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Grundfos India and NDTV launch mission energy




The NDTV-Grundfos Mission Energy is a campaign to create awareness about the importance of saving energy and to provide ideas to conserve energy.

The campaign aims to draw attention to the power of individuals in creating a cleaner and greener future. Mission Energy is supported by AEEE as Energy Efficiency Partner and CII as Knowledge Partner.

In order to meet India’s growing energy demand, it is important to not only increase electricity-generating capacity, preferably through renewable sources, but also to use energy efficiently. In the light of this, NDTV Grundfos Mission Energy will actively engage with the country’s leading experts, policy makers, conservationists, leading industry voices and NGOs, to highlight the growing requirement for energy efficiency in India. The campaign will also reach out to the general public to create awareness on how, at an individual level too, one can contribute towards energy conservation, and call attention to the need for stringent energy efficiency norms and encourage corporates to develop and promote energy efficient products.

‘NDTV Grundfos Mission Energy will raise awareness about these issues that affect each one of us and help chart out a roadmap to a sustainable future. The campaign will Vikram Chandra, Group CEO, NDTV said, "Over the years, NDTV’s programming has brought the focus on a number of social issues through a multitude of campaigns. This is yet another attempt by us to create awareness around energy conservation. Through this campaign, we aim to highlight viable solutions that can be adopted, both at an individual level as well as across the country, and inspire people to join us to work towards a cleaner, greener future. We are glad to partner with Grundfos in the Mission Energy initiative to promote energy efficiency across the nation."

Ranganath NK Managing Director, Grundfos India said "At Grundfos, sustainability is at the core of our value system. As a reflection of this mindset, we are involved in many energy conservation initiatives. Mission Energy is an attempt towards promoting energy efficiency at all levels in the country. We are happy to partner with NDTV for this cause."

As part of this inclusive campaign, NDTV, in association with CII, will conduct the Mission Energy Challenge to demonstrate how an organisation/individual, through small but focused efforts, can make a difference to Planet Earth. A hundred participants across four user categories, manufacturing companies, commercial buildings, educational institutes and residential homes, will be involved in this challenge.

To register visit Applications close on 20h February 2014.

Jamshyd N Godrej, Chairman, CII-Godrej GBC said, "We are confident this mission will go a long way in ushering in a new chapter in Encon [energy conservation] movement in the country, enhance the present level of awareness and encourage millions of Indians to go the greener way."

Koshy Cherial, President (Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy) said, "Energy efficiency is critical to India’s energy future. In an era of economic uncertainty, the country has to prioritise sustainable consumption patterns. For this, it is essential to mainstream investments and operations aiming at integrating energy efficiency within all sectors of the economy. To achieve this goal, AEEE promotes energy efficiency policies and processes, and mobilises stakeholders for a market transformation in India. We are happy to partner with NDTV in catalysing India towards this goal through the Mission Energy programme."

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Regulatory and compliance challenges play a significant role





Piyush Joshi, Associate Vice President – Systems and Technical Cell, Wonder Cement, shares their strategies and initiatives aimed at enhancing energy efficiency in cement production, showcasing their commitment to sustainability through innovation and advanced technology.

Can you provide an overview of your company’s current initiatives and strategies to enhance energy efficiency in cement production?
At Wonder Cement, our commitment to energy efficiency is integral to our operational philosophy, encompassing every facet of our production process. One of our cornerstone initiatives is the deployment of Vertical Roller Mills (VRMs), which are recognised for their superior energy efficiency compared to traditional ball mills. These VRMs are equipped with high-efficiency separators, significantly reducing the energy required for cement grinding while maximising output.
We have also invested substantially in Waste Heat Recovery Systems (WHRS) across our facilities. These systems effectively capture waste heat from our kilns, converting it into usable electricity. This approach not only diminishes our dependency on external energy sources but also supports our sustainability objectives by curbing greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, we have optimised our operational processes through the implementation of energy-efficient lighting, the utilisation of variable frequency drives (VFDs) on motors, and the execution of regular energy audits to identify and mitigate inefficiencies. Our unwavering dedication to innovation and the adoption of cutting-edge technology ensures that Wonder Cement remains a leader in energy efficiency within the cement industry.

What are the key challenges your company faces in implementing energy-efficient practices in the cement manufacturing process?
While our energy efficiency efforts have yielded significant results, the implementation of such practices within the cement manufacturing process presents several challenges. Chief among these is the substantial capital investment required to upgrade existing infrastructure to more energy-efficient alternatives. Integrating new energy efficient systems with existing infrastructure can be technically challenging and may cause temporary disruptions in production processes. Although the long-term benefits of these upgrades are evident, the initial financial outlay can be substantial, particularly when applied across multiple production sites.
Another persistent challenge is the variability in raw material quality, which can directly impact the efficiency of our kilns and mills. Fluctuations in the chemical composition of raw materials necessitate frequent adjustments in our processes, potentially leading to suboptimal energy consumption. Furthermore, the inherently energy-intensive nature of cement production, especially during the clinkerisation process, means that achieving significant reductions in energy use often requires comprehensive overhauls of traditional methods rather than incremental improvements.
Regulatory and compliance challenges play a significant role. Ensuring that our energy efficiency measures align with both local and international environmental standards is a complex process, particularly in regions with stringent regulations. Despite these challenges, Wonder Cement is steadfast in its commitment to overcoming obstacles through continuous innovation, strategic collaboration, and a focus on sustainable practices.

How do advancements in technology contribute to improving energy efficiency in your cement plants? Can you provide some examples?
Technological advancements are pivotal in enhancing energy efficiency within Wonder Cement plants. One of the key innovations we have embraced is the integration of automation and digitalisation throughout our production processes. By implementing advanced process control (APC) systems, we can monitor and optimise our operations in real-time, ensuring the most efficient use of energy at all times. These systems leverage data analytics and machine learning algorithms to predict and address energy inefficiencies proactively, resulting in substantial energy savings.
Another significant technological advancement is the incorporation of alternative fuels within our kilns. By utilising waste-derived fuels, such as refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and biomass, we reduce our reliance on traditional fossil fuels. This not only lowers our carbon footprint but also enhances the energy efficiency of our kilns by maintaining a consistent energy input with minimal fluctuations. The adoption of smart sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) devices has further augmented our energy management capabilities. These technologies provide real-time insights into energy consumption across various stages of production, enabling rapid identification and resolution of inefficiencies. For example, our predictive maintenance programs, powered by IoT, allow us to foresee equipment failures and schedule maintenance proactively, thereby reducing downtime and ensuring continuous, efficient operations.

What role does renewable energy play in your overall strategy for energy efficiency, and how is it integrated into your cement manufacturing operations?
Renewable energy is a fundamental component of Wonder Cement’s broader energy efficiency strategy. We have integrated renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, into our manufacturing operations to reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy. Our solar power plants, strategically positioned across our manufacturing sites, contribute significantly to our overall energy needs. By generating clean energy on-site, we not only reduce our electricity costs but also achieve substantial reductions in carbon emissions, underscoring our commitment to sustainability.
In addition to on-site renewable energy generation, we have entered into power purchase agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy providers. These agreements guarantee a consistent supply of green energy to our plants, further diminishing our reliance on grid power derived from fossil fuels. Moreover, our participation in carbon credit markets, facilitated by the integration of renewable energy, has opened up additional revenue streams while reinforcing our role as a responsible corporate citizen.
Our approach to renewable energy extends beyond electricity generation. We are actively exploring the potential of renewable fuels for our kiln operations. Through partnerships with research institutions and technology providers, we are investigating the viability of hydrogen and other renewable energy sources to further reduce our carbon footprint and enhance energy efficiency.

Can you discuss any specific projects or upgrades your company has undertaken to reduce energy consumption and increase efficiency in your cement production facilities?
Wonder Cement has embarked on several key projects aimed at reducing energy consumption and enhancing efficiency across our production facilities. A prominent example is the installation of high-efficiency clinker coolers, designed to maximise heat recovery from the clinker. This recovered heat is then utilised to preheat raw materials, significantly reducing the energy required for subsequent grinding processes. Another critical upgrade involves the widespread implementation of variable frequency drives (VFDs) across our production lines. VFDs allow us to adjust motor speeds based on real-time load requirements, ensuring that we use only the necessary amount of energy for each operation. This has led to considerable energy savings, particularly in our grinding and milling processes.
We have also modernised our lighting systems by transitioning to LED technology, which is notably more energy-efficient and durable compared to traditional lighting solutions. This transition not only reduces our energy consumption but also lowers maintenance costs. Our commitment to continuous improvement is further demonstrated through regular energy audits and the implementation of advanced energy management systems (EMS) that meticulously track and optimise energy usage across all our facilities.

How do you measure and monitor energy efficiency in your cement manufacturing processes, and what metrics are most critical for your company?
Precise measurement and monitoring of energy efficiency are paramount to achieving our sustainability objectives. We have established a robust energy management system (EMS) that delivers real-time data on energy consumption across every stage of our production process. This system is equipped with advanced metering and monitoring tools that track energy usage at granular levels, enabling us to swiftly identify inefficiencies and implement corrective measures.
Among the critical metrics we monitor are specific energy consumption (SEC), which quantifies the energy required to produce a unit of cement, and thermal energy consumption (TEC), which tracks the energy utilised during the clinkerisation process. By closely monitoring these metrics, we can assess the effectiveness of our energy efficiency initiatives and make informed decisions to further optimise our operations. In addition to continuous monitoring, we conduct regular energy audits to evaluate our performance against industry benchmarks and identify opportunities for improvement. These audits, conducted by both internal teams and external experts, ensure that our energy management practices remain objective, accurate, and aligned with industry best practices. The insights gained from these audits are instrumental in refining our energy management strategies and setting ambitious targets for energy reduction.
To promote energy efficiency through innovations, we are having groups of employees at every
production centre for identification, evaluation and execution of new ideas related to energy efficiency for continual improvement.

What partnerships or collaborations has your company engaged in to promote and enhance energy efficiency within the cement industry?
Collaboration is a cornerstone of Wonder Cement’s approach to enhancing energy efficiency within the cement industry. We actively engage with various stakeholders, including technology providers, industry associations, and research institutions, to promote and advance our energy efficiency initiatives.
Our partnerships with technology providers are instrumental in integrating state-of-the-art solutions into our operations, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of energy efficiency advancements. Additionally, our participation in industry associations and knowledge-sharing platforms enables us to exchange best practices with our peers and stay informed about emerging trends and technologies.
We also collaborate with research institutions to explore innovative materials and processes that can further reduce our energy consumption. These collaborations have led to pilot projects where novel solutions are tested and validated before being implemented on a larger scale across our production facilities. Through these partnerships, we are not only advancing our energy efficiency goals but also contributing to the broader sustainability of the cement industry.

How does your company balance the need for energy efficiency with maintaining high production levels and meeting market demands?
We recognise the importance of balancing energy efficiency with maintaining high production levels and meeting market demands. Achieving this balance requires a strategic approach that integrates energy efficiency into every aspect of our production process without compromising on output quality or quantity.
One of the key strategies we employ is the use of advanced process control (APC) systems that optimise our operations in real-time. These systems enable us to maintain consistent production levels while minimising energy consumption by adjusting process parameters based on real-time data. This ensures that we achieve maximum efficiency without disrupting our production schedules. We also emphasise continuous improvement through the application of lean manufacturing principles, which focus on the elimination of waste and the efficient use of resources. By streamlining our processes and reducing inefficiencies, we can maintain high production levels while minimising energy usage. Additionally, our investment in employee training ensures that our workforce is equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to operate our facilities efficiently, contributing to both productivity and energy efficiency.

Looking ahead, what are your company’s strategic priorities for further improving energy efficiency, and how do you plan to address future energy challenges in the cement industry?
Looking ahead, Wonder Cement is committed to further advancing our energy efficiency through a combination of technological innovation, process optimisation, and strategic investments. Our primary focus will be on expanding our use of renewable energy sources, particularly solar and wind power, to meet a larger portion of our energy needs. We are also exploring the potential of emerging technologies, such as carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) and hydrogen-based fuels, to further reduce our carbon footprint and enhance energy efficiency.
In addition to technological advancements, we plan to continue our efforts in process optimisation through the implementation of advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) in our energy management systems. These tools will enable us to identify and address inefficiencies in real-time, ensuring that we maintain optimal energy usage at all times.
We are also committed to expanding our collaborations with industry stakeholders, research institutions, and technology providers to drive innovation and share best practices in energy efficiency. By staying at the forefront of industry trends and continuously challenging ourselves to improve, we are confident that we can meet the future energy challenges of the cement industry while maintaining our position as a leader in sustainability.

– Kanika Mathur

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Installing a solar system is just the first step





Raman Bhatia, Founder and Managing Director, Servotech Power Systems, talks about innovative approaches to advancing energy efficiency in the solar sector, from embracing the ‘Make in India’ initiative to pioneering new technologies.

Can you provide an overview of Servotech Power Systems’ contributions to energy efficiency in the solar sector?
Throughout its journey with a strong motto of providing high-quality solar solutions, Servotech made noteworthy contributions towards energy efficiency in the solar sector, through innovative technologies and solutions. By developing high-efficiency solar solutions that are both sustainable and reliable, Servotech has played its part in making solar energy a household name. The company has expanded its reach across various sectors. Servotech’s residential solar solutions empower homeowners to reduce their carbon footprint and electricity bills. The company provides solar solutions for industries, helping them reduce energy costs, improve their environmental quotient and comply with sustainability regulations. Servotech caters to the commercial sector by offering rooftop and ground-mounted solar power plants helping them reduce electricity costs and enhance their brand image, Lastly, the company has been actively involved in executing solar projects for government institutions, aiding in the country’s renewable energy goals and by providing efficient and reliable solar solutions, we contribute to the government’s efforts in promoting clean energy adoption.

What role does the ‘Make in India’ initiative play in your strategy to promote energy efficiency and sustainable solutions?
Make in India, a wonderful initiative by our government, has definitely pushed manufacturers across all sectors, especially our sector, which is the renewable energy sector towards indigenous manufacturing. By manufacturing solar components locally, we significantly reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation and logistics. Local production often leads to cost reductions in solar products which makes solar energy more affordable for consumers, encouraging wider adoption and contributing to energy efficiency. The Make in India initiative also helps create employment opportunities in the solar sector, leading to skill development and a larger workforce dedicated to renewable energy. Domestic manufacturing reduces reliance on imports and strengthens the supply chain, ensuring uninterrupted production and reducing vulnerabilities to global disruptions.

How has Servotech adapted its solar solutions to meet the evolving energy efficiency standards?
Well, it has been more than two decades now. During this long journey, we have constantly worked on ourselves, renovated, and innovated ourselves to keep up with the evolving energy efficiency standards in terms of product development, innovation and R&D. We have consistently incorporated the latest advancements in solar technology that includes the use of higher efficiency solar cells, advanced inverters, and optimised system components. We introduced innovative solar products and solutions that meet the evolving energy efficiency standards. This involves continuous research and development to create more efficient and sustainable products. We prioritise product performance and rigorous testing and quality control measures ensure that our products meet or exceed industry benchmarks and this relentless pursuit of excellence has positioned us as a leader and has helped us in delivering efficient and sustainable
solar solutions.

Could you elaborate on the significance of the engineering and design process in achieving energy efficiency in your solar EPC projects?
The engineering and design phase in solar EPC projects lays the foundation for optimal performance. It involves a careful analysis of site conditions, including solar radiation, shading and environmental factors. By carefully selecting high-performance components and designing the system for optimal orientation and tilt, engineers maximise energy capture. Additionally, this phase focuses on minimising energy losses through efficient wiring, component placement, and system integration. A well-engineered design ensures the solar system operates at peak performance, delivering substantial energy savings and a strong return on investment.

What measures does Servotech implement during the procurement and project execution phases to ensure optimal energy efficiency in its solar power projects?
Constructing a solar system involves a lot of phases with procurement and project execution being the most important ones. During the procurement phase, we prioritise the development of high-efficiency solar modules, inverters and other components. Rigorous quality assurance processes and performance testing are conducted to verify that all components meet or exceed industry standards and are compatible with project requirements. In the project execution phase, Servotech conducts detailed site assessments to determine the optimal system orientation, tilt angle and shading analysis. Strict adherence to installation guidelines and best practices ensures proper system integration and performance. Post-installation, the system undergoes comprehensive testing to verify energy efficiency and performance. Monitoring systems are often incorporated to track performance and identify areas for improvement.

How does your operation and maintenance service contribute to maintaining and enhancing the energy efficiency of
installed systems?
Installing a solar system is just the first step; operating and maintaining it properly is equally important to ensure the system runs efficiently over the long term and for that we conduct regular inspections to detect and address issues like module degradation and inverter malfunctions early, preventing energy losses. Our team ensures optimal performance through routine cleaning and maintenance, which maximises sunlight absorption and energy generation. Continuous performance monitoring using advanced data analytics allows us to optimise system settings, while preventive and corrective maintenance activities minimise downtime and equipment failures. By utilising techniques such as module-level monitoring and inverter tuning, Servotech ensures that solar systems operate at peak efficiency, delivering maximum energy output and long-term cost savings.

In your view, how important is radiation data analytics and project feasibility studies in the planning of energy-efficient solar projects?
Radiation data analytics and project feasibility studies are absolutely critical for the successful planning of energy-efficient solar projects. Accurate radiation data allows for precise predictions of energy generation, system sizing and financial returns. By analysing radiation patterns, engineers can optimise system design, including orientation and tilt angles, to maximise energy capture. Feasibility studies help identify potential risks, such as shading or grid constraints, enabling proactive solutions. These studies also assess financial viability, considering ROI, payback periods, and incentives, ensuring projects are economically sound enabling data-driven decision-making throughout the project lifecycle.

Looking ahead, what are the key trends and innovations in energy efficiency that Servotech Power Systems plans to focus
on in the near future?
Energy efficiency is a dynamic realm with constant emergence of trends and innovations. The company recognises the value these trends and innovations will add in the growth of energy efficiency in the solar sector. Our innovative product solar powered EV charging carport integrates solar power with EV charging, which is an innovative take on how we can charge our EVs and also save energy from renewable sources. Additionally, Servotech plans to invest in enhancing the quality of bifacial solar panels to increase energy generation. We are investing in research and development of major solar developments and understand the importance of energy storage in enhancing grid stability and optimising energy utilisation and grid optimisation. In fact, we are developing an energy storage system that will
accelerate the adoption of renewable energy in low electricity areas.
Exploring digitisation of energy efficiency, we are focused on developing advanced monitoring and control systems to optimise system performance, predict maintenance needs. Lastly, to meet the growing demand for clean energy, we are exploring the integration of solar power with other renewable energy sources like wind and hydro to create hybrid power systems.

– Kanika Mathur

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Powering progress





The cement industry, known for its high energy consumption, faces increasing pressure to enhance efficiency and reduce environmental impact. ICR explores the critical role of energy management in cement manufacturing, highlighting the industry’s shift towards renewable energy, alternative fuels and advanced technologies to achieve sustainability. In the cement manufacturing process, energy consumption is a critical factor, significantly impacting both production costs and environmental sustainability. The industry is highly energy-intensive, with energy costs accounting for a substantial portion of the total production expenses.

According to International Energy Outlook (2016), the energy consumption of all industrial sectors around the World is increasing by an average of 1.2 per cent per year. The World’s industrial sector energy consumption expects to reach 309 quadrillions of British Thermal Units in 2040. The cement industry is one of the energy-intensive industries which utilises a sizeable amount of energy. Avami and Sattari (2007) found that the cement industries in Malaysia consumed about 12 per cent of the country’s total energy, while this value is 15 per cent in Iran. Hence, national and international efforts are carried out to reduce energy consumption and emission level in the cement industry.
In the cement industry, the total energy consumption accounts for 50–60 per cent of the overall manufacturing cost, while thermal energy accounts for 20–25 per cent (Wang et al., 2009; Singhi and Bhargava, 2010). The modern cement industry requires 110–120 kWh of electrical power to produce one ton of cement (Mejeoumov, 2007). Thermal energy is used mainly during the burning process, while electrical energy is used during the cement grinding process (Marciano, 2004).

Energy usage in cement manufacturing is primarily divided between thermal energy and electrical energy. Thermal energy is predominantly used in the kiln operation, where raw materials like limestone are heated to high temperatures to form clinker, the key component in cement. This stage consumes around 60-70 per cent of the total energy in the manufacturing process. The main fuel sources for thermal energy are coal, petcoke, and increasingly, alternative fuels derived from waste materials, which help in reducing carbon emissions. Electrical energy, on the other hand, is utilised across various stages, including raw material preparation, grinding, and cement milling. The grinding process, especially in the cement mill, is a significant consumer of electrical energy, often accounting for about 30-40 per cent of total electricity usage in the plant.

The energy consumption patterns vary depending on the technology employed, the type of fuel used, and the operational efficiency of the plant. Modern cement plants are adopting more energy-efficient technologies, such as preheaters, precalciners, and high-efficiency grinding systems, which help in reducing overall energy consumption. Additionally, there is a growing focus on optimising energy use through the integration of digital solutions and energy management systems, which can monitor and control energy consumption more effectively.
According to the report, Review on energy conservation and emission reduction approaches for cement industry, published December 2022, the energy consumption in cement production depends on the process through which it is manufactured. The dry process of cement manufacturing uses more electrical energy than the wet process, while the wet process uses more thermal energy than the dry process. The dry process of cement manufacturing utilises 75 per cent thermal and 25 per cent electrical energy. A maximum percentage of the total thermal energy is used for clinker production. According to the reports, the cement industry employs 90 per cent of the total consumed natural gas for clinker production in large rotary kilns (Fig. 6). For Indian cement industries, coal fulfills ninety-four per cent of the thermal energy demand. In contrast, the remaining need is fulfilled by fuel oil and high-speed diesel oil. The cement industry in India does not have sufficient natural gas available for fulfilling the thermal energy requirement (Karwa et al., 1998).

“Nuvoco has established a rigorous system for measuring and monitoring energy efficiency across its cement manufacturing processes.
Key metrics are tracked using advanced monitoring systems to ensure both optimal performance and strict regulatory compliance,” says Raju Ramchandran, SVP Manufacturing (Cluster Head – Central), Nuvoco Vistas.

“One critical aspect of this monitoring involves the consistent tracking of air emissions from fuel combustion in cement production and power generation operations. This includes pollutants like Oxides of Sulphur (SOx), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), and Particulate Matter (PM). Nuvoco employs Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) to observe these emissions in real-time, ensuring adherence to environmental standards,” he adds.

Renewable Energy Integration
Integrating renewable energy into cement production is an emerging strategy to enhance sustainability and reduce the industry’s carbon footprint. Traditionally reliant on fossil fuels, the cement industry is increasingly exploring renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and biomass to power various stages of production.
“Renewable energy is a fundamental component of Wonder Cement’s broader energy efficiency strategy. We have integrated renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, into our manufacturing operations to reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy. Our solar power plants, strategically positioned across our manufacturing sites, contribute significantly to our overall energy needs. By generating clean energy on-site, we not only reduce our electricity costs but also achieve substantial reductions in carbon emissions, underscoring our commitment to sustainability,” says Piyush Joshi, Associate Vice President – Systems and Technical Cell, Wonder Cement.

“Our approach to renewable energy extends beyond electricity generation. We are actively exploring the potential of renewable fuels for our kiln operations. Through partnerships with research institutions and technology providers, we are investigating the viability of hydrogen and other renewable energy sources to further reduce our carbon footprint and enhance energy efficiency,” he adds.

The use of Alternative Fuels and Raw Materials (AFR) in cement manufacturing plays a crucial role in reducing energy consumption and lowering the industry’s carbon footprint. AFRs, including waste-derived materials like industrial by-products and biomass, can replace traditional fossil fuels and raw materials in the production process. This substitution reduces the thermal energy required in kilns and lowers overall energy consumption.

Vikas Garg, Energy Manager, Udaipur Cement Works Ltd (UCWL), says, “Renewable energy plays a significant role in enhancing energy efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint in cement manufacturing. Integrating renewable energy into cement operations aligns with broader sustainability goals and helps in mitigating the environmental impact of the industry. We have reduced our needs of electricity from the grid by up to 50 per cent by utilising renewable energy.”

Additionally, AFRs enable energy recovery from waste materials, contributing to a circular economy by minimising the demand for non-renewable resources. The environmental and economic benefits of AFRs include reduced greenhouse gas emissions, lower landfill usage, and decreased reliance on costly fossil fuels. By integrating AFRs, cement plants can achieve greater energy efficiency and align with global sustainability goals.

MM Rathi, Joint President – Power plants, Shree Cement, says, “Renewable energy is a cornerstone of our strategy for energy efficiency and sustainability at Shree Cement. Our commitment to integrating renewable energy is reflected in our energy mix, where renewable sources account for 55.9 per cent of our total energy consumption. This significant share has enabled us to avoid 0.94 million tons of CO2 emissions, demonstrating our impact on reducing greenhouse gasses. Our total power generation capacity is 1 GW, with 50 per cent derived from renewable sources, including solar, wind and WHR.”

“Our energy management strategy leverages renewable energy to stabilise and optimise our energy supply. We are exploring advanced energy storage solutions, such as battery and pump storage systems, to manage the variability of renewable sources and ensure a consistent energy supply. Renewable energy is pivotal in achieving our sustainability targets, including substantial reductions in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. By increasing our renewable energy share, we have significantly lowered our carbon footprint and contributed to global climate goals,” he adds.

Solar energy, for instance, can be harnessed for processes such as preheating raw materials, while wind energy can supply electricity for plant operations. Biomass, used as an alternative fuel, helps reduce dependency on coal and other fossil fuels in kilns. These renewable sources not only lower greenhouse gas emissions but also contribute to energy cost savings over time.

Raman Bhatia, Founder and Managing Director, Servotech Power Systems, explains, “Installing a solar system is just the first step; operating and maintaining it properly is equally important to ensure the system runs efficiently over the long term and for that we conduct regular inspections to detect and address issues like module degradation and inverter malfunctions early, preventing energy losses.”

“Our team ensures optimal performance through routine cleaning and maintenance, which maximises sunlight absorption and energy generation. Continuous performance monitoring using advanced data analytics allows us to optimise system settings, while preventive and corrective maintenance activities minimise downtime and equipment failures. By utilising techniques such as module-level monitoring and inverter tuning, Servotech ensures that solar systems operate at peak efficiency, delivering maximum energy output and long-term cost savings,” he adds.

The transition to renewable energy in cement production presents challenges, including the need for significant infrastructure investment and the variability of energy supply. Despite these hurdles, the growing emphasis on sustainability and regulatory pressures are driving the adoption of renewable energy, making it a critical component of the industry’s pathway to achieving net-zero emissions. Integrating renewables is not just about reducing carbon footprints; it also positions the cement industry as a leader in the global shift towards a more sustainable energy future.

Role of Technology and Maintenance
In cement manufacturing, managing energy efficiency is critical to reducing costs and minimising environmental impact. Predictive maintenance, understanding consumer machinery needs, and the integration of advanced technology play pivotal roles in achieving these goals.

Predictive maintenance uses data analytics
and real-time monitoring to anticipate equipment failures before they occur. By analysing machinery performance, cement plants can schedule maintenance activities proactively, reducing downtime and optimising energy use. This approach not only extends the lifespan of equipment but also ensures that machines operate at peak efficiency, minimising unnecessary energy consumption.
“When predictive maintenance is an integral part of a company’s maintenance practices it will increase equipment efficiency and directly impact the total energy consumed for the same output for any equipment,” says Dries Van Loon, Vice President – Products, Nanoprecise Sci Corp.
“With the Nanoprecise solution fully integrated, our end users not only receive actionable insights with defined ‘remaining useful life’, but also continuous data on the impact to energy consumption and its effect on carbon emissions. This is crucial in prioritising maintenance tasks not purely based on potential saved downtime and repair cost, but also on the highest energy impact, ensuring that maintenance tasks have a significant, measurable contribution to reducing carbon emissions,” he adds.
Understanding the specific machinery needs of consumers—such as the demand for high-efficiency kilns, grinding mills, and conveyors—enables manufacturers to tailor solutions that enhance energy efficiency. Customised machinery that meets the precise needs of a cement plant can significantly reduce energy usage, leading to more sustainable operations.
“Our customer-centric approach is pivotal in ensuring solutions are precisely aligned with the unique needs of the cement industry. With deep industry and domain expertise, our technical teams fully understand the specific challenges and requirements inherent in cement manufacturing. This knowledge allows us to offer tailored solutions that address the operational demands of the sector effectively. We engage closely with our customers to gain insights into their specific needs and operational contexts, leading to the creation and implementation of customised solutions. These solutions, designed with flexibility, allow seamless integration with existing plant infrastructure and processes and minimises disruptions during implementation, ensuring that new technologies enhance rather than disrupt current operations,” says Neeraj Kulkarni, Regional Division President – India, MEA & LatAm, Large Motors & Generators Division, ABB India.
“Furthermore, our commitment to continuous improvement is reflected in our iterative innovation process. By actively seeking and incorporating customer feedback, we refine and enhance our solutions to address emerging challenges and capitalise on new opportunities within the cement industry,” he adds.
The role of technology in managing energy efficiency extends beyond maintenance and machinery customisation. Digital solutions, such as energy management systems (EMS), IoT sensors, and artificial intelligence, provide real-time insights into energy consumption patterns. These technologies allow cement plants to monitor and optimise energy use across all stages of production, from raw material processing to clinker production and cement grinding. By leveraging these tools, plants can identify inefficiencies, implement corrective actions, and continuously improve their energy performance.

Challenges in Achieving Energy Efficiency
Achieving energy efficiency in cement manufacturing is a complex challenge due to several interrelated factors. One of the primary challenges is the inherent energy-intensive nature of the cement production process, particularly in the kiln operation where high temperatures are required to produce clinker. This stage consumes a significant amount of thermal energy, making it difficult to drastically reduce energy usage without compromising product quality.
The availability and cost of alternative fuels and raw materials also pose challenges. While alternative fuels can reduce energy consumption, their consistent supply and cost-effectiveness vary across regions, making it difficult for some plants to rely on them as a stable energy source. Furthermore, operational complexities such as fluctuating demand, varying raw material quality, and the need to maintain continuous production can limit the flexibility to implement energy-saving measures.
Finally, the regulatory environment can be both a motivator and a challenge. Stricter environmental regulations push companies towards energy efficiency, but compliance with these regulations often requires additional investments in technology and processes.
While the benefits of energy efficiency in cement manufacturing are clear, overcoming these challenges requires a balanced approach that considers both technological advancements and economic feasibility.

Energy efficiency is a critical component of sustainable cement manufacturing, offering significant benefits in terms of cost reduction, environmental impact, and regulatory compliance. However, achieving energy efficiency in this energy-intensive industry presents several challenges, from the inherent demands of the production process to the complexities of upgrading aging infrastructure and integrating
new technologies.
The adoption of alternative fuels and raw materials (AFR) has shown promise in reducing energy consumption, but consistent supply and cost remain obstacles. Similarly, renewable energy integration, while essential for long-term sustainability, requires significant investment and careful management to overcome the variability of energy supply.
Predictive maintenance and the use of advanced technology play pivotal roles in optimising energy use, allowing cement plants to operate more efficiently and with reduced downtime. By understanding the specific needs of consumer machinery, manufacturers can tailor solutions that further enhance energy efficiency, aligning operations with both economic and environmental goals.
Despite these challenges, the cement industry is gradually moving towards a more energy-efficient future. The integration of digital solutions, renewable energy, and innovative maintenance practices are paving the way for a more sustainable and cost-effective production process. As the industry continues to evolve, the focus on energy efficiency will be crucial in driving progress towards a low-carbon economy and ensuring the long-term viability of cement manufacturing.

– Kanika Mathur

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