Product development

Usage of gunning products in refractory is increasing




– Mayank D Kamdar, Marketing Director, Lilanand Magnesites

What has been your response to the exhibition organised by NCB in the bi annual event?
Every year we have been participating in the exhibition organised by NCB. This year the response has been far better than the last exhibition. The purpose here is two fold. We met new potential customers and also met the existing ones. Meeting the new customers is to generate business, and the purpose to meet the old customers is to discuss about the performance of our products, services, and to inform them about the new developments.

Do you experience any signs of economic slowdown?
As far as our business is concerned, we have not experienced any signs of economic slowdown. In fact the last four to five months of the present financial year have been pretty good for the cement industry. The organisers of the exhibition are echoing that they have received good response from the exhibitors as compared to the last event.

Do you think that meetings that are taking place here will convert into tangible business?
Yes, we have received some genuine leads and are hopeful that it will convert into business.

Tell us something on the new developments happening in your product range.
In unshaped refractories, for nearly last two years, the new trend that is picking up, is the use of gunning products.

Is it for repair job or even for new jobs?
Gunning is certainly very useful for repair job but it can be used for new jobs as well. When there is very tight timeline, gunning is useful to cut down the time consumed on applying refractories.

Is gunning a person-centric job? The man who holds the gun is extremely important in the gunning job. Kindly explain.
No doubt that the technician behind the gun is extremely crucial, but we have designed our products in such a way that the job of gunning becomes very easy and simple. Even a person with limited skills can undertake the job. The developments made in our products have made the job of gunning very a simple process and easy. With our products, it has become error free. The technician behind the gun has to strike a balance between the binder and the material and for that he only needs some experience.

How refractory industry can help save environment?
Today in refractories you get cost high, these are high performance materials. See the low cost or high cost materials consume the same energy and have the same carbon footprints. Therefore it is advisable to use high cost high performance materials so that you consume less refractories that are to be manufactured with same energy, give same carbon emissions but get nearly a double or more life, thereby reducing on energy consumption and carbon emissions.

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