overall cement quality in the concluding part of his article.

Grinding aids represent a critical segment of the cement additives market, driven by their ability to enhance grinding efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and improve cement quality. The market dynamics of grinding aids vary significantly across regions, influenced by economic growth, cement production capacities and regulatory environments.

Global market size and growth projections
The global grinding aids market was valued at approximately US $ 1.2 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.5 per cent from 2023 to 2030, reaching nearly US $ 1.8 billion by 2030.
This growth is fueled by the increasing focus on energy efficiency and sustainable cement production practices worldwide.
Rapid urbanisation and infrastructure development, especially in emerging economies, are major growth drivers. Cement producers are increasingly adopting grinding aids to address rising energy costs, reduce carbon footprints, and improve production efficiencies. For instance, grinding aids have been shown to lower energy consumption by up to 25 per cent, making them a cost-effective solution for plants facing energy price volatility.

Regional trends: Developed vs. developing markets

  • Developed markets: Europe and North America represent mature markets for grinding aids. Europe, driven by stringent environmental regulations such as the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), has witnessed a steady rise in the adoption of low-VOC and eco-friendly grinding aids. Leading players in these markets emphasise sustainability and compliance with regulatory frameworks, contributing to steady demand.
    In North America, the focus is on productivity enhancements in large-scale cement plants, with grinding aids used to achieve finer cement grades and support blended cement production.
  • Developing markets: Emerging economies in Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa exhibit the fastest growth in grinding aid adoption. The Asia-Pacific region accounted for over 40 per cent of global grinding aid consumption in 2023, with countries like India, China, and Vietnam leading the way. The rapid urbanisation, rising construction activity, and increasing cement production capacities in these regions are
    driving demand.

In Africa, grinding aids are gaining traction as manufacturers focus on optimising production costs in an environment of fluctuating raw material and energy prices.

Market size and adoption rate in India
India, the world’s second-largest cement producer, offers a significant growth opportunity for grinding aids. In 2023, the grinding aids market in India was valued at US$ 150 million, with a projected growth rate of over seven per cent CAGR through 2030. The adoption rate remains relatively low at smaller plants, which prioritise cost-saving over efficiency gains. However, leading manufacturers and integrated cement plants are increasingly embracing grinding aids, particularly for blended cement production.
Blended cements, such as Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) and Portland Slag Cement (PSC), account for more than 70 per cent of the Indian cement market. Grinding aids tailored for fly ash and slag-blended cements are in high demand, with some products delivering up to a 15 per cent increase in mill throughput and improved early strength development.

Emerging trends

  • Eco-friendly formulations: The growing demand for sustainable grinding aids has prompted companies to develop low-VOC and biodegradable alternatives.
  • Customised solutions: Grinding aid formulations are increasingly tailored to address specific raw material challenges and production processes, such as VRMs or high-SCM cement blends.
  • Digitalisation: Smart dosing systems integrated with real-time mill monitoring are enabling optimised grinding aid usage, ensuring consistent performance across diverse production conditions.

Bridging the Trust Gap
For cement plant operators, the quality and performance of grinding aids often appear as a ‘black box.’ The lack of transparency in the formulation and quality checks of these additives has historically limited trust and widespread adoption. Grinding aid manufacturers must address this issue by fostering transparency and providing detailed insights into the testing and validation of their products. This would not only instill confidence but also strengthen collaboration with cement companies.
Grinding aid producers should provide robust documentation outlining the physical and chemical characteristics of their formulations, supported by consistent performance data from laboratory tests, industrial-scale trials, and third-party validations. This transparency is essential to demystify grinding aids’ performance and demonstrate their effectiveness across diverse operational conditions.

Emerging innovations in grinding aid chemistry
The path forward for grinding aid manufacturers lies in innovation. Recent research highlights the potential of hybrid formulations combining traditional amines and glycols with advanced polymeric additives like polycarboxylate ethers (PCEs). These hybrid products can address specific challenges such as improving grindability in blended cements containing fly ash or slag, where traditional additives often underperform. Nano-engineering of grinding aids, incorporating nanoparticles for optimised dispersion and enhanced hydration kinetics, represents another promising avenue.

Leveraging AI for optimisation

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning tools into grinding aid application systems is reshaping the cement industry. AI-driven systems enable real-time optimisation of grinding aid dosages by analysing mill performance data, such as power consumption, throughput, and particle size distribution. For example, a cement plant in Europe reported a 15 per cent reduction in specific energy consumption and a 10 per cent
increase in mill throughput using AI-optimised dosing systems. This innovation reduces operational variability and improves the predictability of grinding aid performance.

Expectations from grinding aid producers
The cement industry demands more than just products; it seeks partnerships with grinding aid manufacturers. Key expectations include:
1. Customised formulations: Tailored products designed for specific raw materials, clinker compositions, and mill configurations to maximise efficiency and performance.
2. Eco-friendly additives: Grinding aids with low volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and biodegradable ingredients that align with the industry’s sustainability goals.
3. Comprehensive technical support: On-site training and technical services to help plant operators understand grinding aid chemistry, application techniques and performance optimisation strategies.
4. Advanced quality control systems: Transparent testing protocols, including real-time quality assurance of grinding aids delivered to cement plants. Regular reporting of performance consistency through defined KPIs like grindability index and Blaine fineness is essential.

Role of cement companies in promoting grinding aid usage
Cement producers must take an active role in promoting grinding aid adoption. Sharing success stories of energy savings, improved mill performance, and enhanced cement quality can encourage industry-wide adoption. For example, an Indian cement manufacturer recently documented a 20 per cent improvement in 28-day compressive strength and a 10 per cent reduction in energy consumption with glycol-based additives, driving interest among peers.
Moreover, collaborative initiatives between cement producers and grinding aid manufacturers, such as joint research programs and knowledge-sharing forums, could lead to significant advancements in grinding technology. Organisations like the Cement Manufacturers’ Association of India and the World Cement Association can facilitate these partnerships.

Grinding aids play a pivotal role in modern cement manufacturing, offering significant advantages in energy efficiency, mill productivity and cement quality. Despite their transformative potential, adoption remains inconsistent due to challenges like raw material variability, operational concerns and limited trust in product formulations. Transparency and collaboration between grinding aid producers and cement manufacturers are critical to addressing these issues and fostering broader acceptance.
Innovations in grinding aid chemistry, including hybrid formulations and nano-engineered additives, have unlocked new possibilities for enhancing grindability and hydration performance. Meanwhile, advancements in artificial intelligence and data analytics have opened avenues for real-time optimisation, ensuring precise dosing and measurable cost savings. These developments underscore the evolving synergy between technology and grinding aid applications.
Globally, the grinding aid market is poised for growth, with developed regions leading adoption and emerging economies like India offering immense potential driven by infrastructure demands. However, tapping into these opportunities requires grinding aid producers to align with industry expectations. Cement manufacturers expect customised solutions, eco-friendly formulations, technical support and transparent quality assurance processes to build trust and confidence.
The path forward demands a collaborative approach. Grinding aid producers must continue investing in research and innovation while actively engaging with the cement industry to educate stakeholders and demonstrate measurable benefits. Concurrently, the cement industry must champion adoption through case studies, knowledge sharing, and regulatory support. Together, these efforts will ensure grinding aids fulfill their promise of enabling a more efficient, sustainable, and resilient cement manufacturing sector.

1. Gao, J., Zhang, S., Wang, X., & Ma, B. (2011). “Effect of organic grinding aids on cement properties and the analysis via liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.” Construction and Building Materials, 25(8), 3600–3605.
2. Amritphale, S. S., Patel, M., & Singh, R. (2017). “Grinding aids: A study on their mechanism of action in cement grinding processes.” Indian Cement Review.
3. Cembureau – The European Cement Association. “Cement grinding optimisation through grinding aids.” Industry Report, 2023.
4. Flatt, R. J., & Schober, I. (2012). “Superplasticisers and the rheology of concrete.” International Journal of Cement Chemistry, 64(4), 91–109.
5. Mejeoumov, G. G. (2007). “Improved cement quality and grinding efficiency by means of closed mill circuit modeling.” PhD Dissertation, Texas A&M University.
6. Global Cement. “Advances in grinding aids: Market trends and new technologies.” Published October 2024.
7. Statista. “Global grinding aids market size and forecast (2023-2030).” Published March 2024.
8. Pal, B. K., & Rath, P. C. (2020). “Influence of grinding aids on particle size distribution, strength, and hydration of cement.” Journal of Materials Science and Applications, 45(2), 234–246.
9. Indian Cement Review. “Emerging market scope of grinding aids in India.” Published July 2023.
10. Zhang, H., Li, X., & Zhao, Y. (2022). “The role of grinding aids in improving cement hydration kinetics.” Journal of Advanced Materials Science, 17(6), 527–540.
11. Sika AG. “Technical Report on Polycarboxylate Ether (PCE) based grinding aids.” Published 2022.
12. Cement and Concrete Research. “AI-driven optimisation in cement grinding: Case studies and industrial applications.” Volume 152, 2023.
13. Taylor, H. F. W. (1997). Cement Chemistry (2nd Edition). Thomas Telford Publishing.
14. Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM). “Market trends and challenges in cement manufacturing.” Annual Report, 2024.
15. World Cement Association. “Sustainability in grinding aids and cement additives.” Published 2024.

About the author:
Dr SB Hegde, a global cement industry leader with over 30 years of experience, is a Professor at Jain College of Engineering, India, and a Visiting Professor at Pennsylvania State University, USA. Recipient of the ‘Global Visionary’ award, Dr Hegde advises India’s think tank CSTEP on hydrogen usage in cement and consults for major cement companies. He also serves on expert panels of key industry bodies and journals globally.

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Smart sustainable solutions





Efficient bulk material handling has always been critical for seamless production, cost reduction and environmental compliance. Kanika Mathur delves into advanced automation, smart sensors and sustainable transport solutions that are key to overcoming challenges.

The cement industry is a cornerstone of infrastructure development, contributing significantly to economic growth. However, cement production involves the handling and transportation of vast quantities of raw materials such as limestone, clay, iron ore, fly ash and gypsum, as well as the final product—cement itself. Efficient bulk material handling (BMH) systems are crucial in ensuring uninterrupted production, reducing operational costs, minimising material wastage and improving overall efficiency.

In an industry where material losses, dust emissions, and energy consumption are major concerns, advancements in bulk material handling technology are playing a vital role in optimising operations. Automated and energy-efficient bulk handling solutions, such as pneumatic conveying systems, belt conveyors and stacker-reclaimer systems, are transforming the way cement plants manage their raw materials and finished products. This article explores the key aspects of bulk material handling in the cement industry, the latest technological advancements, and the challenges and opportunities in this space.

Importance of bulk material handling
Cement manufacturing requires the continuous movement of raw materials from mines and quarries to processing plants, followed by the transportation of the finished product to storage facilities and distribution networks. Bulk material handling systems ensure that this process runs smoothly, reducing downtime and enhancing productivity.
According to the Global Cement Report (2023), inefficient material handling contributes to 5 – 10 per cent of total cement production losses in India. Additionally, poor handling practices lead to high levels of dust pollution, which is a significant environmental and health concern. With cement production in India expected to reach 500 million metric tonnes by 2025, the demand for advanced and automated material handling systems is increasing rapidly.
Jacob Jose, CEO and Managing Director, Methods India, says, “With our advanced pipe conveyors, downhill conveyors and cross-country conveyors, we have revolutionised the way cement plants transport raw materials. Our technology helps reduce operational costs, minimise environmental impact and improve energy efficiency. Over the years, we have observed a positive impact in the industry, particularly with the growing adoption of pipe conveyors and cross-country conveyors, which have proven to be more efficient and environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional transport methods.”

Key bulk material handling technologies
1. Belt conveyors: The workhorse of cement plants
Belt conveyors are one of the most widely used bulk material handling solutions in the cement industry. They transport raw materials, clinker and finished cement over long distances within the plant and to storage facilities. Modern high-capacity belt conveyors can handle loads exceeding 10,000 tonnes per hour, significantly improving efficiency.

  • Advantages: High efficiency, low operational costs, and reduced manual intervention.
  • Challenges: Belt wear and tear, spillage, and maintenance requirements.
  • Technological advancement: The introduction of heat-resistant and fire-retardant conveyor belts has improved durability, while sensor-based predictive maintenance systems help detect belt failures before they occur.

2. Stacker and reclaimer systems: Optimising storage and retrieval
Stackers and reclaimers are essential for managing bulk raw materials in cement plants. Stackers pile materials such as limestone, coal, and gypsum, while reclaimers retrieve them for processing. These systems ensure homogeneous blending, reducing material variability and enhancing cement quality.

  • Latest innovation: Automated stacker and reclaimer systems with AI-driven optimisation help maximise storage space and minimise
    retrieval time.
  • Efficiency gains: Newer stacker-reclaimer designs allow for material recovery rates of over 90 per cent, reducing wastage and ensuring a steady feed to the production line.

3. Pneumatic conveying systems: Dust-free material transfer
Pneumatic conveying systems use air pressure or vacuum systems to move powdered and granular materials such as fly ash, cement and kiln dust through pipelines. They are particularly useful in reducing dust emissions and preventing material contamination.

  • Advantages: Dust-free operation, reduced environmental impact, and minimal maintenance.
  • Industry adoption: Many Indian cement plants are shifting from mechanical conveyors to high-pressure pneumatic conveying systems to comply with pollution control regulations set by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).

4. Screw conveyors and bucket elevators: Compact and versatile solutions

  • Screw conveyors: Used for short-distance material movement, particularly for handling fine and powdered materials such as cement, gypsum, and pulverised coal.
  • Bucket elevators: Ideal for vertical material transport, commonly used for lifting raw meal, cement, and clinker to storage silos.
  • Technological upgrades: The introduction of wear-resistant alloy buckets and variable-speed drives has enhanced the reliability and efficiency of these systems.

Challenges in bulk material handling
Despite significant advancements, several challenges continue to hinder bulk material handling efficiency in cement plants:
1. Material spillage and dust emissions
Material spillage and dust emissions pose environmental, health, and financial challenges. Uncontrolled dust emissions from conveyors, transfer points, and storage facilities not only violate regulatory norms but also lead to material losses. Studies show that up to three per cent of bulk materials are lost due to improper handling in Indian cement plants.

  • Solution: Enclosed conveyors, dust suppression systems, and bag filters help reduce dust pollution.

2. High energy consumption
Bulk material handling systems consume a significant amount of energy, especially in large cement plants where materials need to be transported over long distances. According to a CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) report (2023), energy costs account for nearly 40 per cent of total production expenses in cement manufacturing.

  • Solution: Energy-efficient conveyor motors, regenerative braking systems, and smart automation can help reduce power consumption.

3. Wear and tear of equipment
Continuous exposure to abrasive materials like limestone and clinker leads to significant wear and tear in bulk material handling equipment, increasing maintenance costs and downtime.

  • Solution: The use of wear-resistant liners, ceramic-coated conveyor belts, and automated lubrication systems extends equipment life and reduces maintenance downtime.

4. Logistics and transportation bottlenecks
Moving bulk materials from cement plants to distribution centers requires an efficient logistics network. Rail and road congestion, inadequate infrastructure, and high transportation costs often result in delays and increased operational expenses.

  • Solution: Integrated bulk terminals and automated dispatch systems improve supply chain efficiency. The Indian government’s push for multi-modal logistics parks (MMLPs) is expected to enhance cement transportation efficiency.

Indrendra Singh Raghuwanshi, Sales Head – Cement Division, ATS Conveyors, says, “Ensuring that our systems handle diverse alternative fuels reliably is at the core of our engineering approach. Alternative fuels, such as biomass, MSW, RDF and industrial waste vary significantly in terms of composition, size, moisture content, and combustibility. All our systems are designed with flexibility and robustness to meet the unique challenges posed by these fuels while maintaining operational efficiency and safety. Also, before deployment to site, we conduct extensive testing for our equipment to ensure that they can reliably handle alternative fuels under a variety of conditions. This includes testing different fuel types, moisture levels, and feeding rates to identify any potential challenges. Our systems are then fine-tuned during the commissioning phase to ensure optimal performance in real-world conditions.”

The future is automation and digitalisation

The future of bulk material handling in the cement industry lies in automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and digital twin technologies. Leading cement manufacturers are investing in IoT-enabled bulk handling systems that provide real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and AI-based process optimisation.

1. Smart sensors and predictive maintenance
AI-powered sensors are now being integrated into conveyors and stackers to detect early signs of wear and tear, enabling proactive maintenance and reducing unplanned downtime.
Nishith Kundar, Co-Managing Partner, Cemtech Engineering Solutions, says, “One of our latest advancements is the introduction of drone inspection technology. Since silos are confined spaces, it is often difficult to assess their internal condition, particularly at the top. We have incorporated drone inspections for both pre-cleaning and post-cleaning assessments. Pre-cleaning drone inspections help us analyse the extent of material buildup, while post-cleaning inspections ensure that the silo has been thoroughly cleaned. This technology is also applicable to pre-heaters, allowing us to monitor internal conditions in confined spaces. By leveraging drone technology, we provide precise and efficient cleaning services, improving safety and operational efficiency.”

2. Digital twin technology
Digital twin models create a virtual replica of bulk handling systems, allowing operators to simulate various scenarios and optimise material flow before implementing changes in real time.

3. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and robotics
The adoption of AGVs and robotic material handling systems is gaining traction in cement plants for automated raw material transport, warehouse management, and truck loading/unloading.
Gaurav Gautam, Business Unit Head,
Beumer Group, says, “A major recent focus has been integrating digital monitoring tools into our equipment. These tools include condition monitoring sensors that track temperature variations, vibrations and operational anomalies in real-time. By capturing this data, plant operators can take proactive actions when conditions start deviating from normal parameters. This approach prevents sudden breakdowns and, in the long term, enhances the durability and reliability of the equipment.”
“Moving forward, digitalisation will play a key role in tackling wear and tear challenges. By increasing the number of data capture points and applying advanced analytics tools, we can gain deeper insights into equipment health and performance, ensuring a more efficient and predictive maintenance strategy,” he adds.

Efficient bulk material handling is the backbone of cement manufacturing, ensuring a seamless flow of raw materials and finished products while minimising environmental impact and operational costs. As India’s cement industry moves towards higher production capacities and stricter environmental norms, investing in advanced, automated and energy-efficient bulk handling solutions will be key to maintaining competitiveness.
By embracing smart technologies, automation and sustainable handling practices, cement manufacturers can enhance productivity, reduce material losses, and contribute to a greener and more efficient future for the industry.

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