The Himachal Pradesh government today asked cement companies in the state to lower the prices of the building material.
The cement companies must reduce the prices of cement bags sold in Himachal as the state is suffering in terms of pollution, losing resources and grappling with health hazards due to the cement plants, said Mukesh Agnihot Industries Minister, Himacha Pradesh.
HP is producing 10.11 million tonne cement annually and reaping the profits of Rs 100-150 per bag was not justified. he said. He was replying to a discussion on private member resolution on the need of tapping the limestone deposits to generate employment in the backward.
Recently, we entered into an agreement with a cement company which agreed to supply the cement to government at the rate of Rs 155 per bag against the price of Rs 174 quoted earlier, resulting in saving of Rs 18-24 crore on this rate contract in just one year, he said concluded.