
It is essential to identify priority areas of technology application and innovation




Mining in India is an activity that is not only labour-intensive and technology-driven, but it also requires working under numerous governmental norms. Additionally there are sector-specific challenges and environmental impact to contend with. Pukhraj Sethiya, Associate Vice President, Adani Enterprises Limited – Mining & Integrated Coal Management, talks to ICR about the various efforts undertaken by the company to ensure sustainable mining operations and the role of technology in the larger scheme of things.

What is the volume of coal mined by your organisation in India?

Adani Group’s mining vertical is currently operating as Mine Developer and Operator (MDO) for various power utilities whereby we are developing and operating mines for these power utilities, producing coal and delivering at pre-agreed mining charges. Currently we are operating in Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Madhya Pradesh. We are also developing new projects in these states with combined contracted capacity of over 100 MT of coal production each year. 

We have also secured rights to mine for five coal blocks under the commercial coal mining auction, which would be developed and operated in coming years with a combined production capacity of more than 12 MT. 

Your organisation supplies coal to which industries and regions? What is the volume of coal supplied to the cement industry?

As discussed above, we are currently mining coal as MDO for various power utilities and the coal is exclusively being consumed by the power sector except to the extent regulations allow coal block owners to sell in the market. However, our group is also into coal trading whereby we supply coal to cement companies, too, from foreign origin. 

What are the major challenges in the process of coal mining?

Development and operationalisation of coal mines in India is marred with numerous challenges across its life cycle. Major challenges can be summarised as follows: 

  • Land Acquisition: Coal mining activity, especially open cast coal mining needs a large tract of land both within the mining lease area as well as outside for dumping of overburden. Land is one of the most desired resources. Acquiring the land and the cost of land acquisition has become onerous in coal mining. 
  • Licence to operate: Coal mining requires several clearances prior to operationalisation. Key clearances are Environmental Clearance and Forest Clearance. Obtaining these clearances are time consuming and need engagement with various stakeholders including central and state government, local administration, local population etc., and have various compliance requirements. Thus, a good track record and proposal to protect the environment and forest while doing mining is key to obtaining the clearance. Further, post mining mine closure and restoration of mined out land to near original condition helps with sustainable environment management. 
  • Technical challenges: Most of the new coal blocks on offer are remote, having difficult access and adverse geological conditions such as higher stripping ratio, poor coal quality etc. Hence, the effective mining cost of such blocks is high. 
  • Logistics: New mining areas lack last mile connectivity. Therefore, mine owners also need to invest substantially in developing last mile connectivity to offtake coal, which increases the cost of projects.  

What is the impact of coal mining on the environment? 

Mining activities change the land use pattern and thus impact the flora, fauna, water table and vegetation in the mining area and surrounding areas to a certain extent. However, by deploying sustainable practises, which are part of mine planning and implementation, this impact can be reduced to a great extent. We have been deploying sustainable mining practises in our mines, which have mitigated the impact of mining activities on the environment to a great extent while at the same time generating a large number of employment. 

Some of the sustainable practises adopted by us include transplantation of trees rather than simply cutting them, soil storage, water treatment and reutilisation, coal transportation through mechanised and covered means etc. 

Tell us about the efforts taken by your organisation to reduce the impact of mining on the environment.

Being a responsible mining company, AEL – Mining takes into account the environmental impact that its operations generate and devise measures to mitigate and minimise them. This is done by establishing clear and stringent internal standards and practises that are in line with local and international environmental standards, laws and regulations.

Internal guidelines for environmental management are clearly articulated in the Sustainable Mining Manual for Biodiversity and Resource Use and Waste Management. Every mine is audited at least once a year to ensure that all environmental risks are being managed correctly.

Regular open dialogue with project affected communities has helped the company better understand the ecological dynamics and improve its conservation efforts as well as judiciously address any environmental complaints related to air pollution, water pollution etc.

The company also takes part in industry reviews of biodiversity, water stewardship and tailings management to share practises, keep up-to-date on the latest and innovative initiatives and improve upon existing approaches and practises.

Latest innovations and technologies such as surface miner, tree transplanter, geo blanketing, etc., have been adopted for minimal impact on the environment and long-term sustainability of the business operations.

AEL – Mining takes proactive and protective measures to minimise its environmental impact and has developed four goals to this effect:

  • Conducting the business in harmony with nature
  • Measuring the carbon footprint across all business operations
  • Putting in place management systems and policies to ensure the efficient use of resources
  • Undertaking strategies and initiatives to reduce resource consumption and maximise recycling

The following examples show the Adani Groups’ efforts to reduce the impact of mining on the environment:

Soil erosion: In 2018, an eco-friendly geo-green blanketing project was initiated to prevent soil erosion during heavy rainfall, reduce surface runoff, arrest immediate migration of soil and encourage the development of dense vegetation. This project has resulted in slope stabilisation and erosion control around the mining sites. It works by providing an early hold to the vegetation in gripping the deeply excavated soil together.

Air pollution: To monitor air quality, the company has installed in its operation sites the latest air pollution control technology and framework. Regular monitoring of dust and air emissions are conducted through installed control devices. This is a necessary exercise as it allows the company to operate in compliance with the existing air quality standards.

Traditional mining like blasting and stacking generates dust that results in the deterioration of the air quality. To control this, the eco-friendly surface miner technology was adopted and it has proven to be a more environment-friendly method of mining.

GreenHouse Gas (GHG) Emission: The energy-efficient nature of the business makes it imperative for the energy consumption and GHG emissions to be effectively managed. 

To minimise the impact, the company is actively implementing the Energy and GreenHouse Gases Protocol. By tracking the intensity of GHG emissions, AEL – Mining has been able to gauge the overall energy efficiency of its processes.

Under the reuse and recycle programme the organisation takes the below mentioned efforts:

Water recycling and treatment: Water is a precious resource that is of high environmental and social value for communities and a necessary input for the mining process. To avoid conflict, effective water stewardship is essential. A comprehensive water management planning process has allowed AEL – Mining to manage the impact of its activities on water availability, optimise water usage and protect the resource rights of the locals.

The operations proactively monitor both the impact of the water withdrawal and discharge. The Mine Water Recycling Project ensures that the generated mine water is reutilised in the washery operation and plantation within the property premises after proper treatment. A water reclamation system with zero discharge to outside water bodies has also been adopted. The water from the dewatering screens and other auxiliary equipment is collected at a central point and treated to thicken the slurry and recover the water.

Waste management: Responsible management of waste at company’s mining operations is formalised through the comprehensive waste management plans. Different types of waste produced by the mining activities, how to manage them, including identification of waste minimisation opportunities, recycling and re-use are laid down in these waste management plans.

The waste generated at these sites is generally in the form of waste rock or waste soil, where 99% of the waste generated is classified as non-hazardous waste and the rest as hazardous waste. The hazardous waste is transported off-site for treatment and reuse or disposal. All waste generated is disposed of in compliance with the waste disposal regulations and waste management plans.

Other waste management initiatives include use of organic waste converters to make manure out of the waste from canteens and residential areas. Sewage treatment plants prevent increase in landfills through aerobic digestion, desalination plants and recycling of solid waste. A waste destruction machine, available at all the sites, destroys all remaining waste that has no scope for recycling.

What other sustainability efforts are taken by the mining vertical of your organisation?

‘Green Mining’ and ‘Responsible Mining’ being the motto, AEL – Mining has adopted integrated environment management processes in its day-to-day processes to mitigate environmental risks. A series of environmental indicators to monitor impact on air, water, soil and biodiversity have also been developed. Such proactive monitoring and management tools are supporting the company’s mission of contributing to a greener world by reducing environmental damage, recycling used resources and keeping the environment as natural as possible.

Reforestation: To minimise the impact on tree cover and green cover in and around the mining areas, the business has adopted various reforestation practises and technologies. 

Tree transplanter: AEL – Mining is the first company in India to deploy a tree trans-planter for transplanting trees found within the mining area. The tree transplanter is a cost-effective and efficient solution to move and transplant mature trees. This truck works by lifting the entire tree (girth >= 6 inches) with their root intact and relocating them to safe areas away from the mining area.

Nurseries: Besides preventing loss of tree cover, an in-house nursery for developing the native flora has also been set up. This initiative is part of our ecological restoration efforts.

Land reclamation: The company is not only responsible for managing its impact during operations, but also after the mining activities have stopped. Land reclamation is the process of restoring the mined-out land to as close to its natural state as possible. This involves ensuring that there are no health and safety risks from the mining waste, equipment and infrastructure. The latest technological innovations such as Geographic Information System (GIS) based land reclamation systems have resulted in increased efficiency.

Green belt development: To maintain the ecological balance, green belt development is undertaken around the mine site. Afforestation programmes where native species of Sal, Shisham, Shishoo, Teak, Neem etc. are planted in and around the mining sites. Efforts are also made to capture fugitive emissions, offset the noise generated and improve the aesthetics of the region.

Biodiversity management: Since the mining sites are located in ecologically sensitive areas, plans have been developed to protect both terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity. The Biodiversity Management Plans forms an integral part of the company’s approach to ecological conservation both at time of exploration and closure of mining sites.

Environment awareness: Various programmes and campaigns are regularly organised at several levels, for both employees and surrounding communities, to sensitise them towards the environment and spread awareness about the fragile nature of the ecosystem and the importance of preserving it.

What happens to the waste generated by coal mining? What efforts are being taken to tackle the same? 

We take significant steps in reducing the consumption of natural resources through innovation and thereby minimise the impact on the environment. These include extending the life cycle of plants and machinery through innovation and adopting a circularity model by recycling hazardous waste. We also understand the negative environmental impacts due to disposal of waste water. While evaluating the impacts due to discharge of waste water we consider eco-toxicology, nitrogen content, phosphorus content and impact on public health.

Tell us about the use of technology in achieving sustainability goals of mining. 

  • Integrating environmental solutions into mine planning like maximising backfilling, lesser extent of road transport length etc., are essential for sustainable mining. 
  • Usage of electrically driven machinery like surface miners and shovels may not only reduce the fuel consumption but also lead to less heat dispersion and less noise pollution.
  • Usage of bigger machines render environmental advantages because of less specific fuel and other resources consumption, less pollution dispersion because of bulk handling and a smaller number of exposed people.
  • In-pit crushing is environmentally beneficial due to lesser transportation requirement and confining of work area within the pit.
  • Use of Long-Distance Belt Conveyor or Piped Conveyor Belt for transportation of coal to CHP may be the preferred option by merit of environmental advantages of replacing road transportation.

How can mining be made more sustainable for the environment and how do you foresee the future in this direction?

From the perspective of technology innovation, the authorities should reinforce the application and reformation of green mining technologies. Currently, green mining technologies mainly encompass technologies aimed at land reclamation, water conservation and gangue discharge reduction. 

Additional focus on formulation of regulations and establishing standards to encourage the application of green mining technologies and simultaneously curb the use of old mining methodologies at the coal enterprise level should be done by the policymakers.

The government should also encourage technology innovations through cooperation mechanisms by formulating efficient operation frameworks organised by government sectors and coal enterprises. It is essential to identify priority areas of technology application and innovation. Miners should be incentivised to maximise the recovery of coal so that additional costs can be taken care of. 

Mining and the entire coal movement can be made more sustainable by promoting PPP for last mile connectivity, which will reduce load on land and environment by promoting large scale operations and more mechanisation.

Kanika Mathur

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