KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG a global engineering, equipment and service company in the cement industry, has announced a strategic partnership with Beijing-based Catic Beijing Co Ltd, a subsidiary of China’s state-owned Catic International Holdings Ltd to capitalise on the rapidly expanding international market for the construction of cement plants.KHD’s Director Jouni Salo said that KHD and Catic combined will be able to bid on a wider range of projects, including large turnkey projects, and penetrate the most important cement markets including China, the single largest market in the world, and other countries and regions as KHD and Catic see fit.KHD has expanded its business horizons considerably following its refocusing two years ago to concentrate on the cement industry. At that time, KHD sold most of its non-cement operations, established its customer service centres, and announced plans to conserve and grow its substantial cash reserves. With that now accomplished, and with KHD’s strong market presence in Russia, Central Asia, India and the Middle East once again in place, KHD moved its headquarters to its historic centre in Cologne, and started trading of its common stock at the regulated market segment on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.Salo continued, "With a protective eye on our strong financial asset base and a keen appreciation of our unique historical legacy, we believe that we are in a strong position to expand, to build our revenue base, and to contribute to the economies of the countries and regions we serve. New jobs will be created and cleaner and greener technologies and designs will help forward-looking governments achieve international goals regarding energy savings, pollutant emissions, clean air and clean water. Salo further added, "Our global network of customer service centers, combined with the branch office networks of both companies, gives us a launch pad for a broader global business. We believe that together we can now compete effectively with the largest companies in our industry".Contact:KHD Humboldt Wedag International AGTel: +49 221 650 40 Email: info@khd.comWebsite: