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Cement kiln refractories: An innovative approach




A few critical areas of a cement kiln like tip casting (TC) and cooler beam (bull nose) are very sensitive. Normally bricks are being used in TC and are matched with the performance of burning zone bricks lining. To overcome this situation, few of the cement plants have started using various grades of castable shapes (monilithic lining). Here are a few success stories.

Refractories play a critical, if unseen, role in both the rotary kiln lining and the lining of other equipment like pre-calciner, coolers of kiln system. The durability of the rotary kiln brick lining generally determines the duration of a kiln operating period. Whilst great efforts are made to ensure appropriate refractory brick materials selection, installation, deployment (zoning) and the optimisation of the kiln light-up, it is primarily the nature and stability of the subsequent kiln operation that influences rotary kiln lining life. Normal life expectancy for burning zone is about one year. Cement plants prefer to take only one shutdown in a year when the burning zone bricks are changed.

Performance of refractory broadly depends on three factors ‘refractory selection, installation and usage conditions. Assuming first two conditions are under control as per requirement, the various stresses in usage condition cause refractory failure, such as chemical, thermal or mechanical.

Problems encountered
Brick selection for a kiln depends on factors such as kiln size and production load on the kiln. For large kilns with high production loads, it is necessary to use basic bricks in the burning zone. Different qualities of alumina bricks are used for the rest of the kiln. Kilns with moderate production loads are generally lined with special alumina and normal alumina bricks. Nowadays, increasing usage of alternative fuels pose a challenges like coating formation, ring formation, etc. Many times the alternative fuels are substituted through the main kiln burner as well as in the pre-heater/pre-calciner; the chemical and heat-release changes caused by inevitable short-term fluctuations in the fuel(s) mix has a major influence on the thermal, coating and atmosphere conditions existing through the rotary kiln into the pre-calciner.

Consequently, the main influence of the use of alternative fuels is often on clinker chemistry due to the different ash compositions of individual alternative fuels.

Presently quite a few of the kilns are being fired with pet coke, which contains 6 to 8 per cent sulphur. This sulphur reacts with lime and forms calcium sulphate or sulphur spurrite at the calcining zone. Very often deposition of sulphur spurrite on the calcining zone tends to form a dam ring blocking smooth passage of raw meal from inlet to the burning zone. Often kilns need to be stopped to break the dam rings manually and normal operation is hampered.

Tip casting refers to the tip of the kiln at the outlet side. Generally this area is fitted with outlet sector plates. The area being outermost part of the kiln is highly prone to thermal shock at every stoppage. It also undergoes continuous abrasion from falling clinkers and dust laden secondary air. For cooler, most critical part is the area towards the kiln. These include the front wall, bull nose and first compartment area. Here temperature and abrasion both are much higher than the rest of the cooler. Very special quality alumina bricks and castables with high resistance to thermal shock and abrasion are used in critical zones of the cooler. Depending on severity of working condition, refractories are selected for the rest of the areas.

Coating formation
A good protective coating on the refractory in the burning zone serves to prolong the life of the refractory. Coating is a mass of clinker or dust particles that adheres to the wall of the kiln, having changed from a liquid or semi-liquid to a solidified state. The solidified particles adhere to the surface of the coating as long as the temperature of the surface of the coating is below the solidifying tem-?perature of the particles. In short, handling kiln operation in a cement plant is a challenging job and any innovation that will claim to improve refractory life is keenly followed by plant personnel. Refractory brick manufacturers and Castable suppliers come with new ideas which we have tried to cover in detail elsewhere in the current issue.

Novel approach by some producers
With development of low cement and cement less castables, some solutions are today available for problematic areas of kiln system. Vesuvius India is suggesting pre-cast pre-dried refractory shapes for the speed and performance in terms of longer refractory life. Pressed firebricks could not be produced in all the different shapes in the needed quality. Pre-cast pre-dried shapes made from castables give the flexibility of material selection and variability of shapes and sizes replacing bricks. Innovation in pre-cast pre-dried solution occurred after the development of high-end monolithic solutions and manufacturing technology.

More sophisticated low cement (LC) and ultra-low cement (ULC) constables are developed with higher densities, lower porosity and significantly improved properties. Lower cement contents require accurate control of water addition, the use of high-intensity mixers together with adequate vibration of the material during placement. Adopting these operational controls in field installations is challenging and so for some high performance demanding areas, the pre-cast technology offers advantageous properties in comparison with in situ cast installation.

Vesuvius India claims that the pre-cast solution is a precision solution due tothe modular lining which combines the advantages of both bricks and castables. Pre-cast pre-dried blocks may have the insulation and the anchoring system pre-attached. Physical properties of the material can further be optimised and improved by firing the precast shapes in a PLC controlled oven or furnace. The precision of firing is developed by doing a TGA (thermo-gravimetric analysis) study of the target formulation.

Calderys Refractories, a leading producer of low cement castables, have similar experiences. Critical areas of a cement kiln like tip casting (nose ring) and cooler beam (bull nose) are susceptible to frequent damages due to clinker abrasion, thermal shock and mechanical stress. Calderys provides tailormade pre-cast- pre-fired solutions for these applications. These blocks are being manufactured with very high grade special castable and state of the art manufacturing technique to ensure superior and reliable performance. The advantages are manifold, which you can read in details in the article provided in this issue elsewhere. In short it saves on time, hardships and money. Most important is considerable reduction in unplanned stoppages.

TRL Krosaki has attempted a new refractory lining concept for rotary kiln by replacing basic quality bricks with high alumina fired bricks. It has developed 70 per cent alumino silicate product by lowering impurities like Fe2O3, TiO2, alkalis, etc. along with addition of special kind of additives in the product that can enhance the life of refractory lining of rotary kiln. The developed product has 92 per cent dense calcined Indian Bauxite and matrix part has been strengthened by incorporation of calcined alumina along with Kaolinite.

Certain percentage of phosphoric acid (PA) has been added in the product along with other binder system. Due to presence of PA and special kind of additives; developed product is showing low porosity as well as high strength and good high temperature properties. The product can very well withstand attacks of petcoke. Keeping confidence upon characteristics of the newly developed alumino silicate product; TRL Krosaki has replaced the basic quality refractories completely by using this developed product for refractory lining of rotary kiln. The used product is performing satisfactorily at customer end as claimed by TRL Krosaki.

In short, cement producers are exploring innovative approaches to improve kiln availability by reducing unplanned stoppages due to refractory failures.


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JK Cement marks 140 years of innovation and leadership

JK is one of India’s leading manufacturers of Grey Cement in India





JK Cement Ltd. a leading building material company, one of India’s leading manufacturers of Grey Cement in India and one of the largest White Cement manufacturers in the world, celebrated 140 years of JK Organisation’s remarkable legacy at a grand event in the capital. The event honoured the group’s rich history, its significant contributions to multiple sectors of the Indian economy, and the unwavering dedication of its employees and partners.

The celebration gathered dignitaries, industry leaders, employees, and key stakeholders to reflect on JK Organisation’s journey from its inception to its present status as a global leader. Lieutenant Governor of New Delhi, VK Saxena, who himself started his career at JK Cement, along with Rajeev Shukla, Member of Rajya Sabha, graced the occasion. Key leaders of the JK Organisation, including Dr. Nidhipati Singhania, Vice President, JK Organisation, Dr. Raghavpat Singhania, Managing Director, JK Cement, and Madhavkrishna Singhania, Joint MD and CEO, JK Cement, were present to mark this significant milestone.

CEO’s from various known business houses both Indian and Multinational companies across sectors graced the occasion.

Reflecting on the organization’s journey, Dr. Nidhipati Singhania, Vice President, JK Organisation, said, “As we celebrate 140 years of JK Organisation, we are filled with immense pride and gratitude for our legacy, which is rooted in values of innovation, quality, and service to the nation. Our journey has been as much about business success as about driving positive change in the communities and industries we serve. The milestones we have achieved reflect our continuous efforts in advancing India’s infrastructure and industrial landscape.”

One of the key highlights of the evening was the recognising the long-serving employees and partners who have dedicated decades to JKCement. Their enduring loyalty underscores JK Organisation’s foundational values of trust and collaboration, which have been pivotal to the organisation’s success.

Addressing the guests at the event, Dr. Raghavpat Singhania, Managing Director, JK Cement, said, “This year along with the 140 years milestone, also marks two significant milestones for us: 50 years of grey cement business and 40 years of white cement business, affirming our leadership in the industry. Our recent expansion into coal mining underscores our commitment to vertical integration and sustainable resource management. We are dedicated to not only adapting to the evolving landscape but also driving positive change and creating lasting value for all our stakeholders and the nation.”

Emphasising the company’s commitment to innovation and progress, Madhavkrishna Singhania, Joint MD and CEO, JK Cement, said, “Our journey has been marked by resilience, adaptability, and a constant drive to exceed expectations. We’re committed to leveraging cutting-edge technology and sustainable practices to not only maintain our market leadership but also to contribute significantly to India’s progress. The trust of our stakeholders and the dedication of our team members have been instrumental in our success, and they will continue to be the pillars of our future endeavors.”

The event celebrated JK Organisation’s visionary outlook, showcasing its commitment to sustainable growth, technological innovation, and its influential role in driving India’s economic advancement.

VK Saxena, Lieutenant Governor, New Delhi, who was invited as the Chief Guest said “It’s an honour for me to be part of this landmark celebration for a company where I started my career as an Assistant Officer in Gotan, Rajasthan and worked for 11 years in different capacities with its White Cement plant. This exposure gave me insights of a corporate working, faster decision making and team work, which has helped me throughout my various stints thereafter. I wish all the best to JK Cement for all their Future endeavors in Nation Building”

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Steel Ministry Proposes Rs.23.52 Lakh Crore for Decarbonisation

Steel Ministry unveils massive decarbonisation plan.





Decarbonisation Proposal:
The Steel Ministry has outlined a substantial Rs.23.52 lakh crore proposal aimed at decarbonising the steel industry. This initiative is part of the broader sustainability and environmental goals set by the Indian government.

Objective and Goals:
The primary objective of the proposal is to reduce carbon emissions significantly and enhance the environmental performance of the steel sector. This aligns with India’s commitment to climate action and green growth.

Investment Focus:
The proposal will channel funds into advanced technologies, energy-efficient processes, and renewable energy sources. Key areas of investment include electrification, hydrogen-based steelmaking, and carbon capture technologies.

Expected Benefits:
Implementing this plan is expected to lead to major reductions in carbon emissions, improve air quality, and contribute to sustainable development. It will also bolster India’s position as a global leader in green steel production.

Industry Impact:
The steel industry, being a major emitter of greenhouse gases, will undergo a transformation. This shift will require industry-wide adaptation and could influence global steel market trends.

Government Support:
The Indian government is committed to providing policy support, incentives, and regulatory frameworks to facilitate this transition. This includes subsidies for green technologies and research and development funding.

Timeline and Phases:
The implementation will be carried out in phases over the coming years. Short-term goals will focus on immediate emission reductions, while long-term goals will target more comprehensive technological advancements.

Stakeholder Involvement:
Collaboration with industry stakeholders, technology providers, and research institutions will be crucial. Engagement with local communities and environmental groups will also play a role in ensuring the success of the proposal.

The initiative may face challenges such as high costs, technological barriers, and regulatory hurdles. Addressing these challenges will be essential for the successful execution of the decarbonisation plan.

Future Outlook:
The proposal positions India as a key player in the global movement towards sustainable steel production. It sets a precedent for other sectors to follow and supports the country’s broader climate goals.

The Steel Ministry’s proposal for a Rs.23.52 lakh crore decarbonisation plan represents a significant step towards reducing carbon emissions in the steel industry. With substantial investment in green technologies and strong government support, this initiative aims to drive sustainable growth and position India as a leader in environmental stewardship.

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New home prices in China fall 5.3% in August 2024

New home prices were down 5.3% from a year earlier.





Official data revealed that China’s new home prices had fallen at their fastest rate in over nine years in August, as supportive measures failed to induce a significant recovery in the property sector. The data showed that new home prices were down 5.3% compared to the previous year, marking the sharpest decline since May 2015, compared to a 4.9% drop in July, based on calculations by Reuters from National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) data. Monthly figures indicated that new home prices had fallen for the fourteenth consecutive month, decreasing by 0.7%, which was the same drop recorded in July.

The property market in China continues to struggle with deeply indebted developers, incomplete apartments, and declining buyer confidence, which is putting a strain on the financial system and threatening the 5% economic growth target for the year. A Reuters poll had forecast that home prices in China would decline by 8.5% in 2024 and by 3.9% in 2025 as the sector struggles to stabilise.

Zhang Dawei, chief analyst at property agency Centaline, mentioned that the property market is still gradually bottoming out, with home buyers’ demand, income, and confidence expected to take some time to recover. He noted that the market was anticipating a stronger policy response. According to the official data released on Saturday, property investment had fallen by 10.2% and home sales had dropped by 18.0% year-on-year in the first eight months of the year.

Chinese policymakers have stepped up efforts to support the property sector, including reducing mortgage rates and lowering home buying costs. These measures have partially revitalised demand in major cities, while smaller cities, which have fewer home purchase restrictions and high levels of unsold inventory, are particularly vulnerable. This situation underscores the difficulties faced by authorities in balancing demand and supply across different regions.

In a research note on Friday, Nomura indicated that with the growth slowdown worsening under new headwinds in the second half of the year, Beijing might eventually need to step in as the “builder of last resort” by directly providing funding to delayed residential projects that have already been pre-sold. According to Bloomberg News, China may cut interest rates on over $5 trillion in outstanding mortgages as early as this month.

To support these mortgage rate cuts, economists at ANZ suggested that a reduction in the five-year Loan Prime Rate was likely in September, along with a 20 basis point cut to the medium-term lending facility (MLF) and a 50 basis point cut to the reserve requirement ratio (RRR).

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