
PRAKASH J RAJA is the proprietor of King's Trade Links. He has been a dealer since 1988.




"We started off as an entity catering to BMC contractors and gradually shifted focus towards loose cement in bulk catering to commercial RMC units and big infrastructural entities," said Raja. When asked about the largest selling cement, Raja replied that Holcim Group as a combined entity are the frontrunners. Their supply chain logistics in loose is terrific and they have a resounding response from the consumers in terms of high quality of concrete they can generate. When asked about the largest selling grade of cement, Raja replied, "RMC plants have 100 per cent demand for OPC as it gives them freedom to create different qualities of mixed designed concrete by using fly ash in tandem. Higher grades and blended cement are used in multi-floored buildings and specialised work contracts, there is steady demand in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities for the same". About volatility in prices, Raja said, "volatility is a two way circus. In the downward spiraling market, the consumers fragment their orders in small quantities as they anticipate a further lowering of prices, whereas during the up trending market, the supply side is brimmed with orders and hence there is a supply crunch. Consequently, it affects our cycle". The company caters to more than 25 RMC plants in Mumbai region. "Besides this we also cater to several builders and works contractors. We do not stock cement as we are into non-trade sales promotion and act as del credere for the promotions we make," said Raja. To improve sales, Raja suggested that sales can be improved by providing timely supplies and matching competent rates backed by steady quality standards. When asked about the ways to improve better packaging, Raja replied, "the loss in pilferage has now become minimal in bags owing to better supervision and transparency in weighing procedure. Bulkers with vacuumed seals provide a good measure against any such pilferage or even natural loss during transit". To speedup, delays at check post, Raja suggested, a pre-paid smart card device, can be very useful, which will help the procedure of lining up and waiting would reduce drastically.

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