30 – 31 Jan 2014 London
Global Boards Conference and Exhibition
DESCRIPTION: The inaugural Global Boards Conference and Exhibition 2014 will look at global market trends in boards and panel systems, at the latest advances in production technology and at how producers can add value to their products worldwide. In addition to equipping delegates with the latest information, news and developments, the opportunities for networking will be excellent. Delegates from over 25 countries are expected to attend this meeting, which will take place at the Hallam Conference Centre, 44 Hallam Street London, W1W 6JJ United Kingdom.
CONTACT: Sonal Patel Pro Global Media Ltd
Email: delegates@propubs.com
WEBSITE: www.propubs.com/industries/global-boards/conferences/introduction
Dubai2 – 5 FEB 2014
Cemtech Middle East and Africa 2014
DESCRIPTION: During the three-day programme, delegates will listen to presentations covering all aspects of the business from country reports and global market trends, through to finance and management, new project case studies, as well as in-depth discussions on energy an alternative fuels, grinding technology, distribution, and much more. The main goal for the Cemtech events is to provide a platform for the industry to share insights into best practice production techniques, with the objective of becoming more efficient, sustainable and profitable. To this end, the accompanying exhibition offers participants the opportunity to engage with a range of experts and equipment suppliers, and a full range of services to the global cement sector.
CONTACT: David Hargreaves, P.O. Box 7978, Dubai, UAE
Tel: +44 1306 740363
EMAIL: dwh@CemNet.com
WEBSITE: www.Cemtech.com/2013
Vienna 24 – 25 FEB 2014
Global CemFuels Conference and Exhibition
DESCRIPTION: Global CemFuels Conference and Exhibition has established itself as one of the largest specialised annual alternative fuels conference in the world, attracting around international 150 delegates each year. Vienna offers a well-located destination for the eighth Global CemFuels conference, close to the heartland of European alternative fuels. The event will showcase a state-of-the-art collection, handling, processing and firing of all types of alternative fuels for cement and lime production.
CONTACT: Mrs Amanda Crow Pro Global Media Ltd.,
Tel: +44 1372840959
EMAIL: delegates@propubs.com
WEBSITE: www.cemfuels.com/conferences/global-fuels/introduction
Mumbai 28 FEB 2014
The Third Indian Drymix Mortar Conference
DESCRIPTION: SEADMA and MEDMA Conferences are the only events worldwide which entirely focuson dry mix mortar technology, materials and equipment.
CONTACT: drymix.info Tegernseer Landstr 26, D-81541, Mnnchen Germany.
Tel: +49-89-62009911
EMAIL: info@drymix.info
WEBSITE: www.drymix.info
Chennai 13-15 MAR 2014
Advances in Civil Engineering and Chemistry of Innovative Materials
DESCRIPTION: This conference, organised by SRM University Ramapuram, aims to provide opportunities for both academic and industrial communities alike, to address new trends and challenges and emerging technologies on topics relevant to today´s fast- moving field of civil engineering.
CONTACT: ACECIM´14 Dr. T. Ch. Madhavi Prof & Head of the Department of Civil Engineering
SRM University, Ramapuram Campus Bharathi Salai, Chennai 600 089
WEBSITE: www.acecim14.in
Singapore 17-19 MAR 2014
Inspection, Appraisal, Repairs and Maintenance of Structures (RB14)
DESCRIPTION: The conference is organised by CI-Premier to share knowledge in the field of civil engineering and construction.
CONTACT: John CI-Premier Pte Ltd, 150 Orchard Road #07-14, Orchard Plaza, Singapore 238841.
Tel: (065) 6733-2922
f: (065) 6235-3530
EMAIL: ci-p@cipremier.com
WEBSITE: www.cipremier.com
Washington 3-17 APR 2014
2014 IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference
DESCRIPTION: The 2014 IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference will be held at the Gaylord National Resort and Conference Center, 201 Waterfront St., Washington DC, Maryland, 20745, USA. The industry comes together to share the latest economic forecast, industry news, government regulation updates, and the latest technology.
CONTACT: Conference Managers
Tel- 301-965-4000
EMAIL: WCE@CementConference.org
WEBSITE: Cementconference.org
Mumbai 10 – 14 FEB 2014
FIB Congress 2014
DESCRIPTION: The fourth International fib-Congress 2014 will be at Renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre, Mumbai. The main theme of the congress is ´Improving performance of concrete structures.´The choice of this theme is a response to the concerns of the present day societies about sustainability of their efforts in achieving better standards of living. At the same time, adverse impacts of these efforts on the earth´s environment have to be minimised.
Concrete structures of the new infrastructure have to have better performance built into it from the beginning. As a result, many new considerations have entered in the processes of planning, designing, construction and management of the same. Much progress has been made in this direction by defining new criteria of performance. Much more work is expected in near future. ´Improving Performance of Concrete Structures´ is chosen as the main theme of the Congress.
CONTACT: S.G. Joglekar, Secretary, Executive Committee of Organising Committee – IMC-fib, C/o STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
TEL: 022-40887777
FAX: 022-27836240
EMAIL: navimumbai@stupmail.com
WEBSITE: www.fibcongress2014mumbai.com