A new cement factory of Catumbela (Cimenfort) will produce from May 2012 about 700,000 tons of cement, from 720,000 tons expected per year. In this first phase the Cimenfort has an installed capacity of 720,000 tons per year, but as it will only start May it may produce nearly 700,000 tons until December. The first phase, reflected in a production based on mill will keep these levels, but the later stage envisages the construction of a furnace that will increase production from 100,000 to 200,000 tons per year. Given the geographical and strategic location of the plant (limited to about 10 metres from the railway station), the management of the company designed the supply of cement to the southern provinces of the country through Benguela railways. The provinces of Huambo, Bie and Kuando Kubango (besides the municipalities of Benguela-connected by road to Benguela Railways) will be the first to be considered in the distribution market of the new brand of cement.