A biodegradable and compostable cement bag has received special mention as an ‘ecoproduct’ for sustainable development at the Pollutec Business and Environment Awards. The Ciments Calcia BioSac, made with Biolice material from Limgrain C?r?ales Ingr?dients, is made by combining fractions from Limagrain maize cereal grains with a biodegradable polymer. "BioSac uses LCI’s biolice to give an innovative solution to the problems of managing this type of packaging," said Nathalie Gorce, Spokesperson. "The free film PE used for product conservation in current bags – along with kraft-type paper for strength resistance – is replaced by biolice to give a double layer to the cement bag," she added.
Contact: Italcementi SpA Tel: +39-035-396-111; Fax: +39-035-244-905 Email: info@italcementi.it Website: www.italcementi.it