21st – 23rd February, 2013 Cairo, Egypt Cement and Concrete Middle East is an exhibition regarding the latest equipment, technologies and services in the cement industry. The construction boom that is going all over the world has paved the way for the development of newer methods and equipments for cementing and concreting works. At this three day event, visitors will be able to take a closer look at the products and services offered by different companies in the cementat industry and can talk directly with the exhibitors and can make a right evaluation of the products. Website: www.arabiangerman.comInternational Conference on Rehabilitation and Restoration of Structures13th-16th February, 2013 Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India.The extension of the useful life of infrastructure, housing and other civil engineering constructions is of major concern around the world. Due to the environment action, accidental overloads, alterations in the use or layout, and ingress of water and other harmful substances, rehabilitation is almost always necessary during the service life of a constructed facility. As our infrastructure gets older and the demand on existing structures increases, rehabilitation often overtakes new construction in the priorities of users and engineers. Further, the restoration of heritage and historic structures requires the amalgamation of archeology, materials science and engineering to achieve the desired results. This conference will provide a forum for researchers, practicing engineers, material and systems suppliers, applicators and analysts working in these areas to exchange ideas and to network. Website: www.btcm2013.iitm.ac.in8th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures10th -14th March 2013 Univ of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, SpainThe activities of IA-FraMCoS provide great advances on new technological development in concrete materials and concrete structures. Among the important roles of IA-FraMCoS, the primary one is to organise the international conferences on a triennial basis to communicate and compile recent advances on the related subject areas. The major topics for FraMCoS-8 include recent advances in fracture mechanics of concrete, fracture and cracking behavior of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, high-performance, high strength concretes and FRC, advances in structural design codes, structural monitoring and assessment, repair and retrofitting, practical applications, durability and corrosion-induced cracking, interface fracture and debonding phenomena. Website: http://www.framcos8.orgUKIERI Concrete Congress 5th – 8th March 2013 Jalendar, PunjabThe Organising Committee has much pleasure in forwarding the third brochure of the Congress showing all the papers for each of the six conferences and the Registration Form. Judging from the response, the Congress is expected to be a big international event with participants coming from 40 countries. Website: www.ukiericoncretecongress.comINTERCEM3rd – 5th March 2013 CairoINTERCEM announces their return to Cairo for the MENA meeting from 3rd- 5th March 2013. Despite the political upheavals of the Arab Spring and the uncertainty that pervades much of the region, Egypt remains a vibrant and growing cement market with plans to increase production substantially over the next decade and also gives an opportunity for networking. Tel: 0020 22524 5160/161/162Email: joseph_adel@starofegypt.com