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India Becomes Net Steel Importer

India net steel importer amid Chinese surge.




India emerged as a net importer of steel during the April-July period of the current fiscal year, driven by a significant increase in shipments from China, according to a recent report. This shift marks a departure from India’s usual status as a net exporter of steel and underscores the changing dynamics in the global and domestic steel markets.

During the April-July period, India imported a substantial volume of steel, with Chinese shipments playing a dominant role. The surge in Chinese steel imports has been attributed to competitive pricing, which has made it more attractive for Indian buyers. This trend has raised concerns among domestic steel producers, who have been grappling with a slowdown in domestic demand and increasing competition from imports.

The rise in steel imports from China has affected India’s trade balance in the steel sector. Traditionally, India has been a net exporter of steel, leveraging its robust domestic production capabilities. However, the current scenario reflects a shift in market dynamics, where imports have outpaced exports, leading to India becoming a net importer.

The domestic steel industry is facing multiple challenges, including a slowdown in demand from key sectors such as construction and infrastructure, which has contributed to a buildup of inventories. At the same time, global factors, such as economic uncertainty and trade tensions, have impacted the overall demand for steel, influencing both production and trade patterns.

Chinese steel producers, benefiting from lower production costs and excess capacity, have been able to export large quantities of steel at competitive prices. This has allowed them to capture a significant share of the Indian market, putting pressure on domestic producers. The influx of Chinese steel has also raised concerns about the impact on domestic steel prices and profitability.

Industry experts have expressed concerns over the long-term implications of this trend, particularly for the domestic steel industry. The increase in imports could potentially lead to reduced capacity utilization and profitability for Indian steel manufacturers. There are also worries about the potential impact on employment in the steel sector, as well as the broader economic implications.

In response to the rising imports, domestic steel producers may seek government intervention in the form of protective measures, such as anti-dumping duties or import restrictions, to safeguard the industry. However, such measures would need to be carefully calibrated to avoid unintended consequences, such as price hikes for downstream industries that rely on steel as a key input.

The situation also highlights the importance of enhancing the competitiveness of the Indian steel industry. This could involve measures to reduce production costs, improve efficiency, and invest in new technologies. Additionally, boosting domestic demand through infrastructure development and other initiatives could help absorb the increased production and reduce reliance on imports.

The current trend of India being a net steel importer, driven by the surge in Chinese imports, underscores the need for a strategic approach to managing the steel sector. Balancing the interests of domestic producers with the need to maintain a competitive market will be crucial in ensuring the long-term health of the industry.

As India navigates this challenging period, the steel industry will need to adapt to the evolving market conditions. This may involve exploring new markets for exports, improving product quality, and enhancing cost competitiveness. The government’s role in supporting the industry through policy measures and infrastructure development will also be critical in shaping the future of India’s steel sector.

In conclusion, the rise in Chinese steel imports has led to India becoming a net steel importer during the April-July period, signaling a shift in market dynamics. This development presents both challenges and opportunities for the domestic steel industry, which will need to adapt to the changing landscape to maintain its competitiveness and contribute to India’s economic growth.


India’s Steel Consumption to Grow 9-10% in FY25: ICRA

Steel sector capacity to hit 88% despite monsoon and rising imports.





India’s domestic steel consumption is projected to rise by 9-10% in FY2025, according to a report by ICRA. The first quarter of FY2025 saw a 15% year-on-year growth in demand, although a slowdown is anticipated in the current quarter due to monsoon impacts. ICRA forecasts that steel sector capacity utilization will reach a decade-high of 88%, despite the addition of 15.6 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of new capacity this year.

Between FY2021 and FY2024, India’s steel industry expanded rapidly, adding 26.3 mtpa of capacity. An additional 27.5 mtpa is expected between FY2025 and FY2027, driven by growing demand and increased imports. India’s finished steel imports rose by 35.4% in Q1 FY2025, continuing last year’s trend.

Despite rising imports, steelmakers are benefiting from lower raw material costs, with Australian coking coal prices down 45% and NMDC reducing iron ore prices by 18%. These reductions are expected to support profitability, though temporary margin contractions may occur in Q2 FY2025.

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Green steel focus: Ministry to launch roadmap for steel production

The report focuses on multiple aspects of carbon emissions in the steel industry.





The Ministry of Steel is scheduled to host an event titled “Greening Steel: Pathway to Sustainability” on 10th September 2024 at the C.D. Deshmukh Hall, India International Centre, New Delhi. The event will bring together representatives from various ministries, Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs), think tanks, academia, institutions, and key players in the steel industry.

A major feature of the event will be the release of a comprehensive report, “Greening the Steel Sector in India: Roadmap and Action Plan,” prepared by the Ministry of Steel. This report, based on the findings of 14 task forces formed by the ministry, outlines the pathway for decarbonising India’s steel sector.

The report will address various aspects of carbon emissions within the steel industry, providing a detailed overview of the current situation, key decarbonisation strategies, technological innovations, policy frameworks, and a future roadmap to reduce emissions in the sector. It will also propose strategies such as energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy, material efficiency, green hydrogen, and biochar to facilitate the transition to sustainable steel production.

The event will also include a panel discussion on “Leadership and Innovation: Driving the Green Steel Transition,” where industry experts will share their perspectives on advancing decarbonisation in the steel sector. The discussion is expected to highlight innovative ideas and leadership insights.

This initiative aligns with India’s commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions as part of its nationally determined commitments (NDC). The report is viewed as a significant step in shaping the future of India’s steel industry and guiding it towards lower carbon emissions.

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Minister pushes for increased tariffs on Chinese steel imports

Industry experts and stakeholders have shown support for the proposal





The Minister of Heavy Industries has advocated for a substantial increase in tariffs on steel imported from China. This proposal aims to protect the domestic steel industry from the impacts of cheaper foreign steel flooding the market.

The Minister highlighted that the influx of low-cost Chinese steel has been detrimental to local manufacturers, causing disruptions in the market and undermining domestic production. By raising tariffs, the government intends to level the playing field and bolster the competitiveness of Indian steel producers.

The push for higher tariffs is also part of a broader strategy to enhance the growth and sustainability of the Indian steel sector. The Minister emphasized that such measures are essential to ensure the long-term health and viability of the industry, which is a crucial component of the country’s infrastructure and economic development.

Industry experts and stakeholders have shown support for the proposal, citing that increased tariffs could encourage investment in domestic steel production and reduce dependency on imports. However, there are concerns about potential retaliatory measures from China and the impact on trade relations between the two countries.

As the government considers the proposal, it is expected that consultations with industry players and trade partners will shape the final decision on tariff adjustments. The outcome will be closely watched by both domestic and international markets.

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