Cement giant Lafarge, is mulling over to set up a research and development (R&D) facility in India for developing solutions and products to suit the growing demand of ‘green’ infrastructure and affordable housing. "Demand for new infrastructure and housing in India is increasing rapidly. This growth, however, must be met through new, innovative approaches to construction that take into account social, economic and environmental imperatives. We are mulling setting up a complete R&D facility in India," Lafarge Director (R&D), Pascal Casanova, told reporters recently at a meet. The company has four cement plants in India. Lafarge is currently tied-up with IIT Madras, IIT New Delhi, IIT Bombay, Indian Institute of Science (IISc) at Bangalore for carrying out research in concrete quality, life and durability. Casanova also announced the launch of ‘Lafarge Invention Awards 2011’ to reward innovative projects for sustainable construction in the country. "We are seeking to strengthen our collaboration with Indian construction innovators, through the awards," he added.