What are the safety measures the cement companies have to take in their plants?
For us at Dalmia, our employees are our biggest asset and we ensure that all the processes are met and duly complied with, to meet the regulatory norms with respect to employee’s safety. Manufacturing of cement involves certain operations that expose personnel working in the plants to several health-related risks. The risks based on activity and nature of operations could be categorized as high, medium or low depending on the frequency of exposure and potential consequences.
At Dalmia, we take a two-pronged approach to ensure highest safety for our employees, i.e strong leadership and fair governance. Some of the key elements that certify highest level of safety across all our plants are as follows:
a.Behavioural-based training programmes
b.Work permit system
c.LOTOTO – lock out, tag out and try out of electricity and all other energies like, pneumatic and gravitational
d.SOT – Safety observations tour
e.Machine guarding
f.Maintaining all lifting machines, tools and tackles, certification and quarterly color coding.
g.Engineering controls.
h.Rewards & recognition for best safety man of the month.
What is the equipment you are making for improving the safety in cement manufacturing?
Innovation is in our DNA. To enhance efficiency and ensure zero lapses at the work place with respect to safety, we have in-house developed equipment such as portable ladders for lid opening of bulkers, tarpaulin tying of trucks and wagons, warning lights at the confined space integrated to the CCR, fish bone designed parking yard for smooth entry and exit of trucks, use of latest equipment’s like roller beams, 360 degree chain pulley blocks, Ratchet lever for safe operations during shut down/break down. Double dummy arrangements in pyro clone/kiln riser duct, manual cleaning of silo is replaced by BINWHIPS.
What are the measures cement companies have to take to guard manpower against dust, heat, particles and noise pollution?
Cement companies are extremely cautious of the preventive measures that need to be taken at the time of any contingency. At Dalmia, we follow a very strict compliance mechanism to safeguard our employees at the time of any mishap.
All the areas in the plants are surveyed and signages have been displayed about the hazard and a safety manual is also provided to the employees. Workers carry out a daily cleaning procedure along with changing of bag filters as per OEMs manual. As a protocol, plant personnel need to wear PPES, PPS-2 nose mask, earmuffs at high noise areas and aluminum suits in hot zones before carrying any process. We have built green zones across the plant vicinity and at different points to minimize the impact on the environment. Water cooler points with rest shelters are provided across all plants and ORS is provided during summer season.
What is the level of hazard communication followed in the Indian cement industry and how it compares with the international best practices?
I think hazard communication needs to be talked across forums and different platforms to be able to sensitise employees across the company about such occurrences and how one needs to deal with it, across different levels. After the Make In India (MII) movement, India has become the world’s biggest manufacturing hub and allows companies to exchange ideas, industry’s best practices related to hazard management etc. At Dalmia, hazard is communicated across levels including all our stake holders via Peep talk, Apex committee meeting, gate meetings, safety induction, circulars, WhatsApp groups, etc. This helps in widening the horizon of the employees towards potential hazards that can take place at different stages of manufacturing.
What is the level of accident reporting standards adopted in India in comparison with global benchmarks?
As a protocol, in occurrence of any mishap/ accident, it needs to be immediately reported to the senior management, including COO and concerned regulatory authorities. A detailed investigation is conducted within 48 hours, which is shared with all the talent groups. A comprehensive analysis of the situation is carried out along with findings and learnings, which is shared with the respective team heads for internal implementation to avoid any such instances in future.
What are the benefits that high safety standards bring in for a corporate entity?
Benefits: A safe and healthy workplace not only protects workers from injury and illness, it also reduces the cost factored to deal with injured employees, reduce absenteeism and employee turnover, increase productivity and quality, and boosts the morale of the employee. A highly safe and conducive environment enhances their efficiency and improves confidence of working in a plant. Employees not only feel safe but also take pride in their workplace that leads to awards and recognition for the company.
Is there a concept called Total Safety Management, and if yes, what are its components?
Yes, we do have a TSM programme and we call pillars of safety which constitutes:
a.S&P: Standards and procedures
b.SOA: Safety observation and audit
c.CSM: Contractor safety Management
d.IIC: Incident investigation committee
e.RSM: Road safety management
Are there any estimates on savings due to high standard of safety measures at the national and global levels?
Savings: A company can save huge amount of costs by implicating the right safety measures at the right time. We have applied safety measures in such a way that we get to save direct and indirect costs in a big way.
1.Direct or insured or tangible cost: This includes the compensation paid to the injured person, or insurance premium, medical, hospital charges and transport charges directly paid by employer.
2.Indirect or uninsured or Intangible cost: There are umpteen types of indirect costs and need careful consideration to determine their equivalent monetary value. Use of cost data sheets and other methods have been developed to calculate indirect costs. These include the following:
Cost of wages paid for working time lost by workers, other than injured workers.
Cost of learning period and preparation of new workers.
The net cost to repair or replaced material or equipment that was damaged in accident.
Cost of work interruption due to idle machine, work stoppage or spoilage.
Hazard – Preventive Action
Dust- Usage of automated packing machines
- RABH for Kiln gases and high efficiency transformers in cooler ESP
- Usage of enclosed conveyors
- Storage of crushed raw materials in closed shed
- Appropriate respiratory protection should be worn
- Nuisance bag filters
- Water Spraying
- Heat-Proper negative draft in Pyro system with safety interlocks for sudden tripping Insulation of hot ducts
- Usage of appropriate and adequate PPE
Noise-Provision of silencer
Provision of enclosed room for compressors and blower
Uses of appropriate hearing protection as per designated zone