The Aditya Birla Group recently took over Jaypee Group’s cement unit in Gujarat for ` 3,800 crore. The acquisition includes the Jaypee cement unit’s debt. The...
Media reports recently indicated that Aditya Birla Group has acquired Jaypee Group’s cement unit in Gujarat for Rs 3,800 crore. The acquisition includes the Jaypee cement...
HeidelbergCement India is looking at all possibilities to merge Zuari Cement with itself, said the company?? top official. ??e were waiting for some amendments in the...
The pace of M&A activity in the Indian cement industry has picked up over the previous year, with the country’s leading cement producers in particular looking...
Aditya Birla Group Chairman Kumar Manglam Birla feels that the merger of Lafarge SA and Holcim will not be a threat for UltraTech Cement. He also...
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