According to the Sustainable Development Report 2012 from the Minerals Products Association (MPA), Cement, emissions from the UK cement industry have increased marginally. The study noted a small rise in nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and dust emissions as compared to levels measured in 2011. The levels however, are below the norms set by Environmental Permitting Regulations. The study cites several reasons for the rise. Carbon dioxide levels to have gone up as a result of increased production of CEM I type cement. The study had positive news where numbers showed a decrease in lost time injuries and rise in the use of alternative fuels, in comparison to numbers reported in 2012.
´Our sustainable development challenges are many and varied, but our strength lies in recognising what these are, setting them out clearly for external stakeholders to see, implementing the measures necessary to meet these challenges and reporting on progress. This first full sustainable development report for the UK cement industry is an important step along a journey that is leading us to a more sustainable future,´ Dr Pal Chana, Executive Director of the MPA, said.