
Oxygen enrichment technology to speed-up the use of waste fuels




Air Products’ oxygen enrichment technology for cement and lime manufacturing was awarded "Global Alternative Fuels Technology of the Year." The award is given annually for the most innovative technology for alternative fuel use. Oxygen enrichment is a flexible, efficient and cost-effective technology that allows manufacturers to overcome the challenges of maintaining burning zone temperature and product quality when burning alternative fuels. The technology enables cement and lime producers to burn alternative fuels more consistently and at a higher flame temperature. Enriching the oxygen concentration of combustion air can help manufacturers increase current fuel substitution rates by 30 per cent to 80 per cent, maintain or increase production, and lower operating costs. Air Products presented a paper at the conference that explained the benefits of its proprietary technology and shared results of a recent installation in Asia that enabled a customer to increase the use of waste fuels and lower its costs.

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