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Sustainable processes are crucial for climate change




Arpan DilipKumar Parekh, Technical Head – Vice-President, JK Cement, discusses the intricate interplay of economic considerations and environmental regulations in the methods of pyroprocessing.

Tell us about the process of pyroprocessing and how does it differ with various blends of cement raw materials?
Pyroprocessing is a term used in the cement manufacturing industry to describe the high-temperature processes involved in converting raw materials into clinker, the intermediate product that is then ground into cement. The primary raw materials used in cement manufacturing are limestone, clay, silica, and iron ore. The pyroprocessing stage typically involves a series of chemical and physical transformations that take place in a kiln.
The pyroprocessing of cement can be broadly divided into the following stages:
Drying and Preheating
: Raw materials, usually limestone and clay, are quarried and then crushed to small sizes. The crushed raw materials are then dried in kiln preheaters to remove moisture, and preheated to temperatures of around 800 to 900 degrees Celsius. This helps in reducing the energy required for subsequent stages.
Calcination: In this stage, the preheated raw materials are subjected to high temperatures (around 1400 to 1500 degrees Celsius) in the kiln. The key reaction during calcination is the decomposition of calcium carbonate (limestone) into calcium oxide (quicklime) and carbon dioxide.
Clinker Formation: The partially calcined material undergoes a series of complex chemical reactions to form clinker. Alumina and iron oxide from the raw materials combine with silica to form liquid phases, which then react with lime to form
clinker nodules.
Cooling: The clinker is cooled rapidly to minimise the formation of undesirable crystalline phases. The cooling process is critical to the quality of the final product, as it influences the mineralogical composition and, consequently, the cement properties.
Grinding: The cooled clinker is ground into a fine powder along with gypsum to regulate the setting time of the cement. The process of pyroprocessing can be influenced by the types and proportions of raw materials used in cement manufacturing. The blends of raw materials can vary based on factors like geographical location, availability of resources, and desired cement properties.
Limestone Quality: The composition of limestone affects the amount of heat required for the calcination process. Higher limestone content may require additional energy in the kiln.
Clay Content: The clay content influences the reactivity and the formation of liquid phases during clinkerisation. It also affects the temperature at which clinker formation occurs.
Silica and Alumina Content: These components influence the liquid phase formation and, consequently, the properties of clinker.
The process parameters and kiln design may be adjusted based on the raw material blend to optimise the efficiency and quality of the pyroprocessing stage. Therefore, the variation in raw material blends can lead to differences in energy consumption, emissions, and the properties of the final cement product. It is important for cement manufacturers to carefully control and monitor these parameters to ensure consistent and high-quality cement production.

What is the role of technology in the process of pyroprocessing?
Technology plays a crucial role in pyroprocessing within the cement manufacturing industry. Advancements in technology have led to improvements in efficiency, energy conservation, environmental sustainability, and overall process control. Here are some key aspects of the role of technology in pyroprocessing:
Kiln design and optimisation: Modern technology allows for the design and optimisation of kilns to enhance heat transfer, minimise heat losses, and improve overall energy efficiency. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and modelling are employed to optimise the design of kiln systems.
Process automation and control systems: Advanced control systems, such as distributed control systems (DCS) and programmable logic controllers (PLC), enable precise control and automation of the pyroprocessing parameters. This includes temperature control, fuel and air ratios, and material feed rates.
Sensors and instrumentation: High-tech sensors and instrumentation are used to monitor various aspects of the pyroprocessing stage, including temperature profiles, gas compositions, and pressure conditions. This real-time data is crucial for process optimisation and control.
Alternative fuels and raw materials: Technology has facilitated the incorporation of alternative fuels and raw materials in the pyroprocessing stage. This includes the use of alternative fuels like biomass, waste-derived fuels, and alternative raw materials, which can contribute to sustainability and reduce the environmental impact of cement production.
Waste heat recovery: Advanced technologies enable the capture and utilisation of waste heat generated during pyroprocessing. This recovered heat can be used for power generation or for other processes like drying of limestone, coal or slag within the cement plant, contributing to increased energy efficiency.
Clinker cooling technology: Efficient clinker cooling is essential for the quality of the final product. Advanced cooling technologies, such as grate coolers and air quenching, are employed to achieve rapid and controlled cooling, minimising the formation of undesirable clinker phases.
Data analytics and machine learning: Data analytics and machine learning algorithms are increasingly being applied to analyse large sets of process data. The application of condition monitoring practices is helping in predicting the equipment performance and failure modes. These technologies can identify patterns, predict equipment failures, and suggest optimisation strategies, leading to improved overall efficiency and reduced downtime. Thermography has taken the entry and has expanded the application supporting the predictive maintenance.
Environmental control and emission reduction: Technology plays a vital role in implementing environmental control measures and reducing emissions from pyroprocessing. This includes the use of advanced filters, scrubbers, and monitoring systems to comply with environmental regulations and minimise the environmental impact of cement production.
Simulation and modelling: Computer-aided simulations and models are utilised to simulate and analyse the behaviour of the pyroprocessing system under different conditions. This helps in understanding and optimising the complex interactions within the kiln.
Automated sampling process and testing: Deployment of systems having collection of raw material, in process material and finished products enables reduction in manual intervention and enhanced reliability of results which in turn help in process stabilisation and optimisation. Usage of XRF and XRD in testing helps in getting more accurate results.
The integration of these technological advancements in pyroprocessing contributes to increased energy efficiency, reduced environmental impact, and improved product quality in the cement manufacturing industry. Continuous research and development efforts in this field aim to further enhance the sustainability and competitiveness of cement production.

How has the adaptation to newer technology in pyroprocessing impacted production?
Some of the key positive effects include:
Increased energy efficiency: Advanced technologies, such as preheating and pre-calcination systems, improved kiln designs and waste heat recovery systems, have led to increased energy efficiency in pyroprocessing. This results in reduced fuel consumption, reduced electrical energy and lower greenhouse gas emissions per unit of clinker produced.
Optimised process control: Modern control systems, sensors, and automation technologies allow for precise and real-time control of various parameters in the pyroprocessing stage. This optimisation leads to better control of temperature profiles, material flows, and gas compositions, contributing to consistent and high-quality clinker production.
Alternative fuels and raw materials: The use of advanced technology has facilitated the incorporation of alternative fuels and raw materials. This not only helps in reducing the environmental impact but also provides economic benefits by utilising waste materials as energy sources or raw materials.
Reduction in environmental impact: Advanced filtration systems, improved dust collection technologies, and better environmental control measures have been implemented to minimise dust emissions and other pollutants along with the usage control of water and preservation. This results in a reduced environmental impact, meeting stringent environmental regulations and enhancing the sustainability of cement production.
Waste heat recovery: The integration of waste heat recovery systems in pyro-processing contributes to increased overall plant efficiency. The recovered heat can be used for power generation, further reducing the reliance on external energy sources, and improving the overall energy balance of the cement plant.
Clinker cooling technologies: Advanced clinker cooling technologies help achieve optimal cooling rates, reducing the formation of undesirable clinker phases. This positively impacts the quality of the final product and allows for better control over cement properties.
Data analytics and predictive maintenance: The application of data analytics and machine learning algorithms has improved predictive maintenance strategies. This helps in identifying potential equipment failures before they occur, minimising downtime, and optimising maintenance schedules.
Process modelling and simulation: Computer-aided modelling and simulation tools enable a better understanding of the complex interactions within the pyro-processing system. This knowledge allows for the testing of various scenarios and the optimisation of process parameters without disrupting production.
Product quality and consistency: The integration of advanced technologies ensures better control over the entire production process, leading to improved product quality and consistency. This is essential for meeting the standards and requirements of end-users.
Economic benefits: While initial investments may be required for implementing new technologies, the long-term economic benefits, including reduced operating costs, enhanced energy efficiency, and compliance with environmental regulations, contribute to the overall economic sustainability of production.
The adaptation of newer technology in pyro-processing has positively impacted the cement making process by improving energy in terms of electrical and thermal efficiency, environmental performance, product quality and overall operational efficiency. These advancements are crucial for the cement industry to meet the demands of a growing global population while minimising its carbon footprint.

What is the impact of using alternative fuels as sources of energy on pyroprocessing?
Pyroprocessing is a group of high-temperature processes used to transform raw materials into useful products, often involving the use of heat to drive chemical reactions. The impact of using alternative fuels as sources of energy on pyro-processing can vary depending on the specific alternative fuels and the type of pyroprocessing involved, such as in cement manufacturing or metallurgical processes. Here are some general considerations:
Energy efficiency: Alternative fuels, such as biomass, waste-derived fuels, or certain types of industrial by-products, may have different combustion characteristics compared to traditional fossil fuels. The use of alternative fuels can impact the overall energy efficiency of pyroprocessing. For instance, some alternative fuels may have lower calorific value or different combustion kinetics, affecting the heat transfer and temperature profiles within the pyro-processing system. Depending upon the contents like moisture, chlorides, heavy metals etc. the pyro-process may face difference in operation.
Emissions and environmental impact: The choice of alternative fuels can influence the emissions profile of the pyro-processing facility. For example, using biomass or waste-derived fuels may result in lower carbon dioxide emissions compared to traditional fossil fuels. However, the combustion of some alternative fuels might produce different types of emissions, such as particulate matter or certain
trace gases, which could impact air quality and environmental compliance.
Raw material chemistry: The introduction of alternative fuels can alter the chemical composition of the feedstock entering the pyro-processing system. This may affect the overall chemical reactions and the quality of the final product. Impurities or different ash compositions from alternative fuels may require adjustments in the pyro-processing parameters to maintain product quality and process stability.
Operational challenges: The use of alternative fuels may pose challenges related to handling, transportation, and storage. Different combustion characteristics or impurities in alternative fuels may require modifications to the pyro-processing equipment to ensure optimal performance. specialised equipment, such as pre-processing units or additional safety measures, may be needed when integrating alternative fuels into existing pyro-processing systems.
Regulatory compliance: The regulatory environment and standards for emissions control may influence the choice and implementation of alternative fuels in pyro-processing. Facilities may need to adhere to specific regulations governing the use of certain types of alternative fuels.
The impact of using alternative fuels in pyro-processing is multifaceted and depends on
the specific characteristics of the alternative fuels and the details of the pyro-processing system. Careful consideration of technical, environmental and regulatory factors is essential when implementing alternative fuels to ensure efficient and sustainable pyro-processing operations.

How are you minimising the environmental impact of CO2 and N2O emissions?
Here are some industry-specific strategies:
Alternative fuels and raw materials: Substituting traditional fossil fuels with alternative fuels, such as biomass, waste-derived fuels, or renewable sources, can reduce CO2 emissions in industrial processes like cement manufacturing. Using alternative raw materials that have lower carbon content can also contribute to emission reduction.
Energy efficiency in pyroprocessing: Improving the energy efficiency of pyro-processing systems can reduce the overall energy consumption and, consequently, the associated CO2 emissions. Implementing advanced technologies, such as high-efficiency kilns, highly efficient clinker coolers and waste heat recovery systems, can optimise energy usage.
Process optimisation: Conducting a thorough analysis of pyro processing parameters and optimising them for maximum efficiency can lead to lower energy consumption and reduced emissions. Incorporating advanced process control systems and sensors can help in real-time monitoring and adjustments.
Nitrous oxide abatement: Implementing technologies and practices that specifically target the reduction of nitrous oxide emissions from industrial processes, such as the use of low-nitrogen oxide burners, can be beneficial.
Life cycle assessment: Conducting a comprehensive life cycle assessment of industrial processes helps identify the stages with the highest environmental impact. This allows for targeted interventions to reduce emissions throughout the entire lifecycle.
Collaboration and knowledge sharing: Encouraging collaboration within the industry and sharing best practices can accelerate the adoption of sustainable technologies and strategies.
Employee training and engagement: Training employees on sustainable practices and engaging them in emission reduction initiatives can create a culture of environmental responsibility within the organisation.
It is important for us to adopt a combination of these strategies and continually assess and update the practices to align with evolving environmental standards and expectations. Sustainable processes are crucial for climate change and for minimising the overall impact on the environment.

Tell us about the efforts taken by your organisation.
Pyroprocessing can play a significant role in supporting a circular economy by promoting the sustainable use of fuels and raw materials. The circular economy is an economic model that emphasises the reduction, reuse, recycling, and recovery of materials to minimise waste and environmental impact.
At JK Cement we are focusing on maximising the usage of alternative fuels in terms of biomass, organic wastes, RDFs and MSW. A good number of investments is done and being done to maximise the usage to the best of the industrial standards. This practice has helped to divert materials that would otherwise end up in landfills, contributing to a
more circular approach by converting waste into a valuable resource.
Usage of fly ash, pond ash, chemical gypsums and a variety of industrial wastes to reduce clinker factors in various blended cements is a prime focus area in our organisation.
The heat generated during pyroprocessing is being utilised for power generation for creating a more sustainable energy source. A very high focus is put on maximisation of power generation through waste heat recovery systems and maximising the generation per ton of clinker by carrying out various corrections and modifications.
By integrating these practices, JK Cement contributes to the principles of a circular economy by reducing waste, promoting resource efficiency and creating closed-loop systems that minimise environmental impact while supporting sustainable industrial processes.

What is the frequency of audits?
The frequency of audits for pyroprocessing operations can vary based on factors such as industry standards, regulatory requirements and individual company policies. In general, audits for pyro-processing operations are conducted periodically to ensure compliance with safety, environmental and operational standards. The specific frequency of audits may be outlined in regulatory guidelines or industry best practices.
Companies often establish their own internal audit schedules to monitor and assess the performance of pyroprocessing facilities. To obtain accurate and up-to-date information on the frequency of audits for pyro-processing operations, it is recommended to consult relevant industry standards, regulatory agencies, or the specific policies and procedures of the organisation in question. Keep in mind that regulations and practices can vary by region and industry sector.

Tell us about the major challenges in a cement plant with pyro-processing.
Cement manufacturing with pyroprocessing involves high-temperature processes for the transformation of raw materials into clinker, which is the intermediate product used to produce cement. While pyroprocessing is essential for cement production, it comes with several challenges. Here are some major challenges faced by cement plants with pyroprocessing.
Pyroprocessing in cement plants requires significant amounts of energy, primarily for the heating of raw materials and clinker production. Managing and optimising the energy consumption to improve efficiency is an ongoing challenge. The combustion of fuels and chemical transformation of the raw material in the cement kiln result in carbon, sulphur, nitrogen oxides emission. Addressing and reducing these emissions is a key challenge for cement industries nowadays.
Usage of a variety of alternative fuels in comparison to regular fossil fuels with a lot of regularities with reference to control over usage, maintaining the quality, regulating the flow etc. Without these controls it becomes difficult to maintain the clinker / cement quality, environmental norms, product output, etc. The easy combustible nature of alternative fuels
put additional challenges for fire proof storage and handling.
Usage of alternative raw materials is also an important challenge being faced by cement manufacturers. This creates fluctuations in clinker quality and in turn pose a challenge in maintaining the required standards of cement quality.
Irregular AFRs are creating uncontrolled temperature and abrasive conditions in cement kilns and other equipment. Balancing the need for regular maintenance to prevent down time while maximising operation efficiency is a crucial challenge.
Cement manufacturers face market competition and economic pressures, which can impact production decisions and investment in new projects and new technologies. Balancing economic considerations with environmental and regulatory requirements is a complex challenge. The cement industry must invest continually in research and development to adapt innovative technologies that improve efficiency, reduce emission and overall sustainability. Adapting to evolving technological advancement is crucial for long term competitiveness. Many cement plants are actively working on improving their processes to reduce environmental impact and enhance overall efficiency.

  • Kanika Mathur


GMDC Inks Long-Term Limestone Supply Deal With JK Cement

The agreement has been signed for supply of 250 million tonne.





State-owned GMDC said it has entered into a long-term pact with JK Cement Ltd for the supply of limestone from its upcoming mine in Gujarat. 
The agreement has been signed for supply of 250 million tonnes of limestone over a period of 40 years from its upcoming Lakhpat Punrajpur Mine in Lakhpat Taluka of Kutch district in Gujarat. 
This agreement will help JK Cement Ltd in setting up an integrated mega-capacity cement plant, fostering industrial growth in the region.Kutch’s coastal proximity, improved access to domestic and international markets, and cost-efficient logistics position it as an ideal hub for cement production. 
The state-owned company has five operational lignite mines in Kutch, South Gujarat, and Bhavnagar region.          

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GMDC, J K Cement Ltd. Tie-up for Limestone from Lakhpat Punrajpur Mine

This agreement underscores GMDC Ltd.’s commitment to fostering industrial growt





Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (GMDC) has signed a Long-Term Supply Agreement (LSA) with JK Cement Ltd. for the supply of 250 million tonnes of limestone over a period of 40 years from its upcoming Lakhpat Punrajpur Mine in Lakhpat Taluka of Kutch District in Gujarat. The signing event was chaired by the Chairman of GMDC Ltd. Dr. Hasmukh Adhia, IAS (Retd.) on January 29, 2025 and the agreement was officially formalised by Roopwant Singh, IAS, Managing Director of GMDC Ltd., and Anuj Khandelwal, Business Head – Grey Cement of JK Cement Ltd., representing their respective organisations.

This agreement marks a strategic partnership towards monetising the large limestone asset of GMDC Ltd. and benefiting both the partners. It will support J K Cement Ltd. in setting up a greenfield integrated mega-capacity cement plant, fostering industrial growth in the region. The collaboration will stimulate investment, enhance industrial development, and generate thousands of direct and indirect employment opportunities in Kutch, contributing significantly to the socio-economic progress of Gujarat. Kutch’s coastal proximity, improved access to domestic and international markets, and cost-efficient logistics position it as an ideal hub for cement production. Furthermore, this initiative will contribute substantially to the State Exchequer through revenue generation in the form of Royalty, National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) contributions, District Mineral Foundation (DMF) funds, and Goods & Services Tax (GST) on both limestone and cement production.

This agreement underscores GMDC Ltd.’s commitment to fostering industrial growth while ensuring the sustainable utilization of mineral resources, thereby strengthening Gujarat’s position as a leading industrial and economic State.

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JK Cement Acquires Majority Stake in Saifco Cement to Expand in J&K

Saifco has an annual turnover of around Rs 860 million.





JK Cement has made a significant move in its growth strategy by acquiring a 60% equity stake in Saifco Cement, a cement manufacturer based in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. The acquisition, valued at approximately Rs 1.74 billion, was approved during a board meeting on January 25, 2025.

Located in Khunmoh, Srinagar, Saifco’s integrated manufacturing unit, which includes both clinker and grinding capacities, aligns with JK Cement’s expansion plans. Saifco has an annual turnover of around Rs 860 million, and this acquisition not only strengthens JK Cement’s presence in the region but also offers a strategic advantage in the competitive Indian cement industry.

Saifco’s facility, spread across 54 acres, has a clinker capacity of 0.26 million tonnes per annum and a grinding capacity of 0.42 million tonnes per annum. The site also holds captive limestone reserves across 144.25 hectares, with a mineable reserve of 129 million tonnes.

This deal, which is expected to close after receiving regulatory approvals, allows JK Cement to tap into Saifco’s established infrastructure, sidestepping the time-consuming process of greenfield expansion. The acquisition will also position JK Cement to benefit from Saifco’s established market presence and supply chain.

The move signals JK Cement’s ambition to expand further in the Jammu and Kashmir market and beyond, positioning Saifco as a key regional player under JK Cement’s umbrella. The acquisition could also lead to potential job creation and greater economic opportunities for local suppliers. As part of the integration, JK Cement is expected to bring operational synergies, improving production efficiency and cost management.

This deal is seen as a model for regional consolidation in India’s growing cement industry, with JK Cement’s established brand and distribution network poised to enhance Saifco’s operations and product offerings in the region.

(Greater Kashmir)

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