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Tribunal rejects Binani Cement’s plea for relaxation




The Competition Appellate Tribunal (COMPAT) has dismissed the appeal of Binani Cement seeking waiver of the direction to deposit with it 10 per cent of the total penalty amount which was imposed by the Competition Commission in a cartelisation case.
"Binani Cement has failed to substantiate its claim for review of our order dated November 28, 2016," COMPAT said. While dismissing the plea, the tribunal, in an order last week, said the company has "neither presented any fresh compelling or significant circumstances to justify review of our order nor pointed out any error manifest on the face of the record, resulting in miscarriage of justice".
In an order last August, CCI had slapped a penalty of over Rs 6,700 crore on 11 cement firms, including Binani Cement, for indulging in cartelisation. Binani Cement, which was fined Rs 167.32 crore, had filed an appeal against the CCI order before the tribunal.

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The cement industry, known for its high energy consumption, faces increasing pressure to enhance efficiency and reduce environmental impact. ICR explores the critical role of energy management in cement manufacturing, highlighting the industry’s shift towards renewable energy, alternative fuels and advanced technologies to achieve sustainability. In the cement manufacturing process, energy consumption is a critical factor, significantly impacting both production costs and environmental sustainability. The industry is highly energy-intensive, with energy costs accounting for a substantial portion of the total production expenses.

According to International Energy Outlook (2016), the energy consumption of all industrial sectors around the World is increasing by an average of 1.2 per cent per year. The World’s industrial sector energy consumption expects to reach 309 quadrillions of British Thermal Units in 2040. The cement industry is one of the energy-intensive industries which utilises a sizeable amount of energy. Avami and Sattari (2007) found that the cement industries in Malaysia consumed about 12 per cent of the country’s total energy, while this value is 15 per cent in Iran. Hence, national and international efforts are carried out to reduce energy consumption and emission level in the cement industry.
In the cement industry, the total energy consumption accounts for 50–60 per cent of the overall manufacturing cost, while thermal energy accounts for 20–25 per cent (Wang et al., 2009; Singhi and Bhargava, 2010). The modern cement industry requires 110–120 kWh of electrical power to produce one ton of cement (Mejeoumov, 2007). Thermal energy is used mainly during the burning process, while electrical energy is used during the cement grinding process (Marciano, 2004).

Energy usage in cement manufacturing is primarily divided between thermal energy and electrical energy. Thermal energy is predominantly used in the kiln operation, where raw materials like limestone are heated to high temperatures to form clinker, the key component in cement. This stage consumes around 60-70 per cent of the total energy in the manufacturing process. The main fuel sources for thermal energy are coal, petcoke, and increasingly, alternative fuels derived from waste materials, which help in reducing carbon emissions. Electrical energy, on the other hand, is utilised across various stages, including raw material preparation, grinding, and cement milling. The grinding process, especially in the cement mill, is a significant consumer of electrical energy, often accounting for about 30-40 per cent of total electricity usage in the plant.

The energy consumption patterns vary depending on the technology employed, the type of fuel used, and the operational efficiency of the plant. Modern cement plants are adopting more energy-efficient technologies, such as preheaters, precalciners, and high-efficiency grinding systems, which help in reducing overall energy consumption. Additionally, there is a growing focus on optimising energy use through the integration of digital solutions and energy management systems, which can monitor and control energy consumption more effectively.
According to the report, Review on energy conservation and emission reduction approaches for cement industry, published December 2022, the energy consumption in cement production depends on the process through which it is manufactured. The dry process of cement manufacturing uses more electrical energy than the wet process, while the wet process uses more thermal energy than the dry process. The dry process of cement manufacturing utilises 75 per cent thermal and 25 per cent electrical energy. A maximum percentage of the total thermal energy is used for clinker production. According to the reports, the cement industry employs 90 per cent of the total consumed natural gas for clinker production in large rotary kilns (Fig. 6). For Indian cement industries, coal fulfills ninety-four per cent of the thermal energy demand. In contrast, the remaining need is fulfilled by fuel oil and high-speed diesel oil. The cement industry in India does not have sufficient natural gas available for fulfilling the thermal energy requirement (Karwa et al., 1998).

“Nuvoco has established a rigorous system for measuring and monitoring energy efficiency across its cement manufacturing processes.
Key metrics are tracked using advanced monitoring systems to ensure both optimal performance and strict regulatory compliance,” says Raju Ramchandran, SVP Manufacturing (Cluster Head – Central), Nuvoco Vistas.

“One critical aspect of this monitoring involves the consistent tracking of air emissions from fuel combustion in cement production and power generation operations. This includes pollutants like Oxides of Sulphur (SOx), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), and Particulate Matter (PM). Nuvoco employs Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) to observe these emissions in real-time, ensuring adherence to environmental standards,” he adds.

Renewable Energy Integration
Integrating renewable energy into cement production is an emerging strategy to enhance sustainability and reduce the industry’s carbon footprint. Traditionally reliant on fossil fuels, the cement industry is increasingly exploring renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and biomass to power various stages of production.
“Renewable energy is a fundamental component of Wonder Cement’s broader energy efficiency strategy. We have integrated renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, into our manufacturing operations to reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy. Our solar power plants, strategically positioned across our manufacturing sites, contribute significantly to our overall energy needs. By generating clean energy on-site, we not only reduce our electricity costs but also achieve substantial reductions in carbon emissions, underscoring our commitment to sustainability,” says Piyush Joshi, Associate Vice President – Systems and Technical Cell, Wonder Cement.

“Our approach to renewable energy extends beyond electricity generation. We are actively exploring the potential of renewable fuels for our kiln operations. Through partnerships with research institutions and technology providers, we are investigating the viability of hydrogen and other renewable energy sources to further reduce our carbon footprint and enhance energy efficiency,” he adds.

The use of Alternative Fuels and Raw Materials (AFR) in cement manufacturing plays a crucial role in reducing energy consumption and lowering the industry’s carbon footprint. AFRs, including waste-derived materials like industrial by-products and biomass, can replace traditional fossil fuels and raw materials in the production process. This substitution reduces the thermal energy required in kilns and lowers overall energy consumption.

Vikas Garg, Energy Manager, Udaipur Cement Works Ltd (UCWL), says, “Renewable energy plays a significant role in enhancing energy efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint in cement manufacturing. Integrating renewable energy into cement operations aligns with broader sustainability goals and helps in mitigating the environmental impact of the industry. We have reduced our needs of electricity from the grid by up to 50 per cent by utilising renewable energy.”

Additionally, AFRs enable energy recovery from waste materials, contributing to a circular economy by minimising the demand for non-renewable resources. The environmental and economic benefits of AFRs include reduced greenhouse gas emissions, lower landfill usage, and decreased reliance on costly fossil fuels. By integrating AFRs, cement plants can achieve greater energy efficiency and align with global sustainability goals.

MM Rathi, Joint President – Power plants, Shree Cement, says, “Renewable energy is a cornerstone of our strategy for energy efficiency and sustainability at Shree Cement. Our commitment to integrating renewable energy is reflected in our energy mix, where renewable sources account for 55.9 per cent of our total energy consumption. This significant share has enabled us to avoid 0.94 million tons of CO2 emissions, demonstrating our impact on reducing greenhouse gasses. Our total power generation capacity is 1 GW, with 50 per cent derived from renewable sources, including solar, wind and WHR.”

“Our energy management strategy leverages renewable energy to stabilise and optimise our energy supply. We are exploring advanced energy storage solutions, such as battery and pump storage systems, to manage the variability of renewable sources and ensure a consistent energy supply. Renewable energy is pivotal in achieving our sustainability targets, including substantial reductions in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. By increasing our renewable energy share, we have significantly lowered our carbon footprint and contributed to global climate goals,” he adds.

Solar energy, for instance, can be harnessed for processes such as preheating raw materials, while wind energy can supply electricity for plant operations. Biomass, used as an alternative fuel, helps reduce dependency on coal and other fossil fuels in kilns. These renewable sources not only lower greenhouse gas emissions but also contribute to energy cost savings over time.

Raman Bhatia, Founder and Managing Director, Servotech Power Systems, explains, “Installing a solar system is just the first step; operating and maintaining it properly is equally important to ensure the system runs efficiently over the long term and for that we conduct regular inspections to detect and address issues like module degradation and inverter malfunctions early, preventing energy losses.”

“Our team ensures optimal performance through routine cleaning and maintenance, which maximises sunlight absorption and energy generation. Continuous performance monitoring using advanced data analytics allows us to optimise system settings, while preventive and corrective maintenance activities minimise downtime and equipment failures. By utilising techniques such as module-level monitoring and inverter tuning, Servotech ensures that solar systems operate at peak efficiency, delivering maximum energy output and long-term cost savings,” he adds.

The transition to renewable energy in cement production presents challenges, including the need for significant infrastructure investment and the variability of energy supply. Despite these hurdles, the growing emphasis on sustainability and regulatory pressures are driving the adoption of renewable energy, making it a critical component of the industry’s pathway to achieving net-zero emissions. Integrating renewables is not just about reducing carbon footprints; it also positions the cement industry as a leader in the global shift towards a more sustainable energy future.

Role of Technology and Maintenance
In cement manufacturing, managing energy efficiency is critical to reducing costs and minimising environmental impact. Predictive maintenance, understanding consumer machinery needs, and the integration of advanced technology play pivotal roles in achieving these goals.

Predictive maintenance uses data analytics
and real-time monitoring to anticipate equipment failures before they occur. By analysing machinery performance, cement plants can schedule maintenance activities proactively, reducing downtime and optimising energy use. This approach not only extends the lifespan of equipment but also ensures that machines operate at peak efficiency, minimising unnecessary energy consumption.
“When predictive maintenance is an integral part of a company’s maintenance practices it will increase equipment efficiency and directly impact the total energy consumed for the same output for any equipment,” says Dries Van Loon, Vice President – Products, Nanoprecise Sci Corp.
“With the Nanoprecise solution fully integrated, our end users not only receive actionable insights with defined ‘remaining useful life’, but also continuous data on the impact to energy consumption and its effect on carbon emissions. This is crucial in prioritising maintenance tasks not purely based on potential saved downtime and repair cost, but also on the highest energy impact, ensuring that maintenance tasks have a significant, measurable contribution to reducing carbon emissions,” he adds.
Understanding the specific machinery needs of consumers—such as the demand for high-efficiency kilns, grinding mills, and conveyors—enables manufacturers to tailor solutions that enhance energy efficiency. Customised machinery that meets the precise needs of a cement plant can significantly reduce energy usage, leading to more sustainable operations.
“Our customer-centric approach is pivotal in ensuring solutions are precisely aligned with the unique needs of the cement industry. With deep industry and domain expertise, our technical teams fully understand the specific challenges and requirements inherent in cement manufacturing. This knowledge allows us to offer tailored solutions that address the operational demands of the sector effectively. We engage closely with our customers to gain insights into their specific needs and operational contexts, leading to the creation and implementation of customised solutions. These solutions, designed with flexibility, allow seamless integration with existing plant infrastructure and processes and minimises disruptions during implementation, ensuring that new technologies enhance rather than disrupt current operations,” says Neeraj Kulkarni, Regional Division President – India, MEA & LatAm, Large Motors & Generators Division, ABB India.
“Furthermore, our commitment to continuous improvement is reflected in our iterative innovation process. By actively seeking and incorporating customer feedback, we refine and enhance our solutions to address emerging challenges and capitalise on new opportunities within the cement industry,” he adds.
The role of technology in managing energy efficiency extends beyond maintenance and machinery customisation. Digital solutions, such as energy management systems (EMS), IoT sensors, and artificial intelligence, provide real-time insights into energy consumption patterns. These technologies allow cement plants to monitor and optimise energy use across all stages of production, from raw material processing to clinker production and cement grinding. By leveraging these tools, plants can identify inefficiencies, implement corrective actions, and continuously improve their energy performance.

Challenges in Achieving Energy Efficiency
Achieving energy efficiency in cement manufacturing is a complex challenge due to several interrelated factors. One of the primary challenges is the inherent energy-intensive nature of the cement production process, particularly in the kiln operation where high temperatures are required to produce clinker. This stage consumes a significant amount of thermal energy, making it difficult to drastically reduce energy usage without compromising product quality.
The availability and cost of alternative fuels and raw materials also pose challenges. While alternative fuels can reduce energy consumption, their consistent supply and cost-effectiveness vary across regions, making it difficult for some plants to rely on them as a stable energy source. Furthermore, operational complexities such as fluctuating demand, varying raw material quality, and the need to maintain continuous production can limit the flexibility to implement energy-saving measures.
Finally, the regulatory environment can be both a motivator and a challenge. Stricter environmental regulations push companies towards energy efficiency, but compliance with these regulations often requires additional investments in technology and processes.
While the benefits of energy efficiency in cement manufacturing are clear, overcoming these challenges requires a balanced approach that considers both technological advancements and economic feasibility.

Energy efficiency is a critical component of sustainable cement manufacturing, offering significant benefits in terms of cost reduction, environmental impact, and regulatory compliance. However, achieving energy efficiency in this energy-intensive industry presents several challenges, from the inherent demands of the production process to the complexities of upgrading aging infrastructure and integrating
new technologies.
The adoption of alternative fuels and raw materials (AFR) has shown promise in reducing energy consumption, but consistent supply and cost remain obstacles. Similarly, renewable energy integration, while essential for long-term sustainability, requires significant investment and careful management to overcome the variability of energy supply.
Predictive maintenance and the use of advanced technology play pivotal roles in optimising energy use, allowing cement plants to operate more efficiently and with reduced downtime. By understanding the specific needs of consumer machinery, manufacturers can tailor solutions that further enhance energy efficiency, aligning operations with both economic and environmental goals.
Despite these challenges, the cement industry is gradually moving towards a more energy-efficient future. The integration of digital solutions, renewable energy, and innovative maintenance practices are paving the way for a more sustainable and cost-effective production process. As the industry continues to evolve, the focus on energy efficiency will be crucial in driving progress towards a low-carbon economy and ensuring the long-term viability of cement manufacturing.

– Kanika Mathur

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Sustainability is a core priority for us





Arun Shukla, President and Director, JK Lakshmi Cement, reveals how their digital transformation initiatives have helped them set new benchmarks.

How has the implementation of IT initiatives transformed your operations and processes in the cement industry?
At JK Lakshmi Cement, we have embarked on a comprehensive digital transformation journey, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to revolutionise our operations and processes. This strategic approach has yielded significant results across several key areas.
We have implemented Dataiku, a leading data science and machine learning platform. This has resulted in a remarkable 60-70 per cent reduction in operational task execution times. Additionally, report generation has skyrocketed by over 300 per cent. This empowers our teams with real-time visibility into crucial metrics encompassing sales, logistics, manufacturing and procurement, ultimately transforming decision-making across the organisation.
By harnessing data from diverse sources, we can now provide customers with near-flawless delivery time predictions at the point of invoicing. This translates to a demonstrably higher level of customer satisfaction and reinforces their trust in our data-driven capabilities. We have made substantial investments in both Internet of Things (IoT) and automation technologies to optimise our operations. IoT is strategically leveraged for tasks like fleet management, supply chain optimisation, and water conservation. Furthermore, a machine learning platform automates essential logistics and supply chain processes, leading to significant cost savings and enhanced operational efficiency.
We have meticulously built robust data analytics capabilities. This includes the utilisation of descriptive analytics, real-time dashboards, and predictive modelling. This empowers our leadership team to make informed, data-driven decisions that positively impact our financial performance.
Environmental sustainability is paramount to JK Lakshmi Cement. We are a proud member of the RE100 initiative, pledging to achieve 100 per cent reliance on renewable energy by 2040. We’ve also deployed green LNG trucks for transportation, further minimising our environmental footprint.
By strategically investing in digital technologies and data-driven initiatives, JK Lakshmi Cement has not only transformed its operations and elevated customer experience, but we have also solidified our position as a frontrunner in the cement industry’s digital transformation.

Can you discuss how your organisation is adopting Industry 4.0 technologies and the benefits you are experiencing?
At JK Lakshmi Cement, we have been proactively embracing Industry 4.0 technologies to drive operational excellence and enhance customer experience. Some of the key initiatives we have undertaken include:
Digitalisation and automation: We have implemented advanced process control systems, smart sensors, and data analytics across our manufacturing facilities to optimise production, improve quality, and reduce energy consumption. For example, JK Lakshmi Cement has been awarded the best EGS performance in community engagement and empowerment at various platforms and has committed to multiple memberships such as SBTi, RE100 and EP 100, which meets its sustainability goals and reduces its carbon footprint.
Supply chain optimisation: We have leveraged technologies like IoT, blockchain, and predictive analytics to enhance our logistics and distribution network. This has allowed us to rationalise our procurement, material handling and transportation, leading to significant cost optimisation.
Customer-centric innovation: To better serve our customers, we have developed a suite of digital tools and services. This includes a mobile app for order placement, delivery tracking, and technical support, as well as an e-commerce platform for seamless online transactions. These digital interventions have greatly improved customer convenience and satisfaction.
Sustainability and efficiency: Sustainability is a core priority for us, and we have adopted Industry 4.0 technologies to drive energy efficiency and reduce our environmental footprint. For instance, we have deployed green LNG trucks for transportation, making us the first cement company in India to do so.

What specific automation technologies have you implemented, and how have they improved efficiency and productivity in your cement plants?
We are at the forefront of leveraging Industry 4.0 solutions to achieve operational excellence. Here are some key highlights:
IoT-powered fleet management and supply chain optimisation: We have deployed a comprehensive IoT ecosystem across our transportation network. This provides real-time visibility into vehicle location, driver behaviour and fuel efficiency. Coupled with our AI-powered logistics platform from FarEye, this has resulted in a 3-4 per cent reduction in logistics costs and a double digit improvement in on-time delivery rates.
Predictive maintenance with AI/ML: We’ve harnessed the power of AI and ML to create predictive maintenance models for our plant equipment. By analysing sensor data and historical maintenance records, these models anticipate potential failures before they occur. This proactive approach has led to a decrease in unplanned downtime and a significant improvement in overall equipment effectiveness.
Automated manufacturing processes: We have embraced automation across critical production stages, including material handling, kiln operations, and packaging. For instance, our state-of-the-art German technology for Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) blocks boasts innovative features like ‘Green Separation’ and ‘Horizontal Autoclaving,’ ensuring unmatched product consistency and quality.
Data-driven decision making: Underpinning these automation initiatives is a robust data analytics and business intelligence (BI) platform. We have developed advanced data models and real-time dashboards
that provide comprehensive insights into key performance indicators (KPIs) across sales, logistics, manufacturing and finance. This empowers us to make data-driven decisions that optimise operations and drive continuous improvement.

How are predictive analytics and maintenance technologies being utilised in your operations to minimise downtime and optimise maintenance schedules?
We are pioneering a data-driven approach to achieve industry-leading operational excellence. Our powerful synergy between advanced analytics and AI-powered solutions is transforming our business.
We have gone beyond basic forecasting by building robust AI and machine learning models. These models leverage a comprehensive data landscape, including historical production data, real-time sensor
readings from our Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) network, and even external market trends. This holistic approach empowers us to generate highly accurate predictions that guide critical decisions across the entire value chain.
For instance, our predictive maintenance program, powered by IIoT sensors and cutting-edge analytics, continuously monitors equipment health. By identifying potential issues early, these models enable proactive maintenance interventions, drastically reducing unplanned downtime and maximising equipment effectiveness.
Similarly, our sales forecasting models, fueled by machine learning, meticulously analyse market dynamics, customer behaviour patterns
and a multitude of other factors to predict future demand with exceptional precision. This allows us to optimise production planning, logistics and inventory management, ensuring we meet customer needs efficiently while minimising waste and operational inefficiencies.
Our commitment to continuous improvement is resolute. The positive impact of these investments is undeniable. Our data models currently boast an excellent example of growth and commitment
and have been on an upward trajectory. By embracing these cutting-edge solutions, JK Lakshmi Cement is well-positioned to solidify its leadership position within the industry. We are driven to achieve operational excellence, superior competitiveness, and ultimately deliver exceptional value to both our customers and shareholders.

What are the challenges and advantages of integrating data across various systems in your cement manufacturing process?
Integrating data across various systems in our cement manufacturing process presents both challenges and advantages. One of the key challenges we face is the lack of real-time data connectivity, which can hinder efficient decision-making and agility within the organisation. To address this, we have implemented Oracle Cloud Solutions, which provide advanced analytics and real-time data connectivity, enabling us to have access to accurate and timely information for better decision-making and operational effectiveness.
Another challenge is the lack of integration among our systems, which can lead to inefficiencies, data duplication, and errors. To overcome this, we have implemented an integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which has streamlined our operations, enhanced data accuracy, and improved our overall business processes. This integration has also promoted streamlined processes and data integration, leading to enhanced efficiency and productivity through automation, data centralisation and improved communication with stakeholders.
One of the key advantages of integrating data across our systems is the ability to have a more transparent, agile, and integrated supply and logistics chain. With the implementation of Oracle Logistics Management Solution, we have been able to overcome challenges related to consignment locations and truck movements, providing real-time visibility into our operations. This has also led to operational efficiency improvements and the ability to predict consignment delivery times, which we share with our customers, enhancing their experience.
Furthermore, the integration of our systems has allowed us to create a more holistic technology landscape, enabling us to act faster and be more predictive. This has allowed us to address issues proactively and improve our overall operations, ultimately leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How are IT initiatives contributing to sustainability efforts and reducing the environmental impact of your cement production?
JK Lakshmi Cement is leveraging innovative IT initiatives to drive sustainability and reduce the environmental impact of its cement production operations. By harnessing the power of digital technologies, the company is optimising its processes and enhancing resource efficiency across the
value chain.
One key IT-enabled initiative is the implementation of advanced analytics and predictive modeling. The company has deployed sophisticated data analytics tools to gain real-time visibility into energy consumption, emissions, and resource utilisation across its manufacturing facilities. This data-driven approach allows JK Lakshmi Cement to identify optimisation opportunities, implement targeted efficiency measures, and track the impact of its sustainability efforts with precision.
Furthermore, the company has invested in cutting-edge automation and control systems to enhance operational efficiency. Intelligent process control algorithms, coupled with Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, enable the company to fine-tune production parameters, minimise waste and reduce energy use. This intelligent automation has resulted in significant improvements in energy efficiency and a lower carbon footprint for JK Lakshmi Cement’s cement manufacturing operations.
To foster a culture of sustainability, the company has also developed robust digital platforms for employee engagement and knowledge sharing. Interactive dashboards and mobile applications empower employees to track sustainability metrics, participate in green initiatives, and share best practices
across the organisation. This digital ecosystem facilitates cross-functional collaboration and drives continuous improvement in the company’s environmental performance.
Looking ahead, JK Lakshmi Cement is exploring the integration of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and blockchain to further enhance the traceability and transparency of its sustainability efforts. By harnessing the power of IT, the company is well-positioned to lead the cement industry’s transition towards a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future.

With the increasing digitisation of operations, what steps are you taking to ensure cybersecurity and protect sensitive data?
We recognise the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape, particularly with the growing digitisation of our operations. As a frontrunner in the cement industry, safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining system integrity are paramount.
We leverage a multi-layered cybersecurity approach, featuring industry-leading anti-spam and anti-phishing solutions to combat advanced threats. This aligns seamlessly with our core business goals, where we actively implement ‘security by design’ principles to build inherent resilience within our systems.
Data protection remains a cornerstone of our strategy. We have deployed robust Data Loss Prevention (DLP) controls to guarantee sensitive information security. Furthermore, we continuously elevate employee preparedness through regular cybersecurity awareness training and simulated phishing exercises, fostering a keen ability to recognise and react to potential threats.
Beyond established protocols, JK Lakshmi Cement embraces cutting-edge technology. We utilise smart link neutralisation to assess URL reputation and leverage sandboxing to analyse suspicious files in a secure environment. This layered approach ensures comprehensive threat mitigation.
Moreover, we’ve fostered a strong cybersecurity culture that empowers our employees to actively participate in our defense strategy. Through continuous monitoring of our security posture, investment in skilled personnel, and collaboration with industry experts, JK Lakshmi Cement is well-positioned to navigate the dynamic digital landscape. This ensures the protection of our sensitive data and strengthens stakeholder trust in our commitment to cybersecurity.

What future IT trends do you foresee having the most significant impact on the cement industry, and how is your organisation preparing to embrace these trends?
The cement industry stands on the precipice of a transformative era, driven by the integration of cutting-edge IT solutions. At JK Lakshmi Cement, we are not just keeping pace; we are actively shaping the future by embracing these trends and unlocking their full potential.
One such transformative force is the widespread adoption of cloud computing. By leveraging cloud-native applications like Oracle’s Logistics Management Solution, we have achieved a 25 per cent increase in supply chain transparency and a 10 per cent reduction in logistics lead times). This translates to real-time visibility into operations, allowing us to optimise consignment locations, streamline truck movements, and ultimately, enhance our overall operational efficiency.
Another game-changer is Augmented Reality (AR). We envision AR revolutionising the way we approach construction projects. By creating detailed 3D models and immersive virtual tours, AR empowers stakeholders to gain a comprehensive understanding of a project’s environmental impact, sustainability measures, and overall feasibility – all before construction even begins. This technology also holds immense potential for improving site safety through virtual training and ensuring construction accuracy with BIM (Building Information Modeling) integration.
Machine learning and advanced analytics are poised to further propel the industry forward. By harnessing these powerful tools, we aim to become more proactive. Predictive maintenance, optimised production processes and data-driven decision-making are just a few of the benefits we anticipate. This translates to a significant competitive edge, allowing us to stay ahead of the curve and deliver superior value to our stakeholders.
At JK Lakshmi Cement, our commitment to technological innovation is unwavering. We are actively investing in building a robust IT infrastructure that seamlessly integrates with our ambitious growth plans, which include expanding our manufacturing base, introducing new product lines, and venturing into new markets. To achieve these goals, we’re fostering a culture of continuous improvement and building a holistic technology landscape that empowers a truly connected and intelligent ecosystem.
By embracing these transformative trends, JK Lakshmi Cement is positioned to be a leader in the next generation of cement production. We envision an industry characterised by greater efficiency, enhanced safety standards, and an unwavering focus on providing an exceptional customer experience. Our unwavering commitment to innovation and agility will ensure we remain at the forefront of this exciting transformation.

– Kanika Mathur

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Grinding aids help in reducing the agglomeration of particles





Lokesh Chandra Lohar, General Manager – Technical and Executive Cell, Wonder Cement, shares insights on overcoming challenges, leveraging innovations and the crucial role of R&D in maintaining high standards in cement production.

Can you provide an overview of the grinding process in your cement manufacturing plant and its significance in the overall production process?
Cement grinding unit is used to grind clinker and gypsum into a fine powder, known as cement. The process of grinding involves grinding of the clinker to a fine powder, which is then mixed with gypsum, fly ash and other additives to produce cement.
At Wonder Cement, our grinding processes are pivotal in ensuring high-quality cement production by utilising state of art technologies ex. Vertical Roller Mill (VRM), roller press with ball mill in combi circuit and finish mode grinding and high-efficiency classifier, have achieved optimal particle size distribution and energy efficiency.
Our commitment to sustainability is evident with usage of energy-efficient equipment, eco-friendly grinding aids and renewable energy sources. Continuous research and development efforts ensure we stay at the forefront of innovations, optimising our grinding operations and minimising impact on the environment.

The main processes involved in a cement grinding unit are:

  • Clinker grinding: This is the main process in a cement grinding unit, where the clinker is ground into a fine powder using a ball mill or combi mills (RP+ Ball Mill) or vertical roller mill circuit. The grinding process is controlled to achieve the desired fineness of the cement.
  • Gypsum and other additives: Gypsum is added to the clinker during the grinding process to regulate the setting time of the cement. Other additives such as fly ash, BF slag and pozzolana may also be added to improve the performance of the cement.
  • Packaging: Once the grinding process is complete, the cement is stored in silos before being packed in bags or loaded into bulk trucks for transportation.
  • Quality control: Quality control measures are in place throughout the grinding process to ensure that the final product meets the required specifications, including strength, setting time, and consistency.What are the main challenges you face in the grinding process, and how do you address these challenges to maintain efficiency and product quality?
    The main challenges in the grinding process include high energy consumption, frequent wear and maintenance, variability in clinker properties, environment impact and ensuring consistent product quality. To address these challenges, we have implemented several strategies:
  • High energy consumption: Clinker grinding is energy-intensive, and high energy costs can significantly impact the overall production costs of cement.
    This is one of the primary challenges in the grinding process.
  • Use of high-efficiency equipment: We have state-of-the-art energy-efficient grinding equipment, such as vertical roller mills (VRM), Combi Circuit (roller press with ball mill), which consume significantly less energy consumption.
  • Process optimisation: Real time monitoring and optimisation of the grinding process to minimise energy consumption.
  • Frequent wear and maintenance: The grinding equipment, such as mills and crushers, is subjected to wear over time. Frequent maintenance and downtime can affect production efficiency.
  • Regular maintenance: Implement a proactive maintenance schedule to address wear and tear promptly, ensuring the equipment remains in optimal condition.
  • Proper lubrication: Adequate lubrication of moving parts can extend the lifespan of grinding equipment.
    Use of wear-resistant materials for components, which are prone to wear and abrasion.
  • Variability in clinker properties: Clinker properties can vary from one batch to another, leading to inconsistencies in the grinding process and the quality of the final cement product.
  • Clinker sources: At Wonder we have one clinker source, which is our mother plant at Nimbahera, Rajasthan and we distribute clinker to various split GU’s from Nimbahera. This helps us to maintain uniform clinker quality across each location.
  • Quality control: Rigorous quality control measures help us identify and address variations in clinker properties. Adjust grinding parameters as needed to compensate for these variations. (ex. use of cross belt analyser and on-line particle size distribution)
  • Environmental impact: Energy-intensive grinding processes can have environmental repercussions due to high dust emissions and energy consumption.
    Use of high efficiency dust collection and suppression system to keep emissions below statutory norms
  • Sustainable grinding aids: Consider using eco-friendly grinding aids that enhance grinding efficiency without compromising cement quality and environmental standards.
  • Alternative fuels: Use alternative and more sustainable fuels in the cement kiln and hot gas generated to reduce carbon emissions.
  • Use of clean energy in logistics:
    To reduce carbon emissions, sustainable alternatives are also sought for inland transport. We have involved neutral internal transports (electric powered trucks).
  • Automation and digitalisation of production:
  • Wonder Cement has already initiated the process to implement Smart Cement Industry 4.0.
  • With Industry 4.0, the automation and digitalisation of operations, including the use of sensors, remote diagnosis, analysis of big data (including the artificial intelligence analysis of unstructured data such as images and video), equipment, virtual facilities, and intelligent control systems will be done automatically (based first on ‘knowledge capture’ and then on machine learning). For Process optimisation we are using the FLS Process expert system (PXP) system. This allows for system optimisation and increased efficiency gains in production.

How do grinding aids contribute to the efficiency of the grinding process in your plant? What types of grinding aids do you use?
Grinding aids help in reducing the agglomeration of particles, thus improving the overall grinding efficiency and ensuring a smoother and more efficient grinding process without having adverse effect on any of the properties of the resulting cement. In cement manufacturing, various types of grinding aids are used to improve the efficiency of the grinding process. These include:

Glycol-based grinding aids

  • Composition: Ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol.
  • Usage: Commonly used in to improve the grinding efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

Amine-based grinding aids

  • Composition: Triethanolamine (TEA) and Triisopropanolamine (TIPA).
  • Usage: Effective in improving the grindability of clinker and other raw materials, enhancing cement strength and performance.

Polyol-based grinding aids
Composition: Polyethylene glycol and other polyol compounds.
Usage: Used to improve the flowability of the material and reduce the tendency of particles
to agglomerate.

Acid-based grinding aids
Composition: Various organic acids.
Usage: Used to modify the surface properties of the particles, improving the grinding efficiency and final product quality.

Specialty grinding aids

  • Composition: Proprietary blends of various chemicals tailored for specific materials and grinding conditions.
  • Usage: Customised to address challenges in the grinding process, such as the use of alternative raw materials or specific performance requirements.

Can you discuss any recent innovations or improvements in grinding technology that have been implemented in your plant?
Recent innovations and improvements in grinding technology:

  • Selection of state-of-the-art vertical roller mills along with high efficiency classifier (VRMs): VRMs are more energy-efficient and have lower power consumption, leading to significant energy savings. They also provide a more consistent product quality and require less maintenance. For raw meal grinding, we have both VRM and roller press.
  • Wear-resistant materials and components: Upgrading grinding media, liners and other components with wear-resistant materials. These materials extend the lifespan of the equipment, reduce downtime, and lower maintenance costs. Examples include ceramic liners and high chrome grinding media.
  • Intelligent monitoring and predictive maintenance: Utilising IoT sensors and predictive analytics to monitor equipment health. Predictive maintenance helps identify potential issues before they lead to equipment failure, reducing unplanned downtime and maintenance costs. It ensures optimal performance and prolongs equipment life.
  • Optimisation software and simulation tools: Using simulation software to model and optimise the grinding process. These tools help in understanding the process dynamics, identifying bottlenecks, and testing different scenarios for process improvement. This leads to better process control and efficiency.

How do you ensure that your grinding equipment is energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable?

  • Energy-efficient grinding technologies such as VRMs: VRMs are more energy-efficient than traditional ball mills due to their ability to grind materials using less energy.
  • Benefits: Up to 30 per cent to 40 per cent reduction in energy consumption.
    Use of renewable energy sources (solar power integration): Utilising solar power for grinding operations
  • Implementation: Signing of long-term open access power purchase agreements (PPA) with renewable energy developers
  • Benefits: Reduces reliance on fossil fuels, decreases greenhouse gas emissions.

Environmental sustainability practices

a. Dust collection and emission control
Description: Using bag filters, and covered material handling system
Implementation: Installing and maintaining high-efficiency dust control equipment.
Benefits: Reduces particulate emissions, improves air quality, complies with environmental regulations.
b. Water conservation
Description: Recycle and reuse water in the grinding process.
Implementation: Installing sewage treatment plant (STP)
Benefits: Reduces water consumption, minimises environmental impact.
c. Use of alternative raw materials
Description: Incorporating industrial by-products like fly ash, BF slag and chemical gypsum in the grinding process.
Implementation: Sourcing and blending alternative materials.
Benefits: Reduces the need for natural resources, lowers carbon footprint, enhances sustainability.
By implementing these practices, the plant ensures that its grinding operations are both energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable, aligning with industry best practices and regulatory requirements.

What role does research and development play in optimising your grinding processes and the selection of grinding aids?
Following is the role of research and development in optimising grinding processes and selecting
grinding aids:

  • Testing and usage of new low-cost cementitious material: Dedicated R&D teams work on developing and new low-cost cementitious material to reduce clinker factor in cement and
    improve efficiency.
  • Process simulation and modelling: Uses simulation and modelling tools to understand the dynamics of the grinding process and identify areas for improvement.
  • Formulation of new grinding aids with reverse engineering: Formulate new grinding aids to enhance the efficiency of the grinding process.
  • Testing and evaluation: Conducting laboratory and plant-scale tests to evaluate the effectiveness of different grinding aids.
  • Collaboration with industry partners: Collaborating with suppliers, universities and research institutions to stay at the forefront of grinding technology advancements.

Research and development play a crucial role in optimising grinding processes and selecting the appropriate grinding aids. By focusing on innovation, process optimisation, sustainability and continuous improvement, R&D ensures that the plant remains competitive, efficient, and environmentally responsible. This commitment to research and development enables the plant to achieve higher productivity, lower costs and produce superior quality cement.

What trends or advancements in grinding processes and grinding aids do you foresee impacting the cement manufacturing industry in the near future?
The trends and advancements in grinding processes and grinding aids that we see coming up in the near future are:

1. Digitalisation and Industry 4.0

  • Advanced process control (APC) and automation
  • Internet of things (IoT) and predictive maintenance
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

2. Energy efficiency and sustainability

  • Energy-efficient grinding technologies
  • Use of renewable energy

3. Innovations in grinding aids

  • Eco-friendly grinding aids
  • Tailored grinding aids
  • Multifunctional grinding aids

4. Advanced materials and components

  • Wear-resistant materials for liners
  • High-density grinding media

5. Process optimisation and integration

  • Holistic process optimisation

6. Sustainability and circular economy

  • Circular economy practices
  • Carbon capture and utilisation (CCU)

– Kanika Mathur

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