
What makes KCP Macherla plant the most cost-effective in India?




KCP Cement has come a long way from the foundation of the first cement plant in Macherla in 1958 to one of the leading cement groups in India. The specifications of cement manufactured here exceed those set by BIS, BS and ASTM by a wide margin. Today KCP has very strong presence in the south Indian cement market, where its products are valued for their superior quality. Dr G V K Prasad elaborates, in this company profile, why he believes that his plant is one of the most cost-effective and reliable plants ever commissioned in India.

The company?s philosophy to modernise, indigenise and never compromise on technology has lifted it to a new level. KCP has a highly energy-efficient plant, featuring most advanced Humboldt pyro system, Pfeiffer vertical roller mills for raw material and coal grinding, FLSmidth advanced automation and plant instrumentation systems and a fully automated robot lab facility capable of sampling and sample transportation, preparation and analysis. The facility is also equipped with Schenck Process Automatic Cement Despatch Solution System. In addition, the plant has state-of-the-art process bag filters that keep dust emissions well below 30 mg/Nm3. Silencers and noise enclosures have been provided for all noisy equipment.

The core equipment at the plant includes:

  • Hazemag crusher for limestone
  • Stacker reclaimer for limestone and coal
  • Raw Mill – Gebr. Pfeiffer MPS 4500B
  • Coal Mill – Gebr. Pfeiffer MPS 2800
  • Pre-heater – Humboldt Wedag (I), ph 8864- 6 stage
  • Kiln- Humboldt Wedag (I), 4.2 m x 64m
  • Pyro Step cooler
  • Pyro-jet burner
  • Two cement mills
  • Two EEL Roto Packer Type – 16 Rs – 1016J

The plant is one of the most modern of its kind in India and can produce 1.52 million tonnes of high quality cement annually, with well established quality control systems throughout the entire production process. One can rest assured that the cement will perform consistently in concrete mix designs.

Responsibility toward the environment
Environmental protection is a central part of our strategy of sustainability. In this regard, climate protection and conservation of resources are our predominant goals. Taking upcoming pollution control standards into account, the main process bag filters and nuisance bag filters were designed for an extremely low emission level of less than 30 mg/Nm3, the lowest level of emission in any Indian cement plant. We use natural resources responsibly and our goal is to lower the specific CO2 emission levels by 30 per cent (w.r.t those at 2011) by the year 2015. To reach this goal, production procedures are optimised continuously and the use of alternative raw materials and fuels is intensified.

Reduced noise levels
There has been a strong focus on reducing the noise level at the plant. Silencers and noise enclosures have been provided for all noisy equipment. Along with traditional noise-abating solutions, many new and unique technologies were implemented in the project. One of them is for the kiln shell cooling fans, which are among the noisiest pieces of equipment. For the first time in India, a stack of centrifugal fans with noise enclosures was used for kiln shell cooling.

Modern plant operation
KCP installed the most modern state-of-the-art process control instrumentation and fuzzy logic operation for smooth operation of plant and to maintain consistent product quality. In addition, this unit has one of the most modern automation and plant instrumentation technologies supplied by FLSmidth, Denmark.

Social responsibility
At KCP, social responsibility has a long tradition and is ranked highly in our corporate culture. We play an active role in the betterment of villages and communities where our production sites are located. We maintain an open dialogue with the neighbours, the local citizens and politicians, and any other stakeholders. KCP Cement contributes to the economic development of these communities with its regional activities. The examples of our social commitment are as numerous as are the cultures and people at our locations. Our activities range from cultural and charity projects to building temples, schools, and hospitals. Our contribution to the setting up public buildings and institutions for education and health, especially in local villages, underlines our commitment to the promotion of public welfare.

Surpassing expectations
This cement unit was completed in a record time of 15 months after the acquisition of land and went into operation from 29th Oct 2011 and it is fully operational at more than rated capacity. Even though the guarantee is for 4000 TPD, it has reached production figure of 4600 TPD within 10 days from the date of first kiln light-up. The power consumption recorded – 45.20 kWh/T of clinker and 72.6 kWh/T of OPC – is much lower than the international standards.

Dr G V K Prasad,
Executive President,The KCP

Our foundation – committed and qualified employees
?An excellent management team and committed, qualified employees are the foundation of our success. As a performance and result-orientated company, we place great value on the competence of our employees and management. This is why KCP Cement offers a wide range of possibilities for professional advancement and looks after occupational health and safety.?

Smt. V L Indira Dutt
Joint Managing Director

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