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Technology trends in cement manufacturing




– Dr Anjan K Chattejee

What have been the visible technological advancements in cement manufacturing during the last decade?
The cement industry in the world has grown phenomenally in the last decade and the production level of all varieties of Portland cements taken together has crossed four billion tonnes, which is the largest volume amongst all manmade materials. Such growth has been possible due to considerable advances made in the hardware and software of cement manufacture. The main drivers for these technological advances have so far been the ‘cost’ and ‘quality’ of products. The technological progress has been multi-dimensional as reflected in the following features:
1. The capacity of a single kiln for clinker making has reached 12,000-13,000 tonne (t) per day, although in the recent years there is a trend of installing kilns of lower capacity due to economic and logistics reasons.
2. With automation, instrumentation, computer-aided controls and integration of expert systems the man-hours per tonne of cement came down to one or even less, thereby reducing the application of human discretion and increasing the dependence on electronic gadgets.
3. The choice of grinding systems for raw material and clinker has been dependent on the better energy utilisation factor, which has led to more extensive adoption of vertical roller mills, high-pressure roll presses and horizontal roller mills.
4. The fourth generation clinker coolers are now available from several suppliers, operating with 75 per cent efficiency of the theoretical maximum.
5. Significant developments have taken place in multi-channel burners, which have been specifically designed for co-incineration of alternative fuels.
6. The efficiency of the thermal process inclusive of raw materials drying has now touched almost 80 per cent of the theoretical maximum.
7. Driven by the rising prices of power and fuel, experiencing concerns about grid reliability, and fulfilling the commitments to sustainable development, the cement industry has taken more interest in ‘waste heat recovery’. While the most common water-steam cycles operate at heat source temperatures as low as 3000C, for heat recovery from still lower temperatures, the Organic Rankin Cycle, utilising organic compounds as process flows or the Kalina Cycle, using a water-ammonia solution, are now available for implementation in cement plants.
8. For sustainable production, the AFR use has taken deep root in the operational philosophy. Depending on the social conditions, living habits, availability of AFR and its collection systems, the extent of use varies from country to country, although the objective is to maximise its use.
9. Process measures and secondary abatement technologies ensure low emissions of dust, NOx and SOx in all modern plants. Recently additional focus has been laid on emissions of mercury and carbon dioxide. In parallel, there has been significant progress in developing continuous emission monitoring systems.
10. There has been widespread application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and of physical simulation and modelling in solving process and design problems.What are your observations on the progress achieved in reducing the energy consumption in manufacturing?
The global average thermal and electrical energy consumption levels are reportedly 800-850 kcal/kg of clinker and 100-110 kWh/t of cement. Compared to these levels the average specific energy consumption values in India are 725 kcal/kg clinker and 82 kWh/t cement and the corresponding best values obtained are 667 kcal/kg and 68 kWh/t. From these values it appears that globally there is still enough scope for better energy management, while in India the potential of energy conservation is rather limited.
In this context, it is important to note that more rigorous environmental norms will, of course, reduce the emission loads but at the cost of energy. Further, stricter specifications of products, more stringent control of particle size requirements, use of non-carbonate alternative materials, etc. are expected to integrate new or additional process measures, which might increase the energy consumption. Hence, the potential of further energy conservation in our country in particular will depend on the future course of product quality and environmental demands. In addition, the limitations of plant vintage, design and layout may act as obstacles in achieving further energy conservation.Are you satisfied with the research done on low- and off-grade limestone?
While the use of low- or off-grade limestone is not a critical concern in many countries, it is certainly an issue that needs to be dealt with more seriously in our country, as it can create 25-30 per cent additional resource base for the rapidly expanding industry. Limestone having CaO content of less than 42 per cent and limestone containing impurities of high silica or high magnesia or high iron content fall in this category and viable technologies for their use will be of immense economic benefit. Researches in this field, however, are sporadic and academic. The current technologies are limited to ‘sweetening’, wobbling, belt sorting, and froth flotation.
The newer technological options of photometric sorting, electrostatic separation, bioleaching, or making products not conforming to the conventional types, continue to be exploratory in their development. On the contrary, utilisation of marginal grade limestone by the cement industry deserves a ‘mission’ status in our country. Since dry manufacturing systems can these days co-exist with wet preparation of raw materials, improved froth flotation and bioleaching techniques cannot be ignored.
More logical perhaps is to look at new products and new processes, High-belite cement and high-magnesia blended cement are examples of such possibilities. Use of dolomitic limestone for simultaneous manufacture of cement and magnesia is a technology worth re-examining. Broadly speaking, it is time to lay much greater emphasis on research on utilising low-grade limestone.What is the status of research for enhancing the use of high-ash coal?
We all know that the cement industry has been a very effective user of high-ash coal. The kiln burners are designed suitably to combust high-ash coal and the plants make use of coal with ash content of 35-40 per cent in most cases. Mixing of coal with varying ash contents has also been in practice to facilitate the use of high-ash coal. Several attempts were made in the past to install small captive coal washing units in a few cement plants to upgrade the quality of coal for process consumption but not with success due to economic and operational reasons. A few pit-head coal washing plants are operating in the country to de-ash non-coking coal prior to supply to the cement units and other users. The aforesaid measures do not seem to be adequate to meet the future demand of clean coal. Hence, for enhancing the use of high-ash coal further it would be important to integrate the technology of coal gasification with the cement manufacturing process.
Technologies for coal gasification are decades old but their integration with the cement manufacturing process needs specific development with regard to the operational features and economic viability. It is pertinent to mention here that coal gasification is attractive from the economic and energy security perspectives but the overall carbon intensity is much higher than coal mining. The technology is also water-intensive. Nevertheless, the abundantly available resource of high-ash coal in the country needs to be considered an object of priority in meeting the energy demand by adopting such a technology. It is interesting to note that China has laid out plans to produce 50 billion cubic metres of gas from coal by 2020, enough to satisfy more than 20 per cent of total gas demand. Despite the stated environmental shortfalls, the technology has been introduced in order to exploit the stranded coal deposits sitting thousands of kilometres away from the main industrial consuming centres, as transportation of gas is deemed cheaper than transporting solid fuel. It might also be pertinent to mention here that in some countries the adverse environmental problems of gasification technology has led to considering the alternative ‘underground coal gasification’ process.
In brief, the process involves pumping oxygen and steam through a small borehole into the coal seam to cause local combustion. The synthetic gas product consisting of hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide is siphoned off through a second borehole and is collected, transported, stored and used. It is reported that the underground coal gasification process substantially reduces the CO2 emission.
While on the subject, another widely known clean coal technology of ‘coal bed methane’ deserves a mention. The process is relevant for coal deposits that are too deep to mine. Water is sucked out of the seam and methane attached to the surface of the coal seam is freed and then collected. The CBM technology is said to have fundamentally changed the dynamics of the gas industry in Australia.
Considering the plethora of options for clean coal technology, it is important for the cement industry to be more involved in coal research but in a co-ordinated national strategy, as it cannot be handled at the individual company level.What is the progress in real-time analysis for QC in cement plants?
Recent developments in the use of x-ray diffraction are changing the traditional methods of quality and process control, as they have the ability to measure mineral phases or compounds formed directly in real time. Cement and clinker production involves chemical reactions to produce precisely controlled blends of phases with specific properties. So far there has been overwhelming dependence on either off-line or on-line oxide or elemental analysis of raw or in-process materials for QC.
Methods and equipment are now available for continuous quantitative on-stream analysis of the mineral or phase composition of cement and clinker. The instrument is a stand-alone piece of equipment, which is installed at the sampling point. A sample for analysis is extracted from the process stream and after due preparation on-line the sample passes through the x-ray beam.
The diffracted x-rays are collected over 0 to 1200 by a detector. The Rietveld structural refinement technique is applied to analyse the resulting diffraction pattern. The analysis of the moving stream is done in close frequency of, say, once every minute. All analysis results are communicated directly to the plant PLC system. The real-time measurement of the mineral composition of cement and clinker for process control is a paradigm shift for the cement industry. The discernible benefits of using on-stream x-ray diffraction are the following:

  • Control of kiln burner based on free lime, clinker reactivity, alkali and sulphur contents
  • Control of cement mill separators and feed rates and proportions to achieve consistent cement strength at minimum power consumption
  • Control of gypsum dehydration through cement mill temperature to give consistent setting times
  • Control of mill weigh-feeders for different feed materials.

The net advantages of implementation of such on-line QC systems are the optimum performance and cost, reduced risk of product failure and consequent marketing benefits.
Another development in the on-stream analysis, apart from the widely used bulk analyser based on Y-radiation, is the application of infrared spectra that are provided by the stabilised white light source. The light illuminates the target bulk material to be analysed as it passes the unit on an existing conveyor belt. The infrared radiation excites vibrational oscillations of the molecular bonds in the material under test, which results in reflection and absorption spectra that are characteristic of minerals being analysed.
The Near Infrared (NIR) ranges are applied for analysing limestone materials. It is claimed that the IR based on-line bulk analyser shows better performance for the cement raw material constituents than the traditional Y-ray equipment. One additional advantage in this new development is the avoidance of potentially hazardous excitation sources.What would you like to highlight as significant technological steps in pyro-processing?
Over and above the standard features of a large-capacity modern 5/6 stage preheater kiln with precalciner at one end and efficient clinker cooler at the other, a specific mention may be made of the advent of two-support kiln systems. Compared with the traditional three-support kilns, the two-support kilns offers the following advantages: saving of space, reduced kiln surface heat loss, lower machine weight and less foundation requirements, elimination of kiln girth gear and reduced number of supporting rollers, lower risks of kiln shell ovality and misalignment of kilns. Hence, the general acceptance of two-support kilns is likely to increase.
The second notable development is the introduction of low-NOx burners, based on the principle of staged combustion. Further, the preheater-precalciner system can now be tailored to suit the primary and secondary fuels used for burning operation. It is possible to install low-NOx calciner with longer residence time, calciner with ignition module for ignition in pure air, or calciner with an integrated chamber for ignition of fuel in pure air at high temperature. It is also possible to introduce in the system a specially designed combustion chamber, such as the ‘Hotdisc’ of FLS, for alternative difficult-to-burn lumpy fuels.
The third important development is the secondary abatement technology for NOx with selective non-catalytic reduction. We also see more efficient on-line systems for SOx abatement. Similarly, secondary abatement systems for VOC will find application, where necessary.Which are the technological developments of significance in the grinding process?
For the comminution equipment the development of construction materials with high wear resistance is of great significance. In roller mills, where there are contradictory demands of both ductility and hardness, the new materials provide longer life with reduced maintenance. An example of the new material is the double casting for roller tyres, in which high-chromium alloy inserts or bars are incorporated into a ductile iron base. The second example is a metal matrix composite in which the high-chromium alloy is reinforced with ceramic particles. The layer of ceramic particles is evenly distributed over the surface in a honeycomb pattern.
The surfaces of roll presses are also vulnerable to damage and hence, like the VRMs, the main aim of continued design development for roll presses has been to achieve higher operational reliability of the surfaces. Using wearing parts of chilled cast material, or the composite material build-up with buffer layers with a wear-resistant top layer, or fabrication of two-piece grinding rolls consisting of a shaft with shrunk-on tyre with welded hard layer as armour are some of the illustrations of these developments.
In addition to the material development for the mill systems, the progress in the commercialisation of ‘horomills’ is worth noting. More than 50 industrial references are now available globally. The tentative single mill capacity for raw meal and normal Portland cement ranges up to 180 t/h and 425 t/h respectively. Two mills installed together can raise the corresponding output levels to 680 t/h and 280 t/h.
The horomill covers the same application fields as conventional ball mill, VRMs and roll presses and the industrial operations have shown energy savings ranging from 35per cent to 60 per cent. Since the horomills have compact integrated drives like those of ball mills, it is comparatively easy to install within a limited space. The system includes auxiliary equipment such as the classifier, filter and bucket elevator. One of the advantages of a horomill seems to be its production flexibility, thanks to the small quantity of material in grinding and separating circuit.What are your observations on the present trends of process control and
‘expert systems’?

The control systems in the modern plants consist of human-machine interfaces, control software, and programmable logic controllers. They include data packages that can bring out trends of control parameters, alarm provisions and even log
details of shift operators. These packages have large flexibilities to change the graphics and control logic and the unit processes are controlled from a central control room.
The process instrumentation has expanded considerably and computer models are used to operate complex processes. Fuzzy-type or rules-based logic gained wide popularity in the 1990s and its use is continuing more extensively. Kiln optimisation and mill control are all predominantly based on rules-based fuzzy. However, after being on the fringe for many years, the latest versions of neural net technology and model-based predictive techniques are coming to the fore as competitive options.
The expert packages such as ABB Expert Optimiser/Linkman with logical dynamic modelling tools, FLS Automation ECS/ProcessExpert integrating camera signals and soft sensors, Pavillion8 MPC, Powitec PIT Indicator/Navigator. Lafarge LUCIE, Polexpert KCE/MCE are some of the advanced systems in the market. The ramp-up in the market for expert systems in future would depend more and more on integration with high-quality soft sensors of in-process materials, camera signals, on-line particle-size analysers, etc. Further, many supervisors and laboratory managers have started making use of remote access software to communicate and to provide assistance to the plant.
The next phase of control strategies seems to be heading towards intelligent field devices that use self-diagnostics and can electronically communicate specific instructions to the maintenance set-up of the plant. There is no doubt that technologically the plant control systems are progressing quite rapidly and are turning out to be more sophisticated.Do you foresee any disruptive technology coming to the cement industry?
Disruptive technologies can come from researches in two directions – one, developing new manufacturing processes for Portland cement and, another, new cement that is generically different from Portland cement. As far as the manufacturing process is concerned, the rotary kiln technology has become deep-rooted in practice and created a firm position for itself with preheater-precalciner subsystems for large-scale Portland clinker production.
Several alternative processes have been attempted during the last four decades, which include vertical shaft kilns, fluidised-bed process, conveyor kilns, microwave heating, radiation synthesis, sol-gel process, melting and quenching and a few other options. Excepting the vertical shaft kiln technology and the fluidised-bed process, all other routes for clinker making have remained in the realm of academic research. Industrialisation of the vertical shaft kiln technology flourished in some countries but ultimately it lost ground to the rotary kiln technology in respect of viability and scale of operation.
Similarly, the fluidised-bed process has been used for small capacity plants; engineering designs have been prepared up to 3000 t/d capacity, but its competitiveness with large-scale clinker making in rotary kilns could not be established so far. Hence, in manufacturing terms, no disruptive technologies can at present be forecast.
For alternative binders the research has been continuing almost since the Portland cement was born. The persistent research efforts led to the invention of three new generic cements, viz., calcium aluminate cement, calcium sulfo-aluminate-belite cement, and alinite cement. All the three binders have certain merits that are not found in Portland cements but they have certain serious shortcomings, which prevent them to qualify as alternatives to Portland cements.
Calcium aluminate cement shows retrogression of strength at higher temperatures, calcium sulfo-aluminate cement requires high-cost raw materials and alinite cement has the strong probability of releasing chlorine during hydration. All these binders are good for niche applications and not for substituting Portland cements as all-purpose structural cements.
Hydraulic cements based on magnesium oxide have recently been claimed to offer great potential for reducing CO2 emission. These binders are in the process of development and use either magnesium carbonate or magnesium silicate as the raw material. It seems that this direction of development has considerable potential for scaling up and commercialisation. There has also been a considerable research on the manufacture of cement and concrete by carbonation instead of hydration.
One trend of development in this category uses either seawater or brine as raw material and another direction is to synthesise a low-calcium silicate clinker. In both the research directions the objective is to recycle CO2 from the captured flue gases for carbonation. The global effectiveness of this approach will depend on the extent to which a circular economy for CO2 develops. The environmental compulsions for CO2 recycling with value addition cannot be ignored, particularly in view of the fact that the known approach of CO2 capture and sequestration is unviable for the cement manufacturing process.
Looking at the overall scenario of product development, one may arrive at the conclusion that no disruption in Portland cement manufacture is predicted as of now. Hence, the production of blended cements with supplementary cementing materials will continue globally. Some niche markets will be served by the new binders and, more particularly, by the belite-rich Portland cement, calcium sulfo-aluminate cement, calcium aluminate formulations, alinite cement, and carbonated binders and concrete. The emergence of magnesia-based cements should not be lost sight of in this melee.Dr Anjan K Chattejee is an international personality in cement, and is presently associated with development of LC3 cement and advisor to Pidilite industries. He is Former Wholetime Director of ACC Ltd, Mumbai and Chairman, Conmat Technologies Pvt Ltd, Kolkata.

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Technology is the cornerstone of clinker cooling





Madhusudan Rasiraju, Country Head, IKN India, talks about enhancing cement plant efficiency with energy-saving, reliable, and customised solutions while supporting sustainability through innovations like oxy-fuel plants and AFR adaptability.

Could you explain what IKN Engineering is, what the company specialises in, and share insights about your clinker cooling solutions?
IKN is a Germany-based company that specialises in providing advanced clinker cooling solutions to the cement industry. Our expertise lies in developing and supplying innovative cooling systems that focus on energy efficiency, durability and cost-effectiveness.
The clinker cooling process is a critical stage in cement production, as it significantly influences the energy efficiency of the entire plant. Our coolers are designed with cutting-edge technology to recuperate a substantial amount of heat from the clinker. This recovered heat is redirected back into the cement production process, enabling our customers to reduce their fuel consumption significantly. Moreover, IKN coolers are engineered for reliability. They are built to operate with minimal maintenance, which helps to lower operational costs and reduce downtime. By focusing on high performance and long-term reliability, we ensure that our solutions are both economically and environmentally beneficial.

How does IKN contribute to improving the efficiency of cement plant operations and supporting sustainability goals?
IKN plays a pivotal role in enhancing the operational efficiency of cement plants while aligning with global sustainability objectives. Historically, clinker coolers required frequent maintenance, with intervals as short as five to six months. This led to regular shutdowns, which disrupted operations and increased costs. With IKN’s advanced cooling solutions, cement plants can now operate their coolers for extended periods without significant maintenance. Our coolers are not only more reliable but also consume less power, which directly reduces energy costs. Additionally, the high heat recuperation efficiency of our systems ensures that less fuel is required for the cement-making process, contributing to a lower carbon footprint.
Sustainability is embedded in our solutions. By reducing energy consumption, optimising processes, and minimising maintenance, we help our customers achieve their operational goals while supporting their commitment to environmental stewardship.

What role does technology play in the clinker cooling process, and how does IKN leverage it to provide advanced solutions?
Technology is the cornerstone of clinker cooling and a driving force behind our innovative solutions at IKN. The cement industry’s needs are constantly evolving, and to stay ahead, we ensure our technologies remain dynamic and adaptable. We adopt a customer-centric approach, continuously collecting feedback from our clients to improve our systems. Every clinker cooler we supply is tailored to meet the specific requirements of the plant it serves. For instance, the physical layout, production capacity, and operational challenges of each facility are unique, and we ensure our solutions address these specific needs.
Moreover, our ongoing research and development efforts focus on enhancing reliability, improving heat recovery, and lowering energy consumption. By integrating the latest technological advancements, we make sure our coolers set new benchmarks in performance and sustainability.

Do you offer customised solutions for each cement plant, and how does the increasing use of alternative fuels (AFR) impact your clinker cooling solutions?
Absolutely, customisation is at the core of what we do at IKN. In the case of retrofits, every cooler is custom-designed to fit the specific layout and operational needs of the existing cement plant. For new installations, we collaborate closely with our clients to design coolers that are precisely sized and configured to meet their requirements.
Regarding alternative fuels (AFR), their increasing use in cement plants presents unique challenges. AFR often results in the production of finer clinker, which can be more difficult to handle during the cooling process. To address this, we optimise the operating parameters of our coolers, such as airflow density and cooler speed, to ensure they perform effectively with the type of clinker being produced. This adaptability ensures that our coolers remain efficient and reliable, even in plants using diverse and non-traditional fuels.

What challenges do you face in providing clinker cooling solutions, both from your operations and from the cement industry’s perspective?
Challenges are inevitable in any advanced technological field, and clinker cooling is no exception. One of the primary challenges we face is adapting to the changing demands of our customers. For example, frequent shifts in fuel types or the introduction of AFR can disrupt the cooling process. These changes often result in variations in clinker properties, requiring us to make adjustments to maintain optimal performance. Additionally, the grid surfaces in coolers may face increased wear and tear due to these changes. At IKN, we address such challenges by reinforcing the grid surfaces and fine-tuning our systems to handle these dynamic conditions.
From an industry perspective, there is an increasing emphasis on efficiency, sustainability, and cost reduction. Meeting these expectations while maintaining high performance is challenging, but it is a challenge we embrace through innovation, research, and collaboration with our clients.

What are your views on the net zero mission, and how is IKN contributing toward this goal?
The net zero mission is a vital initiative for energy-intensive industries such as cement, steel, and power. It requires a collective effort across the supply chain to achieve meaningful progress.
At IKN, we are committed to supporting this global goal. One of our key contributions is the development of oxy-fuel plants, which are designed to significantly reduce carbon emissions during production. We are also exploring innovative cooling methods, such as the use of nitrogen or other media, to further enhance sustainability. Currently, we have two oxy-fuel projects underway in Germany. These plants not only demonstrate our commitment to the net zero mission but also serve as examples of how advanced technology can drive sustainability in the cement industry. By focusing on durability, efficiency, and innovation, we help our clients reduce their environmental footprint while maintaining high operational standards.

– Kanika Mathur

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Smart Cement Plants





By integrating advanced technologies like IoT and AI, cement plants are transforming into highly efficient and interconnected systems. ICR explores how these innovations enable real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance, significantly reducing downtime and operational costs.

The cement industry, traditionally known for its reliance on heavy machinery and manual processes, is undergoing a significant digital transformation. This shift is driven by advancements in technology that promise to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve overall production quality. Key trends include the adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT), which enables real-time monitoring and control of production processes through interconnected devices. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are being utilised to optimise operations, predict maintenance needs, and minimise downtime by analysing vast amounts of data. Additionally, the integration of Big Data analytics allows for more informed decision-making by providing insights into production trends and potential areas for improvement.
“One of the key advantages of integrating data across our systems is the ability to have a more transparent, agile, and integrated supply and logistics chain. With the implementation of Oracle Logistics Management Solution, we have been able to overcome challenges related to consignment locations and truck movements, providing real-time visibility into our operations. This has also led to operational efficiency improvements and the ability to predict consignment delivery times, which we share with our customers, enhancing their experience” says Arun Shukla, President and Director, JK Lakshmi Cement.
According to BlueWeave Consultancy, during the forecast period between 2023 and 2029, the size of India cement market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 9.05 per cent reaching a value of US$ 49.24 billion by 2029. Major growth drivers for the India cement market include the growing need from construction and infrastructure sectors and rising governmental initiatives and investments in expansive infrastructure ventures encompassing highways, railways, airports, and public edifices.

Importance of Digitalisation
Digitalisation in cement manufacturing is crucial for several reasons:

  • Enhanced efficiency: Digital tools streamline production processes, reducing waste and improving the precision of operations. This leads to higher output and better resource utilisation.
  • Predictive maintenance: By leveraging AI and IoT, cement plants can predict equipment failures before they occur, minimising unplanned downtime and extending the lifespan of machinery.
  • Energy optimisation: Digital technologies enable the monitoring and optimisation of energy consumption, leading to significant cost savings and a reduced carbon footprint.

This aligns with global sustainability goals and regulatory requirements.

Quality control: Advanced sensors and data analytics ensure consistent product quality by closely monitoring and adjusting the production parameters in real time.
Safety improvements: Automation and robotics reduce the need for human intervention in hazardous environments, enhancing worker safety and reducing the risk of accidents.
Competitive advantage: Companies that embrace digitalisation can respond more quickly to market changes, innovate faster, and provide better customer service, giving them a competitive edge in the industry.
Digital transformation is reshaping the cement industry by driving efficiency, enhancing product quality, and promoting sustainability. As the industry continues to evolve, the adoption of digital technologies will be essential for maintaining competitiveness and achieving long-term success.

Key technologies driving digitalisation
The digital transformation of the cement industry is powered by a suite of advanced technologies that enhance efficiency, improve product quality, and drive sustainability. Here are some of the key technologies making a significant impact:
IoT refers to a network of interconnected devices that communicate and exchange data in real time. In the cement industry, IoT applications are revolutionising operations by enabling real-time monitoring and control of production processes. Sensors embedded in equipment collect data on various parameters such as temperature, pressure, and vibration. This data is then transmitted to a central system where it is analysed to optimise performance. For instance, IoT-enabled predictive maintenance systems can detect anomalies and predict equipment failures before they occur, minimising downtime and reducing maintenance costs. Additionally, IoT helps in energy management by monitoring consumption patterns and identifying opportunities for energy savings.
AI and ML in process optimisation are pivotal in enhancing process optimisation in the cement industry. AI algorithms analyse vast amounts of data generated from production processes to identify patterns and insights that human operators might overlook. ML models continuously learn from this data, improving their accuracy and effectiveness over time. These technologies enable real-time adjustments to production parameters, ensuring optimal performance and product quality. For example, AI-driven systems can automatically adjust the
mix of raw materials to produce cement with consistent properties, reducing waste and improving efficiency. AI and ML also play a crucial role in predictive maintenance, forecasting potential issues based on historical data and preventing costly equipment failures.
Tushar Kulkarni, Head – Solutions, Innomotics India, says, “Adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) will significantly help cement plants in their efforts towards innovation, efficiency and sustainability goals through improved process optimisation and increased productivity.”
“The Innomotics Digi-Suite (AI-based) is positioned to support the cement industry in this endeavour. Built on microservices architecture, Digi-Suite offers flexible self-learning AI based solutions which can be customised or tailor-made in accordance with plant / customer requirements. It enables customers to implement their digitalisation strategies in a stepwise manner and scale it up to an entire plant or multiple plants. Through this platform, customers can monitor and manage processes centrally. This approach provides guidance for company-wide process standardisation, knowledge sharing and optimum utilisation of expert resources,” he adds.
Big Data analytics involves processing and analysing large volumes of data to extract meaningful insights. In the cement industry, Big Data analytics is used for predictive maintenance and strategic decision-making. By analysing data from various sources such as sensors, machinery logs, and production records, companies can predict equipment failures and schedule maintenance activities proactively. This approach minimises unplanned downtime and extends the lifespan of critical assets. Furthermore, Big Data analytics helps in optimising supply chain management, inventory control, and production planning by providing actionable insights into trends and patterns. Decision-makers can leverage these insights to make informed choices that enhance operational efficiency and competitiveness.
Arun Attri, Chief Information Officer, Wonder Cement, says, “The advantages of data integration are substantial. By leveraging integrated data,
we build a single source of truth, we can identify patterns, optimise processes, and implement strategic initiatives that drive overall business growth. This approach not only enhances operational efficiency but also strengthens our relationships with all stakeholders by providing a clear and consistent view of our operations.”
“By establishing a single source of truth, we ensure that all stakeholders, both internal and external, have access to consistent and accurate data. This unified data repository enhances visibility into our operations, improves decision-making, and enables comprehensive analyses. For internal stakeholders, such as our production, quality and maintenance teams, this means having reliable data to optimise processes and schedule maintenance effectively. For external stakeholders, including suppliers and customers, it ensures transparency and trust, as they can rely on the accuracy of the information provided,” he adds.
Cloud computing offers a scalable and flexible solution for data storage and access, playing a vital role in the digitalisation of the cement industry. By storing data in the cloud, companies can easily access and share information across different locations and departments. Cloud-based platforms facilitate real-time collaboration and data sharing, enabling seamless integration of various digital tools and systems. Additionally, cloud computing provides robust data security and backup solutions, ensuring that critical information is protected and can be recovered in case of data loss. The scalability of cloud services allows cement manufacturers to handle the increasing volume of data generated by IoT devices and other digital technologies, supporting their growth and innovation initiatives.

Digital twin technology
Digital twin technology involves creating a virtual replica of a physical asset, process, or system. This digital counterpart is continuously updated with real-time data from sensors and other sources, mirroring the physical entity’s performance, behaviour and condition. In the cement industry, digital twins
offer numerous benefits. They enable real-time monitoring and analysis, allowing operators to visualise and understand complex processes in detail. This enhanced visibility helps in optimising production, improving efficiency, and reducing downtime. Digital twins also facilitate predictive maintenance by simulating various scenarios and identifying potential issues before they occur, thereby extending the lifespan of equipment and minimising maintenance costs. Moreover, they support data-driven decision-making by providing comprehensive insights into operations, leading to better resource management and increased productivity.
Tarun Mishra, Founder and CEO, Covacsis, explains, “Different plant data reside within the walls of individual plants. Comparing micro economic performance across plants is impossible. Covacsis’ IPF is designed to aggregate multiple plant’s data at unified enterprise datalike (historian) which then further used for relative baselining and relative performance analysis across same and similar asset base or product or processes.”
“Data plays the most important role in any algorithm. Big data and fast data are only adding to the logistics performance of any algorithm and platform. Covacsis is a decade old and most mature platform in the world. Covacsis’ SaaS infrastructure is already handling more than 350 billion of cement process and operation data on a daily basis with a compounding daily growth rate of 1 per cent. This provides a significant advantage to Covacsis towards building algorithms and ensuring the value efficacy of these algorithms for the industry,” he elaborates.
The implementation of digital twins in cement plants involves several steps. First, detailed models of the plant’s equipment, processes, and systems are created using data from various sources such as sensors, historical records, and engineering specifications. These models are then integrated into a digital platform that continuously collects and analyses real-time data from the physical plant. For instance, a digital twin of a cement kiln can monitor temperature, pressure, and other critical parameters, allowing operators to optimise the combustion process and improve energy efficiency.
Similarly, digital twins of grinding mills can help in adjusting operational parameters to achieve optimal particle size distribution and improve cement quality. The integration of digital twins with other digital technologies such as IoT, AI and Big Data analytics enhances their capabilities, providing a comprehensive and dynamic view of the entire production process. As a result, cement plants can achieve significant improvements in operational efficiency, product quality and sustainability.

Automation in cement production
Automation plays a pivotal role in enhancing productivity within the cement industry by streamlining operations and reducing the reliance on manual labor. Automated systems and machinery can perform repetitive and complex tasks with higher precision and consistency than human workers. This leads to significant improvements in operational efficiency and throughput. For instance, automated material handling systems can manage the movement and storage of raw materials and finished products more effectively, minimising delays and reducing handling costs.
Automated process control systems enable real-time monitoring and adjustments of production parameters, ensuring optimal performance and reducing waste. Additionally, automation helps in maintaining consistent product quality by minimising human errors and variations in the manufacturing process. Overall, the integration of automation technologies results in faster production cycles, lower operational costs, and increased competitiveness in the market.
The introduction of automation in the cement industry has a profound impact on workforce skills and safety. As automation takes over routine and hazardous tasks, the demand for manual labour decreases, and the focus shifts to more technical and supervisory roles. Workers are required to develop new skills in operating and maintaining automated systems, as well as in data analysis and problem-solving. This shift necessitates continuous training and upskilling to ensure the workforce can effectively manage and leverage advanced technologies.
On the safety front, automation significantly enhances worker safety by reducing their exposure to dangerous environments and tasks. Automated systems can handle heavy lifting, high-temperature processes, and exposure to harmful dust and chemicals, thereby minimising the risk of accidents and occupational health issues. As a result, automation not only boosts productivity but also contributes to a safer and more skilled workforce, fostering a more sustainable and resilient industry.

Energy efficiency and sustainability
Digital tools are revolutionising the way energy consumption is monitored and optimised in the cement industry. Advanced sensors and IoT devices continuously collect data on energy usage across different stages of the manufacturing process. This real-time data is analysed using AI and machine learning algorithms to identify patterns, inefficiencies, and opportunities for energy savings. Energy management systems (EMS) integrate these digital tools to provide a comprehensive overview of energy consumption, allowing operators to make informed decisions to reduce energy waste. For instance, predictive analytics can forecast energy demands and optimise the operation of high-energy equipment, such as kilns and grinders, to align with periods of lower energy costs. Additionally, automated control systems can adjust operational parameters to maintain optimal energy efficiency, thereby reducing the overall energy footprint of the plant.
McKinsey & Company for the cement industry analyse that pursuing digitisation and sustainability levers are key to significantly boosting productivity and efficiency of a typical cement plant. The result is a margin gain of $4 to $9 per tonne of cement, which would shift a traditional plant to the top quartile of the cost curve for plants with similar technologies.
Digital technologies are also instrumental in driving sustainable practices within the cement industry. By providing precise control over production processes, digital tools help in minimising raw material wastage and reducing emissions. For example, advanced process control (APC) systems optimise the combustion process in kilns, leading to more efficient fuel use and lower carbon dioxide emissions. Digital twins, which create virtual replicas of physical assets, enable detailed simulations and scenario analyses, allowing companies to explore and implement more sustainable production methods. Furthermore, the integration of renewable energy sources,
such as solar and wind power, is facilitated by digital technologies that manage and balance energy loads effectively.
Digital platforms also support the implementation of circular economy practices, such as the use of alternative fuels and raw materials, by tracking and optimising their utilisation throughout the production cycle. Overall, digital technologies empower the cement industry to achieve significant advancements in energy efficiency and sustainability, contributing to environmental conservation and compliance with global sustainability standards.

Future of digitalisation
The cement industry is on the brink of a significant transformation driven by emerging technologies. Innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), advanced robotics, and blockchain are poised to revolutionise various aspects of cement production and supply chain management. AI and ML will enable more sophisticated predictive maintenance and process optimisation, reducing downtime and increasing efficiency. Advanced robotics will automate more complex and hazardous tasks, further enhancing productivity and worker safety. Blockchain technology offers potential benefits in enhancing transparency and traceability in the supply chain, ensuring the integrity of product quality and compliance with environmental regulations. These emerging technologies will collectively contribute to a more efficient, reliable, and sustainable cement industry.
Smart cement plants represent the future of the industry, where digital technologies are fully integrated to create highly automated and interconnected production environments. In these plants, IoT devices, digital twins and AI-driven systems will work together seamlessly to monitor, control and optimise every aspect of the manufacturing process. Real-time data from sensors will feed into advanced analytics platforms, enabling instant adjustments to maintain optimal performance. Digital twins will allow operators to simulate and test changes in a virtual environment before implementing them in the physical plant, minimising risks and enhancing decision-making. Furthermore, smart cement plants will incorporate renewable energy sources and energy storage solutions, supported by intelligent energy management systems that ensure efficient and sustainable operations.
Over the next decade, the digital transformation of the cement industry is expected to accelerate, driven by continuous advancements in technology and increasing demands for sustainability. We can anticipate widespread adoption of AI and ML for real-time process optimisation and predictive maintenance, leading to significant reductions in operational costs and emissions. The use of digital twins will become standard practice, enabling more precise and flexible production planning and execution.
Enhanced connectivity and data sharing across the supply chain will improve efficiency, transparency, and collaboration among stakeholders. Additionally, the integration of renewable energy and advanced energy storage solutions will become more prevalent, supported by digital platforms that optimise energy usage and reduce environmental impact. As the industry embraces these digital innovations, we will see a new era of smart, sustainable, and highly efficient cement manufacturing, positioning it to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.

The digital transformation of the cement industry is poised to revolutionise traditional manufacturing processes, driving significant advancements in efficiency, sustainability, and competitiveness. Emerging technologies such as IoT, AI, ML advanced robotics, and blockchain are not only optimising energy consumption and improving operational efficiency but are also paving the way for more sustainable practices. The evolution towards smart cement plants, where digital tools are fully integrated, is set to redefine production environments with enhanced automation, real-time monitoring and advanced analytics.
Over the next decade, we can expect these technologies to become standard practice, leading to substantial reductions in costs and emissions, improved supply chain transparency, and greater adoption of renewable energy sources. As the industry embraces digitalisation, it will be better equipped to meet future challenges and seize new opportunities, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and resilient
global economy.

– Kanika Mathur

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Advantages of data integration are substantial





Arun Attri, Chief Information Officer, Wonder Cement, discusses the digital transformation and advanced technologies used to enhance operational efficiency, sustainability and cybersecurity in their cement manufacturing processes.

How has the implementation of IT initiatives transformed your operations and processes in the cement industry?
We operate under the digital vision: To leverage digital to accelerate growth, build relationships and enhance consumer experience.
Our digital transformation initiatives have profoundly reshaped operations and processes at Wonder Cement. By integrating advanced technologies such as IoT, cloud computing and constructing a data lake house for data consolidation as a single source of truth, we have enabled seamless information flow between applications and developed real-time analytics. These advancements have streamlined our production processes, enhanced operational efficiency, and improved decision-making. Additionally, predictive analytics allows us to anticipate market trends and customer needs more accurately.

Can you discuss how your organisation is adopting Industry 4.0 technologies and the benefits you are experiencing?

Embracing Industry 4.0 technologies is truly transforming our operations and improving reliability. Here are the key benefits we are experiencing:

  • Real-time monitoring: IoT devices provide real-time data on equipment performance, enabling predictive maintenance and reducing downtime.
  • Process optimisation: AI and machine learning algorithms enhance process optimisation,
    leading to increased efficiency and reduced operational costs.
  • Higher productivity: Improved monitoring and optimisation result in higher productivity and better product quality.
  • Enhanced sustainability: Better resource utilisation contributes to enhanced sustainability.

What specific automation technologies have you implemented, and how have they improved efficiency and productivity in your cement plants?
Automation technologies have revolutionised efficiency and productivity at our cement plants. Automated quality control systems ensure consistent product quality by continuously monitoring and adjusting production parameters. Robotic process automation (RPA) in administrative functions like inventory management and order processing has drastically reduced manual errors and boosted operational efficiency. These advancements enable us to uphold high standards of precision and reliability, optimise resource utilisation and minimise wastage.

How are predictive analytics and maintenance technologies being utilised in your operations to minimise downtime and optimise maintenance schedules?
Predictive analytics and maintenance technologies are pivotal in minimising downtime and optimising maintenance schedules at Wonder Cement. By analysing historical data and real-time sensor inputs, we proactively predict and address potential equipment failures. This approach has drastically reduced unplanned downtime, enhanced equipment reliability, and extended machinery lifespan. Our maintenance teams use these insights to schedule activities during planned shutdowns, ensuring minimal production disruption. This proactive strategy has led to substantial cost savings and significantly boosted overall plant efficiency.

What are the challenges and advantages of integrating data across various systems in your cement manufacturing process?
Integrating data across various systems in our cement manufacturing process presents both challenges and advantages. One of the primary challenges is ensuring data consistency and accuracy across different platforms. To address this, we have implemented robust data integration and validation frameworks that facilitate seamless data flow and synchronisation.
The advantages of data integration are substantial. By leveraging integrated data, we build a single source of truth, we can identify patterns, optimise processes, and implement strategic initiatives that drive overall business growth. This approach not only enhances operational efficiency but also strengthens our relationships with all stakeholders by providing a clear and consistent view of our operations.
By establishing a single source of truth, we ensure that all stakeholders, both internal and external, have access to consistent and accurate data. This unified data repository enhances visibility into our operations, improves decision-making, and enables comprehensive analyses. For internal stakeholders, such as our production, quality and maintenance teams, this means having reliable data to optimise processes and schedule maintenance effectively. For external stakeholders, including suppliers and customers, it ensures transparency and trust, as they can rely on the accuracy of the information provided.

How is digitalisation contributing to sustainability efforts and reducing the environmental impact of your cement production?
IT initiatives play a pivotal role in supporting our sustainability efforts and reducing the environmental impact of cement production at Wonder Cement. One of the key contributions of IT is the optimisation of energy consumption. Through advanced energy management systems, we continuously monitor and analyse energy usage across our operations. This allows us to identify areas of inefficiency and implement measures to reduce energy consumption, such as adjusting process parameters and utilising energy-efficient equipment.
Additionally, IT enables us to track and manage emissions more effectively. By integrating emission monitoring systems with our IT infrastructure, we can continuously measure and analyse emission levels, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and identifying opportunities for reduction. For instance, real-time data on CO2 emissions allows us to adjust our production processes to minimise the carbon footprint.
IT initiatives also facilitate the implementation of circular economy practices. Through sophisticated waste management systems, we can monitor and optimise the use of alternative fuels and raw materials, reducing our reliance on traditional resources and minimising waste generation.

With the increasing digitisation of operations, what steps are you taking to ensure cybersecurity and protect sensitive data?
With the increasing digitisation of operations, ensuring cybersecurity and protecting sensitive data is paramount at Wonder Cement. We have implemented advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) for threat detection and response, and Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) to provide secure and efficient network access. Additionally, our Security Operations Centre (SOC) continuously monitors our digital infrastructure, utilising AI/ML to identify and mitigate potential threats in real-time. Comprehensive cybersecurity measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits, further safeguard our systems. We also conduct regular training sessions for our employees to raise awareness about cybersecurity best practices and potential threats. By prioritising cybersecurity, we ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our critical data and systems, staying ahead of emerging cyber threats.

What future IT trends do you foresee having the most significant impact on the cement industry, and how is your organisation preparing to embrace these trends?
Looking ahead, we foresee several IT trends that will significantly impact the cement industry. These include the further integration of AI and machine learning for advanced process optimisation, the adoption of blockchain technology for transparent and secure supply chain management, and the expansion of IoT applications for enhanced monitoring and control. Additionally, the use of drones for site inspections, computer vision for quality control, generative AI for innovative design solutions, and robotics and RPA for automating repetitive tasks will bring substantial benefits. At Wonder Cement, we are actively preparing to embrace these trends by investing in research and development, collaborating with technology partners, and continuously upgrading our IT infrastructure. Our proactive approach ensures that we remain at the forefront of technological advancements, driving innovation and maintaining our competitive edge.

– Kanika Mathur

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