Arcelor Mittal and their partners Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd (MHI), BHP and Mitsubishi Development Pty Ltd successfully started operating their trial carbon capture unit on a blast furnace off gas at the ArcelorMittal Gent in Belgium. The collaboration was announced in Oct’22 on a multi-year trial of MHI’s carbon capture technology Advanced KM CDR Process) at multiple CO2 emission points, starting at the Gent Steel making site.
Engineers have been working on site since January to start the pilot unit, the company plans to operate and observe for 1-2 years before progressing to full scale deployment of the technology. The pilot unit will initially be testing with a blast furnace and reheating furnace gas and has the potential to be used to capture Steelmaking gases like reformer flue gas from a Direct Reduced Iron plant (DRI).
The trial at Gent will progress in two phases, the first phase involves capturing and separating the CO2 from the top gas and the second phase involves testing the CO2 in the off-gases and burn a mixture of industrial gases.